When I Sleep... I Dream of Mars

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By bubblenikki

Title: Really interesting and catchy. I like it.

Blurb: To be truly honest, this confuses me. First of all, it lacks details. I'd like to know more about Raine, her backstory, and why exactly she doesn't remember anything about her life. Also, you could make the main conflict a little clearer.

Cover: It's simple and the picture choice is a little standard but appropriate.

Plot: For now, I only read the first chapter, but I hope to read more in the future. Your MC's voice is strong, powerful, enticing. I like how her thoughts match descriptions and your use of dialogues is clever. Perhaps, you'd like to add a little more suspense so that this whole scene doesn't risk falling flat afterwards.

Grammar: I noticed some mishaps, such as an improper use of dashes (you used two dashes instead of an em-dash and spaced them) other than several missing commas. Apart from that, your grammar is on point.

Overall rate: 8/10

Would I recommend reading this story?: If you like mystery and are intrigued by memory loss, you'll like this story, big time.

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