Chapter 12

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It'll Get Better

It was already a little late when Kyle and Raven decided to return back to the castle, with much hesitance, they noticed the visitors already exiting the castle, saying their goodbyes, thank you's and farewells to the royal family and Kyle's friends who stood by the entrance. They waved at them, and it took a while before every single visitor left, Raven growled again when they realized that Derrick's family was still there, talking with her family. Kyle smiled reassuringly, Raven merely glanced at him, Kyle's friends then saw them and they rushed over.

"Kyle, er.. princess?" Jake said, looking between them, Raven smiled sheepishly while Kyle rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "We were worried when the two of you didn't come back right away." He added, still concerned. Raven waved a paw dismissively.

"Thank you for the concern, but it wasn't my fault he followed me." Raven said, with no remorse. Kyle gaped at her. Izzy, Feather, Silver and Hunter stifled their laughter, Kyle's face burned with embarrassment. Raven couldn't help but silently laugh as well. Jake laughed too, Kyle looked away, huffing. "It's true." Raven said to him.

"After all I've done for you tonight, is this how you say thank you?" Kyle said, unamused. His friends blinked, they didn't expect that and the fact that Kyle spoke to her like she was any other normal jammer. She didn't seem to mind however and glared at him playfully. "Geez, you're welcome." Kyle huffed. Raven held her head high proudly. Suddenly, everyone's ears perked up when they heard the king call Raven over, prince Derrick was smiling at her with a weird look, Raven's ears folded back and she begrudgingly walked over to them. They didn't see that Raven subtly glanced at Kyle, who gave her a small smile of reassurance.

"What happened when we were gone?" Kyle asked after Raven left them for the meantime.

"Oh, nothing much really." Swift shrugged, "Just a couple more announcements and we ate a little more." She added, the rest of them nodded.

"The party was great though!" Feather said happily, flying around. "What are we gonna do tomorrow?" She asked.

"Well, I think we'll have to go back to Sean." Silver told her, Feather looked excited to see the leopard but sad to leave at the same time.

"I miss Sean, big bro, but do we haveeee to leave? I love spending time with these guys!" Feather pouted, her ears drooped and she gave her brother wide, pleading eyes, Silver sighed. "Can't we stay a littleeee bit longer? Please?" Feather clasped her paws together and stared at her brother. Silver looked at her for a few moments, then sighed again.

"Fine, I'll go back to Sean, you can stay here longer but you'll have to come back around midday. How's that sound?" Silver asked, he yelped when Feather suddenly hugged him, her tail wagging. "You're welcome." Silver mumbled, smiling a little at his enthusiastic little sister. Kyle stole a few glances towards Raven and her family, she didn't look pleased at all, and her parents and Derrick's parents were oblivious to it. Raven ignored the prince who tried to talk to her, merely looking away and turning her back on him, he looked annoyed but she didn't seem to care.

After a while the prince and his family finally left and everyone had to go to bed, Silver waved at everyone and took off to get home, Feather waved at her brother and flew beside her friends, Raven and her family walked the opposite direction, Kyle and Raven glanced at each other silently before separating. Everyone changed before getting into their beds, Swift and Jake shared a bunk bed, Hunter and Izzy shared one too, Laika and Feather shared the last bunk while Kyle took the single bed. They shared their 'good night's and Jake was the one who turned off the lights, the moon and stars still shone brightly out the window, illuminating the room a little.

Kyle curled up on his bed, unable to sleep right away. He looked at his friends who were falling asleep, their expressions peaceful, he turned his head toward one of the windows, and was deep in thought. Raven didn't like her engagement like he did before, and apparently she's in a more dangerous situation because she gets physically hurt when she's alone with that psychopath, he frowned in worry. He wished that he could just make her problems go away and she could finally be with someone she truly likes, Kyle sighed and tried to go to sleep.


"Kyle..? Psst.. Kyle.."

Someone was gently shaking him, Kyle stirred a little but had his eyes closed still, the shaking stopped until it started again, a bit more forceful this time, Kyle's face scrunched a little as he yawned. "Wake up.. Kyle.. it's me.." Kyle recognized the voice, he slowly opened an eye, and saw a gray and purple blur until his vision cleared. Kyle opened both his eyes in surprise, he quickly sat up, careful not to hit her nose, he looked at the others, they were sound asleep. He glanced at the window, the moon was gone but it wasn't broad daylight either.

