Chapter 14

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Warning: The first few paragraphs contain pretty dark things and it may or may not be a trigger, you've been warned

Why Do You Care?

Comfortable silence reigned, the two foxes sitting down on the roof under the stars, Lucas and Laika didn't say anything yet, Laika's head was laid against his shoulder. Lucas stared off into an uncertain distance, their fur swayed gently in the wind that follows ever so often, Laika knew of the time, but she paid no attention, nobody would care anyway. Laika shifted her head a little, and looked up at Lucas, who glanced at her. He looked away, and sighed. "Ever since we moved.. things started going south for us.." Lucas started, little emotion in his voice. Laika's ears perked up, he had her full attention. "We moved here since one of my uncles lived here, but.. a few months later.. he died of a terminal illness.." Lucas added.

"I'm..-" Laika tried to say, Lucas closed his eyes before lifting a paw, signaling to stop, Laika closed her mouth with a worried expression.

"It's okay.." Luke trailed, opening his eyes again, "Anyway.. ever since after that, my parents would fight too many times. And I sometimes would be caught in the middle of it.." Luke sighed deeply, Laika put her head on his shoulder again slowly, "I'd sometimes get hit, but I was focused on trying to calm them down and keeping my sister Vie safe." Laika's heart melted, she didn't ever know if Luke was gonna have a sibling, and even when he did, she wasn't there to be happy with him, he seemed like a great brother. "Vie was only a couple months old.. and she didn't need to hear and witness all that.. that.."

"I understand.." Laika said softly when he couldn't find any words to describe it. Lukas nodded. "But.. I still don't get why.. you tried to.." Laika trailed, Luke looked up at the sky again, his eyes narrowed and she could feel his body tense up. She grew nervous, feeling as if she struck a nerve. "L-Luke I-"

"It's alright, Lai. I owe you an explanation." Lukas dismissed, Laika stayed silent. Sighing, he spoke again slowly, "So the fighting continued for a couple weeks, getting worse and worse each day. Then.. one day, my dad came home, drunk." Lukas growled, Laika winced, she could tell something bad was gonna follow.. "My mom was enraged that he would spend their hard earned money on something like alcohol, they argued again, then... t-then.. my dad.. h-he.." Lukas was now shivering, he hung his head low as he gritted his teeth, Laika's paw went on one of his, and she caressed it gently, trying to offer as much comfort as she could.. Lukas inhaled deeply, it was shaky, and his dark blue eyes were glassy. "H-He..."

Laika wasn't ready for what he said next.

"H-He... h-he.. killed my mom and sister..." Laika's world stopped, and her heart sunk deep, her eyes widened. Her paws went to her mouth as her ears flattened, Laika's own tears flooded in her green eyes, Lukas broke down as well, he covered his face and shook uncontrollably. Laika choked on sobs and could barely speak, my Zios.. L-Luke... o-oh my... She thought, she immediately hugged her childhood friend, he wrapped his paws around her, still sobbing. Laika felt his own tears on her coat, her cheeks were stained with tears as she buried her face in his chest. She missed his warmth, and him in general.

It felt like an eternity when silence reigned again, the two foxes were still engulfed in an embrace, Luke's sobs have stopped after a while, his paws still draped around Laika's form. She also stopped crying, her cheek was pressed against his chest, Laika didn't know how long they cried, but she knew that some sort of heavy weight from their chests were lifted. She felt Lukas shift a little in their position, Laika moved her head to look at him, he was rubbing his eyes and he looked at her again. Laika offered a small smile at him, he smiled back, the moon illuminating his eyes and coat.

"I'm.. I'm glad we were able to see each other again.." Luke spoke, Laika felt warmth in her heart. Something she hasn't felt in a long time. Laika smiled brightly, her ears peeking up, her tail unknowingly wagging gently.

"I'm glad too." Laika replied, Lukas then suddenly nuzzled her cheek, heat rushed into her face as he did so. He only chuckled right after that, Laika covered her mouth as she looked away, face hot. "Hehe, you should see your face!" Luke exclaimed. Laika playfully glared at him, shoving him gently. They both laughed, Laika felt happier than she has been in the last few weeks, and she was also happy that Sean predicted this, she knew she felt some sort of feeling that told her that who she was gonna reunite with Luke. Laika and Luke's night was a blue as they went around town, talking and hanging out, it was really late now when Luke and Laika decided to leave. Laika could just feel Luke's tension.

"See you tomorrow, Lai." Lucas smiled softly, nuzzling her forehead, Laika's left ear went up while the other went to the side as he did so. Luke looked at her, some sadness in his eyes, he turned to leave.

"W-Wait!" Laika cried, Luke stopped and looked at her, surprised. Laika covered her mouth, blushing, until she cleared her throat awkwardly. "A-Are you sure you're gonna go home... to him?" Laika asked nervously. Luke's eyes darkened, he sighed heavily.

