Chapter 1: Recovery

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(A/N: The beginning will be different from what the game starts with.)

In an abandoned and ruined city above the surface, now inhabited by Raptures, a large container, intact and unaffected by time and destruction, stood in the broken fuselage of a large plane. 

Although ordinary, this container held a remnant of human history lost to time; a concept of proof that was part of a project created by a country that no longer exists after the Rapture invasion 100 years ago.

And what's even worse, a dormant giant was inside, waiting for its deployment to be sent through. 

Wait no more, it shall be awakened...

POV Switch: ???

Inside the container was a cryostasis pod, housing a soldier of unknown origin, fitted with an experimental exoskeleton systems, laid dormant in his cryosleep.

Next to it was a weapons rack, where it holds the person's Gungnir Railgun Rifle Mk.1/P, the Dainsleif Energy Handcannon Pistol Mk.2 and various other weapons, designed to be used against heavy armor.

Given the unknown soldier's status, he was still alive, awaiting to be recalled onto the front lines. Well, he's in luck.

Outside, a group of Raptures led by a Black Smith-Class Tyrant was heading towards the crate's location. Why? Well, as it turns out, the servant-class Raptures were starting to dwindle in numbers and repair materials. To remedy this, they've decided to come to this location, where the scene zoomed out to reveal not just only a crate, but also the remaining wreck of the plane.

The size of the plane would be enough to sustain and create new Raptures to act as cannon fodder, allowing them to continuously siege the Ark and Eden as much as they want. The Black Smith began to assimilate the scrap part of the fallen transport plane.

However, with this much movement, heat, and vibrations emitted from the Black Smith, this was enough to trigger the awakening protocol in the Cryostasis pod, before it resuscitated the soldier within.

POV Switch: Unknown Soldier

???#1: Emergency Protocol#21 initiated, the occupant of the pod must exit immediately due to an imminent threat in hand. Neutralize the threat and await further orders from command.

As the freezing temperatures starts to drop, I immediately push the capsule of the pod and climbed out of it. As I did, the exosuit program and systems began starting up and activating itself, allowing me to see the date: ???

I could only look in confusion, as if the system itself had suddenly stopped working. Thoughts began to run through my mind, with questions arising in my head: 'How long was I asleep for? What happened to the world outside? Where is everybody else?'

However, I put these thoughts aside and began to go through the weapons rack, picking up my Gungnir Railgun Rifle and Dainsleif Energy Handcannon Pistol. However, I decided that it would be best if I take a machine gun if I ever face a bigger horde of threats.

POV Switch: 3rd Person

As he stepped outside, he saw a huge army of Raptures, which he assumes to be drones of some sort, but saw that they're armed with weapons.

So, as a way to avoid detection, he decided to be quiet as he can and find a way around them. However, one unfortunate step on a toy rubber ducky letting out a loud squeak immediately alerted of the raptures in the area.

Unknown soldier: Well, fuck my life...

The raptures immediately started firing their weapons on him, but however, he was able to dodge all of their shots as they ran out of ammunition. He hid behind cover and took out his railgun rifle, loading it with a 12.7×45 mm APFSDS 30-round magazine.

Unknown Soldier: My turn.

He peeked out of cover and fired back at the raptures, with the bullets cutting through their bodies and legs like a hot knife on butter. He soon went back to cover and reloaded as the raptures fired back.

Unknown Soldier: Well, time to take out the big guns now.

He then took out the machine gun he took from the weapons bench earlier. 

He proceeded to aim down the weapon as he walked out of cover and pulled the trigger, unleashing a hell storm of gauss accelerated bullets upon the Raptures. The bullets from the machine gun began to tear through the bodies of the raptures and their optical cores, neutralizing the threats or straight up destroy them.

However, from afar, the Black smith took an interest to him, so he began to send more servant-class raptures towards him in an attempt to wear him down and waste his ammo.

The soldier, meanwhile, knew what was going on, so he began to hold this position and wait for backup. Hoping that he could hold out until backup arrives.

Opening Starts

POV Switch: The Ark

In the Ark, Andersen was going through various reports of Nikkes being corrupted while on missions, resulting in a higher casualty rate than normal. The Central Government decided that it was best to let him investigate the matter while they decided to deal with the growing insurgents in the Outer Rim.

Andersen could only sigh at this, knowing that the Central Government were more interested in protecting their sorry asses rather than sending any form of help to aid him.

However, one alarm on his phone keep setting off by itself. Half-awake, eh decided to check what it was about. As he looked, he saw that the notification showed a human signature being detected on the surface.

This caught him off-guard, knowing that someone from within the Ark has somehow got to the surface. The main problem being that he/she was being surrounded by Raptures. However, in a blink of an eye, all the rapture numbers had dwindled to zero in an instant, surprising him immediately. 

Andersen: Whoever this person is, he could be helpful in Humanity's attempt to retake the surface once again.

He proceeded to announce something on the speaker, wishing to call a squad of Nikkes to investigate.

POV Switch: Unknown Soldier

Back on the surface, the unknown soldier had been doing exceedingly well. He delivered the killing blow on the Black Smith after killing multiple Servant and Husk-Class Raptures in just under an hour with a shot from his Dainsleif Energy Handcannon Pistol.

Just as it was about to leave, his bioscanner starts to pick up heat signals, so he dodged for cover behind a broken section of a wall. From the corner of his eyes, he saw three female soldiers approaching the area, with their weapons poised in the air to engage for combat.

