Chapter 3

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The Voyage

Author's POV

The night and ocean were silent as the boat gently glided and rocked in the waves, the stars that were reflected in the water twinkled brightly and illuminated the way, the sky was dark blue and clear enough to indicate fair weather. The huge boat went on, the jammers aboard on it were mostly asleep, but they took turns taking shifts in case anything went south while in the trip. Be it a sea monster or change in weather condition. Jake was the watcher for now, he looked up thoughtfully at the stars, finding certain constellations that made him smile.

He scratched his scarf slightly, deciding to remove it since it wasn't really all that cold and it was getting itchy. Jake turned to look back, he was alone on the deck, while everyone else was asleep down the storage room which was luckily enough for all of them to fit in. Jake sighed, and looked forward, no islands yet. Only the seemingly endless ocean ahead and in other directions, for once in his life he had never felt as homesick as now.

"Hopefully by midday we'll be there." He said to himself, feeling hopeful. "Hopefully." He repeated silently. He looked down at his bare paw, suddenly remembering the war that was far behind them, the way he unleashed a deadly power strike on the Corruptors, which was only a phenomenon seen during the old Magic Alphas' time. Jake lit up a gentle yellow flame on his paw, tiny sparks flying and disappearing into the air every once in a while, his father always knew he had potential, but he didn't expect it to be this big of a potential. Does the move have a name? If not, I'd love to call it Jake's Thundering Wrath. After that, Jake chuckled to himself, extinguishing the yellow flame.


Jake jumped in alarm and turned, he now realized it was just Kiki, clutching a blue fox plush in her middle arms. The Phantom had her top arms drooped, and her big blue eye was staring up at him. "Kiki, what's wrong?" Jake asked, walking to the Phantom.

"Me can't sleep.." She squeaked, "Me keep waking up after bad dream.." She added, clutching the plush tighter. "Very bad dream."

"What was it about?" Jake asked, concerned and curious. He placed the Phantom on his shoulder and sat down again near the fences of the boat, staring into the waters below. Kiki stroked the plush nervously.

"Me dream of Pantoms attacking, attacking Mama and friends." Kiki explained, shivering, "Very bad Pantoms! They keep animals in cages, while laughing!" She exclaimed quietly in her squeaky voice, "They make land purple instead of green and bwown, they make animals Pantoms too, and they.. they.." Kiki trailed, she buried her eye into the plush. Jake stroke her gently.

"You don't have to continue." He said soothingly, "It's just a dream after all, right?" He smiled in reassurance, the Phantom hatchling sniffed then nodded. "Don't worry, that won't happen, the Phantoms wouldn't dare while we're around. Plus, the Alphas have been dealing with them pretty well. So there's not much possibility of that happening, Kiki." Jake explained.

"Okie.." The Phantom trailed in agreement, "But.. what if it happen?" She asked, Jake looked away, opening his mouth then closing it again. Not wanting to scare the Phantom, he answered instead in other words.

"It won't, trust me." Jake smiled, hiding his nervousness. Kiki nodded again then closed her eye, "Get some sleep, we still have a long way ahead." He murmured, humming a lullaby tune to help Kiki fall asleep. He was proven successful when Kiki started snoring peacefully, he quietly skipped to the storage room, placed her on the pillow she was sleeping on and went back out to continue his shift. He sighed in relief.

I hate lying to the hatchling, but she can't know about the possibility of her dream at our situation now. Jake thought. Sighing again, he sat down.


The back of Jake's head was against the fence of the boat, his eyes were closed and he was asleep, he stayed up for at least four hours with little sleep and he forgot to wake up Kyle who had the next shift. He snorted in his sleep, the others were starting to wake up themselves, Izzy walked up to the deck with her headdress in front of her face and her eyes still half closed, she then suddenly bumped into the wooden pole and tumbled back.

She groaned, pushing her headdress back and fixing herself up. She yawned, then looked at where Jake was. Izzy almost snorted loudly at him, his tail and ears twitched every now and then as he slept, she skipped over to him and decided to wake him up. "Wake up, sleepyhead!"

No response. Izzy laid her ears back in annoyance, she then started poking his nose, then started nudging him gently. Which turned into shaking him gently, then less gently, and now, violent shaking. "WAKE UP!" Izzy yelled into his ears.

Jake, still, was asleep, the only response she got was a groan and he turned to his side. Izzy panted and huffed, looking at the boat decomposed for some way to help wake Jake up, there were only some crates, buckets, barrels, torn sail pieces and a basin of water. Izzy went over to the empty buckets, carried one in her mouth and filled it up with water, she smiled mischievously at Jake. Innocently, she skipped over to him again. "Last chance, Jake." She said, though it was slightly muffled by the bucket handle in her mouth. No response.

Izzy looked at him for a few more seconds, then shrugged her shoulders and poured the water. Ice cold water.mJake's eyes shot opened as his body suddenly lit up with a yellow glow, sparks buzzing around him. "YAHHHHH!" He yelled as he started running around in circles, only a brown and yellow blue as he ran around at the speed of light, Izzy became dizzy just watching him. Swift with Kiki on her head and the others showed up looking annoyed, until they saw Jake's yellow blur as he ran around.

"What happened?!" Swift asked to Izzy, who shrugged her shoulders.

"I was just waking him up then this happened!" She said in defense, putting her paws up. "No harm done! Honestly!"

After another minute, Jake slowed down and collapsed on the floor, his body was still sparking with electricity, his tail was twitching uneasily, and his fur was messy and jagged. Unamused, he looked up at Izzy.

"Have you ever learned that water makes Lightning Elementals shock themselves sometimes?" Jake said in an annoyed voice, "Water's not that great of a mixture with us." He added, getting up to fix himself, leaving the laughing jammers behind him.

To Be Continued...

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