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Before you start requesting, please bear in mind I have rules. I hope you take your time to read them properly, since not reading them may have serious consequences.

1. I will only review these genres: Teen Fiction, Romance, ChickLit, Humour, Short Story, Poetry. Anything else will be rejected, unless you give me a valid reason to review your book or it contains elements of any of the above-listed genres.

2. I WILL accept: LGBTQ+, POCs, disabilities and mental illnesses, as long as your stories follow what I said in rule #1. Bear in mind, though, that I have no knowledge of mental illnesses and don't know much of other cultures, so my review could be influenced by that.

3. I will NOT accept fanfiction. That's it. Any fanfiction will be rejected.

4. I accept BOTH ongoing and completed stories. Shorter (or, anyway, incomplete) ones will be prioritized since they take less time to read.

5. I MAY decide to stop reading your story because it's too long or it doesn't catch my attention. This may be reflected in your review, so just hope your story is interesting enough.

6. I have queue lists. For each of them, I will accept up to 10 stories. After that, anyone who requests next will be put in the following list and will have to wait longer, so please be kind and courteous.

7. To request for a review, request below telling me: title, genre, number of chapters and story status (ongoing or completed).

8. There IS a payment for my services. I know, I'm demanding, but this is what I ask for you. Everyone who requests for the first time must follow me. Then, you have to comment on the assigned story on the assigned account following this system: every 4 chapters I have to read, you'll comment on one chapter, and so forth. If your story has less than four chapters, you'll comment on only one chapter. If, by chance, you've already commented ALL the chapters of the assigned story, you'll be assigned another. If you already follow me, the additional payment will be turned into adding the assigned story to your reading list or an extra comment.

9. You can request for more than a story at a time, but only up to 5.

10. The password is Jaiyana. If you don't include it by a reasonable period of time, I may have to deny your request.

Thank you so much for your attention. I hope not to have bored you with my rules, anyway.

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