"Raven? What time is it?" Kyle whispered to the princess, Raven rubbed her neck awkwardly.

"Sorry to wake you.. it's uh.. a little past three in the morning.." Raven said sheepishly, keeping her voice quiet. Kyle blinked in surprise. "Uh, do you wanna go back to sleep?"

"Since you're here at three AM, I assume it's important." Kyle said, he got off his bed and looked at her, "What do you need?" He whispered, Raven gestured for him to follow to the open doors, they quietly stepped out of the room. Raven and Kyle walked along the empty, peaceful hallways, their only light being the stars form the windows.

"I uh.. just wanted to tell you a few things.." Raven started in a quiet voice, Kyle turned to her, Raven's ears were flattened slightly and she only looked ahead as they walked, she sighed. "They're still going with the engagement, and.. I'll be.. ugh, married to him in about three months.." She said, irritated. Kyle didn't like it at all, he looked at her.

"I.. how are you feeling?" He asked quietly, not knowing what else to say.

"I've been way better before." Raven answered, looking disheartened, they stopped at a nearby balcony, and they just sat near the railing, looking at the sky, and the rest of the kingdom. A cool breeze followed but none of them said anything, Raven looked up at the sky. "I just... I just don't know how they're so.. oblivious to  the fact that he.." She shook her head, Kyle frowned, his paws were on the railing as he looked at her, Raven's chin was on her foreleg as she stared ahead blankly. "Even though I barely believe your words from a while back.. I.. I wanna believe them..."

Kyle remembered what he said. "They will. Trust me."

"For once after all that's happened, I have this small, shred of hope that they will notice and break it off.." Raven murmured, looking at Kyle for a while, Kyle smiled softly at her. Raven broke her stare, sighing and closing her eyes. "I.. I don't even know why I'm telling you this.. we just met this morning.." Raven stated, Kyle knew this was true, but spoke.

"You're right but.. I actually feel good at the fact you're telling me these things.." Kyle admitted, Raven was surprised, "Sure.. we just met but in this short time of knowing you so far, I realize that you're a pretty great princess, and well, you're pretty good all in all." Kyle rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, Raven was speechless, she looked away from him, her cheeks very light pink. "I'm.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Thank you.." Raven murmured, Kyle blinked in surprise. "Despite our really recent meeting.. after you found me after running from the party and stayed to listen, to check if I was okay, I.." Raven trailed off, Kyle's ears perked up, "Something told me, that you can be trusted." Raven finished. Kyle's heart skipped a beat. "It sounds ridiculous, I know." She added. Kyle shook her head.

"It doesn't sound odd, I promise. We all get that sometimes, it's kinda like our subconscious telling us something, or it's just our gut feeling. And I've learned to trust my gut." Kyle chuckled, Raven snorted a little. The moment was short but Kyle wanted to treasure it.

"I guess you're right.. I think it was either my gut or my subconscious that gave me the warnings about him." Raven said, looking thoughtful. Silence reigned, not an uncomfortable one, but rather a peaceful one, Kyle suddenly let out another yawn. Raven turned to him, giving him a sheepish look. "Oh, I forgot.. it's almost four.." Raven said. "You should get back to bed."

"What about you?" Kyle asked.

"I'll be here.. l thinking for a bit longer." Raven answered, "Don't think of me too much, go back to bed, Kyle." Raven ordered gently, Kyle hesitated, but nodded right after.

"See you later." Kyle murmured, Raven nodded at him, he started walking in the hallways again.

"See ya.." Raven said quietly before he disappeared in the hallways. He really is something.. I'll give him that.. Raven thought.


