Chapter 10

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Art of the Buneary that will make sense later traced by me.

Rusty's stomach began growling wildly. *Jasmiiiiine, I'm hungryyyyyyy,* he moaned. "Sorry Rusty, but if we stop, it might be past nighttime by the time we get to Eterna City." My Pokétch buzzed with a notification, so I took a look at it. "Don't worry if it's nighttime," it began, showing it was sent by Dan.

"I packed a tent for you," it continued. "Along with food and instructions on how to cook it. From, Dan." "Alright, Rusty, we're camping tonight. Give me a bit to make food."

Rusty smiled. *I'll find an empty spot,* Rusty said, running off into the bushes. I followed, not wanting to lose him. When he did find a clearing, it wasn't as said. And the sight made Rusty blister with rage.

A group of Pokémon, including a Shiny Buneary, were surrounded in a tight circle around another Pokémon, a tuft of blue fur sticking out. *This is what freaks like you get, y'know,* a Starly taunted. *You should've gone away a long time ago,* the Buneary hissed. The center Pokémon could only cry in pain, begging for mercy. *Please...stop...* she cried.

Rusty's rage hit a ceiling I had never seen. He growled and leapt out of the bushes, fire burning behind his eyes. *Leave them alone,* he roared, baring his teeth. The other Pokémon ran away in fear, leaving the victim behind. However, the victim was still scared.

As Rusty calmed down, I observed the Pokémon. It was a Buneary, like the one that had been bullying her, but rather than having pink cotton, this one had royal blue cotton. I was fascinated, never seeing a Buneary like this before. Rusty slowly approached the Buneary, nudging her with his nose. *Are you okay?*

The Pokémon turned over, her eyes filled with tears. *Please...don't hurt me...* she begged. *Hurt you? I just saved you, why would I hurt you?* The Buneary tried to cover her blue cotton, sobbing.

I decided to intervene and step out of the bushes. The Buneary saw me and shrieked in fear. *Hey, it's okay. Jasmine's a good person,* Rusty reassured her. *Don't look at me...I'm a freak...*

"Little one, you're not at all. I know how you feel though. Look at my eyes," Jasmine said. The Buneary slowly looked into Jasmine's irises. *Your eyes...they're pink...*

"Yes, I was born with pink eyes. I was called a freak too. But you're not a freak. How long have you been bullied?" *...all my life, and everyone does it,* the Buneary admitted.

"Really? I think that's amazing." *Wh-what?* "Even when no one liked you, hurt you, and put you down, you never gave up. Why is that?"

*I...I just wanted things to change...for someone to not hurt me...* *Jasmine and I won't hurt you,* Rusty added with a smile. "He's right, I would never hurt you." The blue Pokémon hugged Rusty, crying tears of joy. Rusty's cheeks began flushing pink, before he fell to the ground, cringing in pain.

The Buneary jumped back, looking scared. "Rusty, are you okay," I asked, holding him. Rusty shook his head, paw clasped over his chest. *Is Rusty okay?* "I don't know..."

Rusty soon passed out from the pain, so I put him inside his Great Ball. "He'll be okay now." The Pokémon nodded. *J-Jasmine? M-may I be your Pokémon?*

"You want to be my Pokémon?" *Yes...I don't want to be alone anymore...* "Well...I have to name you first. Do you have a name?" *...freak...*

"Well, I know what I'll name you. You never thought anyone would ever accept you for your amazing difference. But even when it felt like the world was against you, you pressed on. Not only does that show amazing courage, but it also shows something else. It shows your new name, Hope."

Hope began crying tears of joy. *I love that name...thank you...* I nodded, looking up as the sun went down. I then took a Dusk Ball and tapped it on Hope's head. The ball sucked Hope inside, falling to the ground and shaking, then clicking, signaling Hope's capture.

I sent Hope back out, the blue-cottoned Buneary still crying tears of joy. I pet her head, as I untangled her cotton with my other hand. Then, as I was almost finished, Hope latched onto me, hugging me as tight as she could. I smiled and gave her a hug back, expecting her to drop off. However, she kept doing it, for a long time.

Instead of waiting for Hope, I began making dinner. I dug a hole in the ground, put some coals in it, lit them with a match, put my cooking pot in the hole, on the coals, and filled it with diced berries and water. I then put the lid on the pot and filled the hole. While the food cooked, I set up my tent, and sent word to my friends that I was still in the forest and would be until tomorrow. As I did, Hope's eyes looked up at mine, as if she wanted to say something.

*Jasmine...I remember you...* she said sleepily. "Hope, I haven't...wait, you saw me when I was running away?" Hope nodded, before nodding off. I smiled, petting her head. "Sleep well, Hope."

Hope's ears flicked in her sleep, brushing against my chest. I giggled as her ears tickled me. "If only I had a camera with me," I mumbled, before climbing inside the tent. The food was still 20 minutes away from completion, and Hope was still sleeping, so I decided to play my guitar, thinking back to any songs I could remember from before my capture. Unfortunately, my mind was blanking.

I woke up when my alarm started beeping. I had fallen asleep for a bit, but Hope was still clinging to me like her life depended on it, her smile still plastered on her face. I smiled and set my guitar down, shaking Hope slightly. "Dinnertime, Hope," I smiled. The Buneary slowly opened her eyes, looking up at me.

