(Book One) The Memory Erase

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- Events take place after Hunter's 12th birthday

Swift couldn't stop panicking as she scrambled around the fallen rubble, tears were streaming down her face as she flipped over debris in hopes to look for her parents, her heart beat so quickly it was pounding against her chest hard. She choked on sobs as she looked around her surroundings, Hunter's house was completely destroyed, nothing was spared at all. Her ears flattened against her head as she kept searching.

"Mom? Mom, please answer me!" Swift cried desperately, her cheeks already wet with tears, she sat down and continued to sob. Her body trembled and her tail wrapped around her shaking body, the tears wouldn't stop, she feared the worst for her family. Suddenly, she heard someone stepping on the debris, going towards her, Swift's ears perked up, hope in her heart. She almost broke down when she saw her dad, his ears down, covered in bruises. "D-Dad!"

Swift hugged her dad tightly, Loki sighed in relief and hugged her too, he feared the Phantoms got her too.mHis ears flattened even more when his eyes caught sight of gray fur underneath a huge pile of rubble, with small pools of blood. Swift looked up at him, then to the direction he was looking at, her world stopped. She rushed to the rubble, quickly pushing aside the heavy things, and she finally saw her mom.. eyes closed and was bleeding from her head, neck and mouth. Swift sobbed even harder. Her heart broke into a million pieces. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to, her mom, Savannah was dead.

"M-Mom! No! Y-You're-" Swift chocked in between her sobs, tears blurred her vision. Loki felt the guilt hit him like a train, he caused this, he was the reason Savannah is dead, he's the reason Hunter's birthday is ruined. He ruined his life. Loki closed his eyes, feeling tears in the corner of his eyes as he thought of the only thing that will change the situation. He opened his eyes, he looked at Swift who was helplessly nuzzling her mom, but she didn't wake up. "D-Dad.. m-mom.. s-s-she's.."

I'm sorry, Swift... Loki thought sadly and guiltily, he raised his paws and light green aura surrounded it, the aura glowed and went towards Swift, Swift suddenly opened her eyes wide, they weren't blue, they were also light green, small sparks of magic whirled in circles around her body and head. Her tears stopped when the aura disappeared, Loki exhaled deeply and stared at his wife's dead body. Swift blinked multiple times, clutching her head.

"Dad?" She called, in her normal voice, she wasn't sad anymore, just plain confused. "Wha-Where are we?" She asked. Loki looked to the side. His heart clenching.

"W-We were out on a walk and we discovered... this.." Loki weakly gestured to the rubble, Swift blinked again and looked around. "We were.. almost about to leave..." He trailed.

"Oh, okay then." Swift smiled softly. This wasn't the real Swift anymore. But Loki had no choice, Swift would've hated her for as long as she and Hunter- Wait, Hunter. Where was he? He can't remember this night either, he saw Loki running from the Phantoms he unintentionally brought to the house, he'd hate him too for having his father killed and his birthday ruined... Loki sighed, he felt so defeated and broken right now. "Dad?"

"Huh? O-Oh, yeah, wait here Swift, I'll just.. go check if I left anything in the forest when we walked by.. a while ago.." Loki said nervously, Swift tilted her head, then shrugged to herself.

"Whatever you say, dad." She smiled, sitting down and faced her back towards him. Loki sighed and ran off to try and find Hunter. The night sky didn't provide much light in the thick and vast forest, he used his Fire magic to light the way, it didn't take very long when he heard sobs form a familiar jammer. His heart clenched more, he turned and then peeked from a bush, there Hunter was, he wasn't facing Loki but he was facing someone else. Loki's eyes widened.

It was Shade.

Hunter sobbed and laid next to her body, crying his heart out, Shade wasn't moving, her body was covered in bite marks and blood, her head was pressed against Hunter's cheek, her pink scarf almost torn. Loki has never seen Hunter cry like this, it broke his own heart, he's already seen his dad die, he just had to see the love of his life die as well in one night. Hunter opened his eyes and looked at Shade and spoke in a heartbroken voice, "I-I.. I love you.."

"I'm sorry, Hunter.." Loki whispered sadly.

The same green aura surrounded Hunter, his eyes were closed but they glowed green, after a while Hunter raised his head and looked at nothing in specific. His tears were still there, his ears flattened when he looked at Shade again. Loki meant for him to forget the fact that he was the one who brought the Phantoms and is responsible for his dad's death, but I guess he didn't make him forget Shade's. Hunter sniffed, wiping his tears and then looked at Shade longingly. He removed his now torn cape and draped it around Shade's cold, limp body beside him, he nuzzled Shade once more before putting his chin in his paws, and closing his eyes, before wrapping his tail around her.

Loki had so many faults that night, and he couldn't bare living with them.

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