One shot 1: DREW VS PIPER

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So I am lazy and do not want to make a disclaimer every chapter so here it is Uncle Rick owns PJO.

"Jason?!! Jason!?! Jason!?" I woke with a start and noticed my girlfriend Piper Mclean hovering over me like a hawk, she had a look of anger and regret seeing me like this, and then I remembered last night. Getting drunk with Leo and the guys. Kissing Drew Tanaka. Wait, KISSING DREW TANAKA!! "Wait, Piper," I said, then I awoke. I was still in my cabin I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, I had lipstick stains all over my body and bags that could carry all the Aphrodite cabin's clothing. I washed up and got ready for breakfast. There I saw a crying Piper, a smirking Drew, and a glaring Annabeth. Leo got up and said nine words full of hatred and anger  ¨ Why? Why would you do that, Jason? To Piper?" It took a moment for me to respond Wait Leo!¨ but then he had already left.

I tried talking to Leo, Percy, and the other campers but they wouldn't talk to me they all said the same things "Why? Piper loved you." and then they would walk away. Now, here I was the lone guy in the arena. Then Drew walked up to me put her slobbery mouth on my neck and licked my arm and thats when I noticed something pink and glittery in Drew's pocket I grabbed it then when she said "Honey bunches." in this squeaky voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.  "Get out." I replied "Pardon," she asked her face red and and her hand to her ear. "GET OUT" I growled through gritted teeth.

Then I ran to Piper she sat there alone her hands in her lap light mascara stains under her eyes. "Pipes I'-" I was cut off when Annabeth came through the big house door with a mug of hot chocolate that read "Sorry your boyfriend Dumped/Cheated/Died." (Re-reading this I am laughing my butt of here) Annabeth was saying "So I can make Peppermint or white so after you can have one what one do you want-" then she saw me hatred gleamed in her eyes. "Jason Leave." but then a miracle happened Piper said, "Just hear him out Annabeth." Annabeth glared but sat down and stayed quiet hen I spoke my voice hoarse and full of regret I showed Piper the vile full of pink and glitter it read "Love Potion." Then she asked questions like where did you get this and how when and other things. she hugged me and did something that made me feel like I was in a dream she gave me a short passionate kiss that made me miss it. 

I am sorry they will be short and it's just that sometimes I am not into Jasper. 

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