The morning light poured into the room from the window, the sun rose pretty high into the sky that was orange in color, creating a slightly warm atmosphere. Kyle stirred in his sleep, a bit too comfortable in his bed, and still a little tired since he woke up a bit early, though the light from the window was pretty welcoming. He rolled over to the side. Meanwhile, the light seemed to wake Swift up slowly, she opened an eye and yawned, Jake's foreleg was draped around her, she smiled softly. Swift gently pushed his foreleg off and hopped down the bed quietly, she stretched a little and looked out the window, then to her friends. Feather was sound asleep, her wings flapping around every once in a while, Laika was snoring slightly, Jake was still asleep as well, and Izzy and Hunter were snoozing peacefully, cuddled together.

Swift smiled, despite Izzy's past heartbreak and Hunter's usually closed personality, she was happy they were able to mend each other's hearts, Swift's especially happy since her cousin was able to find happiness again. Her ears perked up when she heard the doors open, Lulu was doing a flipper stand while looking around the room, Swift smiled sheepishly and waved gently.

"Morning." Swift said, walking towards the seal.

"Breakfast is ready. The royal family is expecting you all." Lulu smiled brightly, Swift nodded.

"I'll just wake the others up. Okay?" Swift said, Lulu nodded and slid off towards the family dining room. Swift turned to her friends, who were still fast asleep, she suddenly had flashbacks of when Jake decided to wake them up, she both rolled her eyes and smiled slightly at the amusing memory. She put her paw under her chin and started thinking of ideas, prank them? Sounds tempting, but maybe not, shout? No, that sounds too disrespectful since they were at a royal castle, she groaned quietly. Ultimately she decided that she'll wake them up the normal way.


Sounds of silverware clinking, plated moving slightly, conversations and occasional glass clinking surrounded the dining room, Swift and her friends didn't expect for such a delicious breakfast, consisting of eggs, bacon, pie, fruit, soup and others. Jake finished a plate and immediately went to get more, receiving a look from Hunter, he stuck his tongue out at him, Izzy was happily eating cherry pie, Swift ate some eggs while drinking some juice, Kyle ate an apple quietly, Hunter was eating bacon, Laika was peeling a banana and Feather was excitedly eating a piece of cake. The royal family sat across them.

"Thank you for the breakfast, your Highnesses." Jake said, smiling sheepishly as he wiped his mouth free of food.

"It's only our pleasure." The king smiled, glancing at him. "After breakfast, may we speak to at least three of you?" He asked, wiping his paw with a napkin. The group stared at each other, Swift and Jake raised their paws slightly to them, Hunter shrugged and raised his paw as well, Izzy, Kyle and Laika stared at each other, Izzy immediately broke eye contact and looked at her pie instead, Kyle rolled his eyes at Laika who kept looking, Laika's ears went down a little. "Very well. The rest of you may continue on your day as I speak to these three."

As breakfast finished, Swift, Jake and Hunter followed the rosy, family after Hunter gave Izzy a muzzle on the cheek, the remaining four decided to go out to the front, Raven looked at her parents and brother, and decided to follow the four instead. They walked to the front yard and Feather flew upwards in the sky, happily doing loops, spreading her small wings, a cold breeze was present and made flying more enjoyable. Laika sat on the grass quietly, seeming to be thinking, Izzy was running around under Feather, giggling with her, Kyle and Raven remained. Izzy suddenly surrounded a medium pile of leaves with green aura and made it fly around Feather, who giggled cheerfully. Raven blinked in surprise.

"Whoa." Raven whispered. "You guys really are magical." She added quietly in awe. Kyle smiled.

"Yeah." Kyle said, casually lifting a paw and making a small fire surround it, Raven looked at in in curiosity, Kyle clenched his paw and the fire was gone. "We all have separate elements so we have different capabilities." He added. Raven stared at her own paws. She looked at Feather who was flying around, making a mini tornado, Izzy stopped it by making some vines tickle Feather, she laughed and stopped making the tornado, falling softly on the ground. Raven then looked at Laika, who summoned a pretty tall rock and was sleeping on it, enjoying the warm sun.

"She seems pretty lonely." Raven commented quietly. Kyle glanced at Laika.

"She's been like that for a couple months now." Kyle sighed. Is it because of me? Since I'm the one she was closest to and she has nobody else?

"I feel kinda bad." Raven said, snapping him from his trance.

"It'll get better." Kyle said, sounding unsure of himself, but he has a feeling that something's gonna go right for Laika after some time.

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