Your Precious Smile Belongs to Me..ONLY ME

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Jai arranged for 3rd Year Anniversary of his company inauguration and had invited everyone associated with his company to acknowledge their participation in his & his company's professional advancement.

Vennela is asusual busy helping everyone at Jai's office for the event. Jai noticed Vennela
talking to Kishore with her usual smile. Even though he knows that's her nature, jai couldn't help not to feel jealous on seeing her talking to some guy with her signature smile. He starts fuming inside "Why the hell does she have to smile at him". Despite my warning , that idiot also still hanging around My Vennela " Jai staring at them. Kishore accidentally notices Jai. Remembering his warning he got previously, Kishore tries to move away from Vennela. Makes her to wonder what happened to him suddenly. She looks over him to see Jai talking to one of his staffs but his looks all over on her and kishore. Vennela smiles thinking her Bava must have been shooting daggers at him with his looks.

It was Lunch time. All staffs were enjoying lunch feast at the event. Vennela looking around for Jai. Realizing he is nowhere around. She asks Ajay and gets to know he went to cabin to have a video conference with one of his client.

Vennela waits for him so that they can have lunch together. After finishing his work, Jai gets down to have lunch with Vennela. He was feeling hungry but waits m to have lunch with his Vennela knowing she too will be waiting for him. However, His appetite was completely gone the moment he looks at Vennela again talking to someone with her usual smile. "Why does she have to smile at any person who is talking to her. Can she even talk!!!!! without that mesmerizing smile of hers!!!!!"

Jai unable to control his jealousy feeling, decides to leave from there.

Vennela noticing her bava walking away from her, Runs behind him calling, Bava... Bava...and finally gets hold of him.

Vennela: Bava, where are you going? Come let us have lunch..

Jai: I am not hungry. I am sure you had your lunch. Can you leave my hand now?

Since when Vennela had listened to anyone, she drags Jai towards their lunch place and makes him to sit, jai avoiding their eye lock.

Vennela: Sit, Bava... (when he resists)...I don't like to repeat things again and again.

Jai quietly follows her order to sit knowing what she is capable of. Vennela, serves him homemade food that she made this
morning just for him.

Still irked, Jai keeps pushing her hands indicating "No".. Feeling irritated, she just smacks his head.

Jai yelling : "Its Office, Vennela..."

Vennela in split seconds goes to hug him and holding his head close to her chest and caressing him. Jai smiling, enjoys her pampering..

After few minutes..

Jai: It's okay. Can we start our lunch now?

Vennela smiling shyly and serves him food and both of them have their lunch together.

Once done with their lunch and Vennela gets up. Jai makes a quick move to pull her close to him. Holding her close to his chest from behind...

Vennela is taken aback with his closeness.

Jai moving closer to her ears and whispers "Don't share this cute smile of yours with anyone.. IT BELONGS TO ME...ONLY ME"

He left from there leaving bewildered Vennela alone.

Vennela's smile is getting wider, when she knows why his Bava said that.

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