One of them had blonde, short hair and topaz-colored eyes. She wore a grey-colored shirt and similar-colored jacket with yellow accents that showed her... large assets, alongside a black-colored jacket with similar accented colors with two grenade belts attached to her hips, a pair of black shorts and leggings. She wore a black and orangish-yellow beret on her head. 

???#1: Ugh... Why did they have to send us up here to retrieve just this one guy? Surely, they could've requested Unlimited could've done it instead...

???#2: Anis, they've gone radio silent after the survivability rate of the commanders start to drop, plus they mostly wander around on the surface, thereby blocking their signal.

Another one with a light pink and long hair with red eyes answered her.  She wore much less revealing clothing, all except for the legs, both black in color accented with red.

???#3: But, are you sure that Andersen didn't assume wrong, Rapi? It could be just a Nikke for all we know, possibly a Pilgrim.

The third one responded, who has brown long hair with blue underlights and hazel eyes. She wore a white and navy blue uniform with sleeves that were not connected to the main outfit, alongside a short jacket and black stockings. She wore a small hat on her head that's tied with a small blue ribbon.

Rapi: I'm sure of it, Marian. Deputy Chief Andersen stated that he received a notification about a human-life sign on the surface. Hopefully, whoever they are, they could aid us in-

She suddenly stopped for a moment, looking at the place where the human signature was meant to be. Both Anis and Marian also stopped in their tracks, showing a look of shock and fear in their faces.

In the p were dozens of destroyed raptures, all of them various servant and husk-class raptures, and one of them was the Black smith, a Tyrant-class rapture.

Anis: Impossible... To think a human alone could defeat a Tyrant-class rapture... They could've gotten themselves killed.

Rapi: This is why we need to find him fast, considering the bigger threats on the surface.

Marian: Roger, but how do we even track him, considering that they're nowhere to be seen.

Just as she finished, he decided to walk out of his cover and approached the girls, now knowing that they're looking for him, but however, he wished to know why.

Unknown Soldier: Excuse me.

The three Nikkes turned quickly to him and aimed their weapons at him, but paused for a moment as they took a moment to examine what they assume to be a Mass-Production Nikke Model, which made him uncomfortable.

Unknown Soldier: Uhh... Was it something that I said?

Anis: Are you a mass-production Nikke?

Unknown Soldier: What? No, I'm a human. Also, who even are you three?

Rapi: It's best that we should bring you back to the Ark to explain everything, but first, are you the human that did all of this?

Rapi asked him, while referring to the hill of destroyed raptures, to which he subtly nodded. Of course, they didn't want to believe it either. Somehow, the unknown soldier knew what they're thinking, so he decided to make it clear.

Unknown Soldier: I know you have your doubts about me, but just to be clear...

He decided to project the footage of his battle from his helmet cam, proving his point. This shocked the trio, knowing that human-caliber weapons were useless against Raptures.


Unknown Soldier: And that was how I got here.

The Unknown Soldier explained everything to Andersen in his office, who took in every word that he mentioned.

Andersen: I see. Is there something you wished to know, Master Sergeant?

Unknown Soldier: Yes, there is. What happened to Earth when I was still frozen?

Andersen took a deep breath, as well as trying to remember when it all started. 

Andersen: This mess all started a century ago, when Raptures, machines of unknown origin, attacked humanity. This drove most of the remaining humans underground and if it not was of the defense of the Nikkes... Then, humanity will truly be extinct...

Unknown Soldier: What are these 'Nikkes' that you are talking about?

Andersen: The Nikkes are female soldiers manufactured by three different companies in the Ark that are armed with special weapons used to counter against the Raptures. They're built using a metal known as Goddesium, which was used as their bodies' support frames capable of withstanding attacks from the raptures.

Unknown Soldier: So far, I've only seen a number of Nikkes in the Ark that are female? What about male Nikkes?

Andersen: Well... There were male Nikkes at one point, but due to some major problems, they've shifted their focus onto the females for much better results.

Unknown Soldier: I see, and that seems a bit... Sexist?

Andersen: At the time, male Nikkes were much more prone to lower survival rates and there are a limited number of male soldiers at the time, who were all soldiers that fought against the raptures, but you... You are much more different.

Unknown Soldier: I can tell that already. You seem interested in my equipment and weapons, correct?

Andersen: You're right on that part. 

Unknown Soldier: Well, truth be told, Me and a few others were part of a Project conducted by a former country investing research exo-skeleton suits, energy weapons and advanced weaponry systems to implement into their armies. 

Andersen: Wait... There's more of you?

Unknown Soldier: Well, yes, but I have yet to determine their status as either MIA or KIA.

Andersen: Are you their CO?

Unknown Soldier: Yes, I was their CO.

Andersen: I see... So what do you plan to do now?

Unknown Soldier: Honestly... With what little experience I have in this new world, I'll join the Ark in their reclamation efforts to reclaim the surface from the raptures.

Andersen: Interesting, but first, there's something I wish to know as well.

Unknown Soldier: What is it?

Andersen: What is your name?

Unknown Soldier: Jaune, Jaune Arc, but please call me Ghost-01, sir.


(A/N#1: I do not own the images and soundtrack used here. Goddess of Victory: Nikke belongs to Shift Up, while the character Jaune Arc from RWBY belongs to Rooster teeth (RIP) created by Monty Oum.)

(A/N#2: Marian won't be corrupted in this story due to the change of events in the beginning.)

(A/N#3: Comment on which Nikke do you want on Jaune's squad/harem.)

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