Chapter 19

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Hello Again, Young One

Swift's POV

I woke up in a blank room. I wasn't in the castle room, but this was all familiar to me, my eyes scanned around, waiting for her to appear. It's been very long since me and my grandmother have spoken, and my heart was beating in anticipation, at the same time I was feeling anxious. My ears twitched when I heard faint paw steps, I looked around myself, my eyes lit up when I saw blue smoke start to whirl around in a circle, before fading and revealing a figure. A smile appeared on my face and my heart jumped with joy, Kira smiled at me.

"Hello again, young one." Kira murmured, I ran up to her and gave her a big hug, luckily we were able to physically touch each other. My grandmother hugged back, nuzzling my forehead, I let out a sigh of content. "We have much to discuss." She added softly, I looked at her and nodded, my anxiety still with me. Kira's tail wrapped around my body and we started walking, funny how this place is actually an endless void but it didn't stop us, this doesn't happen to often anymore and when it does we want to cherish each second.

I leaned against her shoulder, relishing the comfort, I really need something, or rather someone to strengthen my spirits. "What do you want to discuss?" I asked, curious. Kira smiled softly, though she had a worried expression on her face, which made me furrow my brow.

"A lot of things, my sweet granddaughter. I'm afraid you're in more danger than you think you are."

My heart dropped. "W-What? I-Is is because of our missions? We've went through more dangerous times, and we survived that. Certainly retrieving those artifacts aren't as bad, r-right?" I asked nervously, Kira sighed softly, her ears flattening slightly, she raised a paw and it glowed bright blue. Confused, I looked at it, then I saw what looked to be the items we were gonna have to get, my eyes widened in awe. My grandmother knows about these?

"These items you are about to retrieve are ancient, I know because.. well, me and my colleagues were the ones that hid them in the first place." Kira said quietly, my jaw dropped, so many questions in my head. Once again, she sighed, "I will explain, do not worry." We both stared as one item was focused on, it was the item Hunter was supposed to find, it was a mask that had two sides, one completely black side with a white eye and a creepy grin on it's face, and a pure white part that has a black eye and the same grin. I immediately felt a little overwhelmed by the dark energy it was emitting. Unconsciously, I pressed myself closer to Kira's side.

"This is the Mask Of Deception, also the Mask Of Darkness if you will, it shows the very nature of Dark Magic: being able to deceive anyone. And like all masks, hides it's true colors very well. Hidden in a cave deep underground, I do not doubt my dear Hunter, but this Mask is dangerous when touched, even for him."

I shivered at that.

Another item came to view, it was the item I was going to find, it was a light blue orb that had ever changing images inside it of beautiful oceans and seas, when touched. Kira smiled softly, she surely was the one who knew this item best. "This is the Tidal Orb, possessing great power over water, hidden in a temple made of solid ice." She glanced at me, concern in her eyes, "Now, this temple has quite a lot of traps, I will brief you of every single one that I can remember later, the rest is up to you, young one."

I nervously nodded.

"This is a Phoenix Feather, from an ancient mythical creature that is now only known in legends." Kira explained, a single feather with blending orange and red hues was shown, it was beautiful. It was glowing brightly, "A Phoenix is said to rise from the greatest and brightest flames in the world, it is the bringer of fire, and no normal flames can summon it. The place young Kyle is heading with the princess is, fairly odd, because an extinct volcano lies there. I believe they think he can bring the volcano back to life and hopefully summon a Phoenix."

Kira was quite confused herself, so was I, but I trust Kyle and Raven with this.

"This is the Stone Shield, made of the toughest stone in the world, it lies in a temple as well, but it's old and crumbling to pieces. Your friend Laika could handle it, though she should be careful, the temple may get destroyed due to age and.." Kira didn't finish, she shook her head. Gladly she didn't. Laika may have been a bad jammer before, but she changed now, and is as important as any of us.

"Now, this is the Thunder Sprite, not exactly an item but it is kept inside a glass ball. It is hidden in a forest, the trouble with this item is that it comes alive when someone goes near it. And because it is the embodiment of the Lightning element, it moves extremely quickly, needing to be caught before it can be safely brought back. Jake is the perfect choice and I believe he could catch it."

I smiled softly at that.

Kira then showed the last item, "Last but not the least, is the Overgrowth Necklace, with it, you can revive any dead plant, and be able to do the almost impossible act of regeneration. Though it can do so, repeated regeneration cannot prolong a life for too long, saddening but, it is how everything should be. It is somewhere deep in the woods, what I can remember is that Fauna, the former Nature Magic Alpha, told me that you cannot find it on your own. If the forest spirits sense that you are worthy, and have good intentions, they will lead you to the item. Of course, it has trials to go with it."

I stared at the items in front of us as they all are into view, my grandmother furrowed her brow, "You should also understand that these items were hidden for a reason, the reason is so that they will not appear into bad paws again. The places they are stowed away in are also protected by magical barriers, like Jamaa, well, before the recent attack.." She added, sadly. I looked down. "The barriers can only be passed through by the next masters of the Elements, and it's understandable that you and your friends were chosen."