"I have nowhere else to go, and it won't be that great if I don't go home." Luke said in a tired voice, exhaling. Laika hesitated, she bit her lip and looked around, pondering her options.

"You could.. come with me." Laika murmured. Luke's eyes widened.

"W-What? Where? To the palace?" Lucas asked, walking up to her again, shocked. His ears dropped slightly as he looked at her with hesitant eyes. "Look, I know you're trying to help but-"

"You'll be fine. If your dad comes looking for you the last place he'll look is at the palace, and not everyone's welcome there, he won't be able to hurt you." Laika said softly, looking at Luke with pleading eyes, Luke closed his and he sighed deeply, rubbing his face. Laika's expression saddened. "Luke.."

"He'll eventually find out." Luke said darkly. "What will we do when that happens?" He asked coldly. Laika gulped at his tone, his eyes softened slightly.

"The royal family are there, so are the royal guards, they can arrest your father if he starts hurting you." Laika states gently, Luke's eyes widened again. He gritted his teeth a little as he started thinking about it, his dad was beyond insane, and for his years of tormenting him.. he could finally... finally be free of him. Luke's heart pounded as he pondered this option, he trusted Laika, although.. it's just... He blinked a few times, and looked at Laika again, Laika was looking at him with a hopeful expression. After a few moments, Luke finally sighed.

"...Alright.." He murmured. Laika smiled, feeling relieved. Laika stood up and she and him started climbing down the fire escape, it was pretty late now, they just remembered. As they walked out of the alleyway, into the quiet, empty grounds, Laika saw at the corner of her eye Luke looking back at themselves, his eyes full of worry. Laika brushed her tail against his comfortingly, his dark blue eyes glanced at her with slight uncertainty, Laila offered a smile and they arrived at the castle entrance. The late night guards bowed to her and was gonna let her in, until they saw Lukas, their spears collided with a clang as they formed an 'x'. "Shoot." Lukas whispered.

"May we ask who this is, ms. Laika?" The Dire wolf guard asked, suspiciously looking at Lukas. Laika smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, sorry, it's uh one of my friends, I'll ask the royal family if he could stay with me and my friends." Laika stated, the guard slowly nodded after a while, and the spears were put away for them to enter, Luke sighed in relief and smiled nervously at the guards, Laika and Luke skipped up the flight of stairs, Laika reached the top first and stopped abruptly when she saw her friends waiting there at the castle doors. Luke reached the top to look at her expression, he glanced at her friends and waved slowly, her friends immediately saw them and they all went to them.

"Where have you been?" Kyle seethed a little. Laika was shocked, until her expression narrowed into a more bitter one, "We we're looking for you!" Kyle added.

"Why do you suddenly care?" Laika asked coldly, Kyle stopped, their other friends and Luke looked nervous as they glanced at the two. Kyle gritted his teeth a little at Laika, Laika paid no attention and glanced at Raven, who was looking suspiciously at Luke. "Er.. sorry princess for letting a stranger come in without your consent.." Laika said sheepishly, Raven blinked and waved a paw dismissively.

"It's.. alright.. I just wanna know who he is and what he needs." Raven said, a little uneasy. Laika nodded.

"My name is Lucas, your Highness." Luke bowed respectively, he glanced up at her, "I'm one of Laika's friends and.. I'm wondering.. if I could stay with her and her friends.." He trailed, Laika's friends glanced at him. Raven was quiet for a moment, then slowly nodded.

"That's completely fine if you won't be at your home at this hour, although it's also a bit cruel to send you home either  since it's a bit dangerous at this time. I'll tell my parents about your stay." Raven stated, Luke nodded and smiled gratefully.

"Are we not gonna remember the fact he seemed to come out of nowhere?" Kyle asked suddenly, everyone turned to him, surprised, Kyle's ears went back and he stared at Luke with sudden hostility, Luke's eyes narrowed at him slightly. Laika immediately went between them and Laika glared at Kyle, Kyle looked taken back.

"He didn't come out of nowhere, Kyle." She spat, "He's my childhood friend who had to move out of Jamaa so many years ago, and I was sad and lost, and now that I found him.." Laika inhaled, looking at Kyle, still glaring but with a more pleading expression. "Please don't ruin this for me by trying to make him feel unwelcome." Laika said, Kyle's expression softened a little as he glanced at Lucas, who stared back at him silently, his expression unreadable. Kyle looked at Laika, who was already turning towards Luke, and she nuzzled him gently, his eyes closed for a moment and he started walking alongside her to the entrance. Swift and the others worriedly glance at Kyle.

Raven shook her head a little in disappointment and followed them, gesturing the others to follow, the others went with Raven, Swift was the last to follow them, she glanced at Kyle, about to say a word, when Kyle raised a paw to her. "Swift.. don't.." Kyle mumbled quietly, Swift shut her mouth immediately and nodded slowly, turning to follow the others, leaving Kyle alone. He sighed deeply and looked up at the starry sky.

"Dad.. did I do anything wrong..?"

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