Dr.....wait, Who?

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Okay, so I saw a really, really old Doctor Who movie...technically not extremely old, but anywho. It doesn't go by the same exact Dr. Who story line, but it's got Daleks, which is all I care about.
Oh my SC, fell in love with those guys. Totally want a text tone with them saying EXTERMINATE(Update: I got it XD). Okay, I admit, after a while their voice gets a *little* annoying....but it's still fun. So anyways, I saw something that reminded me of a Dalek the other day, and was like hey, I should make one. Out of paper. Yeah, good idea.
So, while watching MST3K(obviously a good SiFi motivator), I grabbed some construction paper, tape, and eventually some glue dots(couldn't help myself), and constructed what could be the most hideous Dalek ever. Or perhaps the so-ugly-it's-cute model, I dunno. It was fun though, and was really just a way for me to figure out the basic core shapes it takes to make one(didn't really accomplish that though haha). I really want to try making a nice one.
If, however, this is how they are all gonna look, I am so finished.

Admit it. He's kinda cute.
And purple.
Don't ask.

~ Jake Vader Out.

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