please stop!

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Chiều cao dòng name is Jake.I am 8 years old and I live in a mansion with a lot of other people.I have a sister...her name is Avalon and she abuses me...I tell her to stop but she doesn't.I cry and cry and cry but she won't stop.well,atleast  I still have friends....all of my friends are creepypasta and the people I live with are creepypastas.this is my story!!

It all started when I was 3 years old and my sister was 16....she didn't abuse me then and me and my family were all happy.Then,it all changed one stormy night...I was in bed sleeping when I heard my mom screaming so, as anyone would I went to my mom and dads room to see if she was ok...when I went into my moms and dads room...I saw my dad stabing my mom in the chest.she was screaming bloody murder.I..I didn't know what to do..I just broke down and cryed..I yelled at my dad to stop but he didn't.....he just kept stabbing my mom in the chest..when she was dead he looked at me and said"shhh..don't will be over soon".my eyes widen and I ran down the hallway and towards my sisters room.I could hear my dad run after me.I ran into my sisters room and shut the the door.then I locked my sisters door and looked around my room for my sister.I saw my sister,laying on the ground,bleeding,and her eyes had been ripped out.I saw from the bruises that she had that she put up a sister has always been a fighter.I.....I.....I.....I...had cryed so much I thought that I would die.I took my sisters knife,unlocked the door,and opened the door.My dad was standing outside my door and just staring.Then,my dad picked me up by the neck and threw me into the living room,breaking a wall.I was laying on the ground my back against the living room wall,I thought that all of my bones in my body broke when I went through the wall but,thats when I saw a gas can and a pack of matches.I reached my hand out and grab the gas can and matches.My dad walked towards me then,he saw me holding the gas can and matches"NO DONT!if you do this we will both die!"he yelled.I didn't care then,I opened the gas can and threw it on the floor,covering the floor."you
deserve to die"I said right before I lit a match and flicked it onto the floor.The floor lit up with fire instantly when the match touched the floor.I coughed and coughed intill I passed out.Before I passed out I could hear screaming,sirens of ambulances,and firefighters rushing up to the house.When I woke up I was in the hospital,in a hospital bed,and hearing docters talking.

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