*D-dinner?* "Yeah, it's what you eat at night. I don't have a bowl for you yet, but maybe you and Rusty could share." Hope nodded, smiling. *That sounds nice...*

I smiled and crawled out of the tent, digging up the pot. Hope finally let go of me, and I sent out Rusty. *Are you feeling better, Rusty,* Hope asked. Rusty nodded, grinning a goofy smile at Hope. *Uh huh, I'm all better, and ready for food!*

I smiled and began digging up the pot, before taking out my ladle and dished up Rusty's bowl. I set it in front of him, but he pushed it to Hope. *There you go, Hope.* *Rusty...maybe we should share?* Rusty nodded and smiled. *But you take the first bite.*

Hope nodded, leaning down and taking a bite. Her eyes lit up as she tasted it. *Mmm, this is so good! Rusty, you try it!* Rusty nodded and took a bite, purring.

*Yeah, this is! Here, have some more,* Rusty said, stepping away from the bowl. Hope giggled and pushed it towards him. *No, you have some more!* The two pushed their bowl back and forth, and I laughed the entire time.

Eventually, I dished myself some stew, and Rusty finally decided for him and Hope to alternate bites. By the time we all finished, Hope was staring at the ground, clearly lost in thought. "Hey, Hope, you okay," I asked her. *O-oh, yeah...just thinking about something...* "You seemed kinda lost in thought."

Hope sighed, nodding. *Jasmine, can I go get something?* "Umm...sure, just be safe." Hope nodded and hopped off into the bushes. I watched, before continuing to pet a sleeping Rusty's head.

Around 10 minutes later, Hope came bouncing back, holding a letter. *Jasmine, could you please read this to me? I found it when I hatched, but I can't read it.* "I can try," I smiled, taking the letter. In the pale moonlight and the light of my Pokétch display, I read Hope's letter to her.

"To our dear daughter,
By the time you read this, we won't be around anymore.
I doubt you will ever meet us, so I want you to know that we're your parents.
You were going to be our first child, but things change, and we don't feel we can take care of you.
You're going to be a special, unique little Pokémon, but there will also be hardships, and you just have to push on through them.
And even though your father and I will never see you grow up, we will always love you, no matter what.

Hope was wide-eyed, tears filling the corners of her optics. *Wh-what...* she asked. *...if they love me...why did they leave me behind...* "People do things for reasons only they understand sometimes. Pokémon do too, I guess."

Hope nodded, before sobbing into her paws. Feeling bad for her, I took Rusty to the tent and came out with my guitar. I sat down in front of Hope, playing a few chords. Hope looked up at me, lowering her paws, so I gave her a smile in return. I played her a soothing song, almost like a lullaby, until Hope fell asleep.

I lifted the Buneary up and carried her inside the tent. Hope latched onto me in her sleep, and her head was right under my cleavage, but I didn't mind. I decided to let Rusty in on the hugging and hugged him with my other arm, the Shinx purring and nuzzling under my chest. I kissed both of their foreheads, before falling asleep myself. I thought about many things, as the gentle sounds of the forest soothed me.


When I woke up, I heard a rustling outside. Making sure it was safe, I pulled my Pokémon off of me, grabbed my guitar, and crawled out of the tent. I looked around and saw some bushes moving, but I couldn't clearly make out the figure. It seemed to be white, with red and a red with a bit more pink as well, but as soon as it saw me, it teleported away. I shrugged, intrigued by what I saw, but choosing to think of it as an early morning hallucination.

I texted my friends on my Pokétch that I had woken up and would be in the city by noon at the latest. After that, I woke up Rusty and Hope, taking them out of the tent so that I could take it down. As I did, Hope got everyone berries for breakfast, and after packing up and eating, we set off again. My Pokémon rode on my shoulders, but they got jittery after a while and got off. :So, I see you two are already good friends, eh,: I asked, smiling.

Rusty nodded, while Hope gasped. *You can do that, Jasmine?* *Yeah, Jasmine can talk with her mind! It's super cool!* *Wow, Jasmine, you really are super cool!*

I laughed and nodded, grinning. "Why thank you, Hope." It was at this point that we were coming across the exit to the forest. Hope and Rusty ran out, so I followed close behind. I was reminded of my escape, but I enjoyed it nonetheless as I jogged out of the forest.


"So, you didn't paint Hope," Lucas asked, staring at my Buneary. "Nope, her cotton is all-naturally blue." "Not only that, but her fur is a grayish color rather than a brown one," Dawn added. "Yeah, she's pretty cool, huh," I asked, gently taking Hope's paws and moving them. Hope giggled and gave me control of her arms.

"Yeah, Hope is really cool," Barry smiled. "I just wish she could be safe. I'm sure there are bad guys who'd love to try and take her," Lucas replied. Rusty stood up and growled. "Seems like Rusty won't let that happen," I laughed.

"Well, what now," Barry asked. "Well, the next gym is Grass-type, which is resistant to Electric attacks, so Rusty should get some practice with Ice Fang." Rusty nodded and bared his teeth, beginning to freeze them. Hope giggled and crawled over to him, putting her paw in his mouth. Rusty quickly pulled away, but Hope's paw was covered in ice.

"Wait...Hope, do you know Ice Punch," Dawn asked. Hope grinned and nodded, dispelling the ice. "I think I've read about this. Some Pokemon can be born knowing moves that their parents knew. Maybe one of Hope's knew Ice Punch," Lucas suggested.

Hope crossed her arms and pouted. "Hope's not a fan of her P-A-R-E-N-T-S," I spelt out, setting her on my lap and scratching her stomach. Hope rested her head on me, smiling. "I guess we just train until I think we're ready. Hopefully it won't take long."


Word Count: 2077 Words

And with that, Jasmine acquires her second Pokemon!

Hope is a special Pokemon to me, as she was the 1st Pokemon I ever made that was miscolored.

Well, anyone excited for what'll happen next?

...K. Until next time, Happy Reading!

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