I inhaled deeply, this surely was going to be tough, but.. we'll pull through. Right? Kira gently nuzzled my forehead.

"Do not worry, young one, you and your friends are strong. Though, I am worried about the dangers of getting those items, you are already in grave danger, even when you get the artifacts."

"W-What? H-How?" I nearly exclaimed, my heart beat quickly, and my mind was going wild again.

Kira looked down dejectedly, "..I'm afraid you are trusting the wrong jammers, Swift."


I woke up, panting, in a cold sweat. I nervously glanced at my friends, peaceful, sound asleep for once.

Who are the jammers we're not supposed to trust?

Meanwhile In Jamaa...

"...His situation is my getting any better.."

Amanda said dejectedly, but continued to hover her paw around Hakiro's still body with a green aura, hopefully to help him pull through. His breathing was steady, his chest rising and falling, though that was the only movement he ever does now. He laid on a single bed, one scar over his left eye, and a few fading bruises on his body, a heart monitor was attached to his right foreleg. The beeping echoing slightly around the room. Amanda looked at the fox beside her, who stayed there, emotionless.

Hunter's mother.

"Aren't you the least bit worried?" Amanda asked, almost demanding a little, offended at her lack of emotion. Jakarie blankly blinked and stared at her husband's body, which was unmoving for almost four months now. The healer scowled, stopping her paw for a moment, the green aura staying with Hakiro. "I'm disappointed in you, Jakarie. He's your husband, you should be worrying about his wellbeing!"

Jakarie scowled back at her, "Listen, Amanda, he's my husband, yes, but he just reminds me of Hunter. And, Hannah." Her tone was angry, but strangely quiet. Amanda growled even more, she was usually calm and collected, but she just couldn't help but rage right now. She remembers Hunter's little sister, Hannah, she was barely a year old when she got sick and... died. And Jakarie had the same expression she has now. "You can't control me, or my emotions, I live however I wish."

"Your youngest daughter was in the same spot as Hakiro is now! And you're doing absolutely nothing! Again!" Amanda yelled angrily, glaring at Jakarie. "At this point I'm doubting why you even decided to marry and have children you barely even care about!" She added, her ears pointing back, her back fur rising. Amanda wasn't sure why she was this angry, but she just was, Hunter and Hannah aren't her children but she cared for them. Like a mother would.

The fox inside the room with her, gave her a strange look, observing her. Amanda huffed, trying to cover up her emotions, Jakarie stared at her as she continued spreading the healing aura to her husband's body. Her tail was pressed against her side, and she tried to hide her face. Hunter's mother, and the rest of the teachers knew a secret about Amanda, a secret that they did promise to keep. It was heartbreaking, truly, and Jakarie couldn't help but feel a tiny twinge of guilt. For what though? She wasn't sure.

Suddenly, the door opened, "Amanda? You're needed, a jammer injured herself while playing with her friends." Lilian said softly, enough for them to hear. Amanda sighed, she gave one last glare to Jakarie before she left the room with Vivian's mother, the door clicking shut. Alone, she looked at Hakiro, who was breathing steadily. She saw her children in him, because they had so many more similarities with him than with her, which, was quite sad. A stupid reason that barely explains her hatred for them, but was a contributing factor.

Meanwhile, Lilian and Amanda we're walking through the halls, in a peaceful silence. Though, Amanda was drowned in her thoughts, to the conversation that she just had with Jakarie. It was true, she probably was angrier than she was supposed to be, but why shouldn't she when one of her friends didn't even care for her own family?

Family. The word stayed with her, and it made her heart clench a little, her ears flattening. One of her biggest dreams in life to have, that.. she cannot have.

They reached her main healing room, and Amanda began to collect the needed items, bandages, antiseptics, cotton, gauze maybe. She turned to look at Lilian, who smiled softly, sitting on the chair was a young fox jammer, with light yellow fur, white ear tips, wearing a white ribbon. Her left paw was scratched, but luckily it wasn't deep. Amanda inhaled deeply, and then smiled softly at the fox who was tearing up slightly because of her wound.

"Hello, young one. Do not worry, I will take care of you."

Amanda's fondness of young jammers was sweet, loving, almost motherly, the other teachers could see how much she cares about them. Lilian smiled sadly, she glanced behind her to see Vivian chatting away with Issa, they were helping in fixing up the classrooms for the end of the summer when Jamaa Academy opens up for school again. Lilian looked back to Amanda, who was tenderly wrapping bandages on the jammer's paw. She felt sympathetic for her.

Because she could never have her own family..

To Be Continued...

This looks short for me but-

Yay another update ;w; This is sort of a filler chapter? I might post more chapters like this, chapters that revolve more around the side characters and Jamaa, just kinda as an excuse to make more chapters ;w; Though they're also kinda important because the events in Jamaa while Swift and her friends are gone can help build up story as well, and I don't wanna just focus on Swift and her friends.

Yes, they are the main characters after all, honestly their chapters are more a bit more complicated, needs more effort (and are arguably longer) and these sort of chapters are kind of a breather for me ;-;

Especially because my standards for a chapter now are: at least 1500+ words and should contain important things and not be completely nonsensical. Oh welp- Hope you enjoyed!

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