Chapter 7

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Queen: Yeah um..... no

Izzerella: What? Why not?

Queen: I will be taking my girls to the party, and I don't want you to be near the prince!... plus, it's not like you met him...

Izzerella felt like she was about to explode! She couldn't contain the anger that she was feeling at the moment! But she just had to say those three words that would make the queen explode!

Izzerella: Yes I have! *gasp*
She then covered her mouth with fear.

Queen: what. Did. You. Say?
She said leaning closer to her in a suspicious way

Izzerella: N-n-n-nothing

Queen: DONT LIE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN "you have?"

Izzerella: Okay well maayyyybbbeeeee.... I might of bumped into him and he asked for my name..... oh and winger met the prince's loyal bird and-


Izzerella: I'm so sorry queen Coralina... it was an accident! I-I swe-

Queen: NONSENSE, YOU SHALL NOT GO TO THE PARTY, AND I WANT YOU TO PREPARE THE GIRLS FOR THE EVENT, AND YOU CANNOT LEAVE THE OCEAN EVER AGAIN.... well unless it's your pointless little hut up the shore, but other than that... DO as your told. NOW

The queen swam away to her master bedroom, and slammed the door SHUT. Mariana and Stormelia came in laughing at izzerella, the swam up to her and started to make fun of her.

Mariana: Hahaha, well well well... it looks like izzerel-loser can't go to the party!

Stormelia: obviously, how would she, she's covered in rags! Hahaha

Then they both laugh at her, until izzerella spoke in order.

Izzerella: Now listen up! I may never be allowed to go to the party! But I'm not going to let you make fun of me, when I'm supposed to get you two ready! GET IT?

Mariana and Stormelia: Ugh, yes izzerella.

Izzerella: Good, now let's get you two some dresses for the party!

Mariana and Stormelia then bought their dresses to wear for the party... (and yes they were suitable for humans as well as mermaids) so they then make izzerella carry them back to the palace... after that they finished their hair and and make up (no lip stick, just mascara and shell earrings)

As soon as they had their hair and make up done, they rushed over to their mother to ask about turning them into humans.. and the queen came out of her room gracefully, she then looked at izzerella with a devious angry frown. Izzerella covered her face in fear... she regretted telling her that she met the prince.

Queen Coralina again didn't want izzerella anywhere NEAR the convention. So she was given an idea, as soon as she was about to move her daughters swam up to her and spoke about izzerella, while izzerella was in her stepmother's/the queen's bedroom, taking to her bird friend, winger.

Mariana: Ahem! Mother! Why is izzerella even here, shouldn't you make her clean somewhere so she doesn't get away and......escape?

Stormelia: Duh. Of course mom would do that! She's-

Queen: Girls! Wait up shore *looks at izzerella evily* I have something to take care of before we go!

Mariana and Stormelia: Yes Mother!

They both then swam out to shore and waited for their mother... while they were doing that, the queen did something very evil and.....

Lol cliffhanger back then... but anyway... I'm watching the show right now! And I'm up to S02E28! Pretty good so far! Be sure to follow and ill follow back! And please read my paw patrol book! And I'll see you next time- Oh and be sure to follow the account that I am doing with my friend! We suddenly hit 2k! And we're almost up to 3k! So be sure to check it out and follow!



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