Chapter 1

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In the busy streets of Vale's commercial district, a group of five girls were taking a tour of the kingdom, led by a tour guide from Vale.

One of the five girls had tan skin and blue eyes, with her hair tied into a ponytail with a white ribbon. She wore a black shirt and blue jeans with a white jacket. She took into the view of the entire commercial district, enjoying the view.

Girl#1: So, where's the next place, Crius?

She asked their tour guide, which was a young man in his twenties with brown hair and blue eyes in a black business suit.

Crius: The next stop is actually quite near; the Vale City Square. We could go now if you wish.

Girl#1: Yeah, actually, we would like to.

Crius: Very well, then. Call your friends here. We'll be leaving soon.

Girl#1: Already on it.

She proceeded to call someone on her scroll, showing another young girl in her details.

Girl#1: Yomi, can you find the others? We'll be leaving soon. Oh, okay, see you.

While she was talking to her friend on the phone, Crius received a call of his own, which showed a red armored samurai calling him.

Crius: Sighs, What does the old man want now?

He immediately picked up the phone, where he was greeted with a distorted voice on his scroll.

Samurai: Is it done?

Crius: Not yet, sir. The girls seemed to be scattered across the cities, and I want to get this done quickly.

Samurai: Do not fail this mission, even if they someone whom you knew, rouges are marked for death for a reason.

Crius: Understood, sir.

Samurai: Good...

He immediately ended the call, before he somehow disappeared into thin air as soon as the girl finished the call.

Girl#1: I see... Thanks, Yomi, We'll meet up with you at the square. Sorry about that-

She turned her head to see the guide had disappeared into thin air, before assuming that he had left in a hurry due to something important.

Girl#1: Well, that was rude...

She decided to head to the Square with a map that she had received from Crius earlier, which she was thankful for. 

However, on top of a building, a hooded figure clad in gray was observing the group from afar, observing the group of girls from afar as Girl#1 regrouped with her friends.

???#1: What have your squad done to be rogues, Homura? Oh well, a mission is a mission...

POV Switch: Vale City Square

In the city square, Homura met up with her friends, who can be described as visually beautiful and hot.

One of them was a blonde girl with long hair, a hairpin and blue eyes. She wore a zipped-up turtleneck sleeveless shirt with a dark blue miniskirt and black leggings. She can be seen carrying two plastic bags filled with Bean Sprouts.

Girl#2: Yomi, isn't this a bit too much bean sprouts?

The second girl asked her, who has a petite body with long black hair with red eyes and an eye patch with a red symbol covering her left eye. She wore a pink shirt, a blue skirt and white stockings.

Yomi: The man at the shop said that they're selling the whole stock for a 100% discount. Of course, I had to buy the whole thing before they go to waste, Mirai.

Mirai/Girl#2: Ugh.... Whatever...

Homura: I see that you've managed to find your way here. Where's Haruka and Hikage?

Yomi: Haruka and Hikage? I swear that they were with us...

Yomi looked over to see that both Haruka and Hikage had disappeared.

Yomi: Oh...

In the same place, a blonde woman with short, curly hair and a pink bow tie with green eyes was calling out someone from the crowd. She wore a yellow sweater, a pink skirt with a blue belt and stockings.

She was calling out to her friend, who was seen resting on one of the tree branches in the city square, which was a bizarre sight to see.

She had green, short hair with yellow cat-like eyes masked with an almost deadpan expression, and wore a red turtleneck sweater alongside a pair of black stockings.

Haruka: Hikage, can you please get down?

Hikage: No, I like it here.

Haruka was about to say something when they saw a Shinobi Kekkai Barrier forming around them and sensing a presence of a shinobi in the area.

Hikage: Alright, I'll get down now.

As the two groups gathered back together, they began to notice that the surrounding crowd began to fade away before three shurikens missed Homura, Yomi and Mirai by an inch.

The five girls looked at the source of the shurikens, where a lone shinobi clad in a gray armor with neon green accents stood before them, ready to draw out his wakizashi.

???#1: You've made a grave mistake for coming here, Rogues...

The Crimson Squad girls began to transform into their shinobi outfits and draw out their weapons, expecting for a fight.

???#1: (God, I might need to wash my eyes with bleach later when I get back to Beacon.)

Homura: Who are you? Why did you come to hunt us down?

???#1: The Elders of the land wished for your extermination, for they deemed you a liability to the world of the Shinobi...

The armored shinobi drew his blade out, preparing himself for a battle.

Homura: And who are you to judge our rogue allegiance as rogue shinobis?

???#1: The Wolf of Mistral himself... Now brace yourself for battle...

Homura: Hmph, very well then... Crimson Squad, fight!!!

The two sides charged at each other, with their weapons poised at each other.

POV Switch: Adams office in Vale WF Warehouse

Inside Adam's office, he was sharpening his sword when he felt the presence of six shinobis in the middle of Vale, battling against each other. However, one of them stood out, as he recognized the aura of that single shinobi alone.

He immediately threw his sword away and took out a long, black case. He opened it and took out a katana of similar length that has a curved handle, black and accented red in color.

He proceed to draw out the blade, with the sharp edge glowing in a vibrant red, signaling his worth to be a Shogun.

Adam: One day, I'll show the elders the truth...

He put the Katana back into it's scabbard, before he opened up a steel cabinet next to his desk. Inside was a red samurai armor that he used to wear, although already equipped with a wakizashi and a Katana. He proceeded to put on the Armor, piece by piece until it was the helmet left.

However, the Lieutenant barged in as he was about to put on the helmet.

WF Lieutenant: Leader Taurus... We've found- Wait, what are you wearing?

Adam: Ah, Lieutenant, what seems to be the matter?

WF Lieutenant: The traitor Belladonna was found at Beacon, what do we do with her?

Adam: We wait, bait her into one of our meetings, and as for this armor, it was a part of my past before I joined the White Fang.

WF Lieutenant: Care to elaborate?

Adam: I wish I could, but there are much more urgent things to do for the both of us.

WF Lieutenant: And why is that?

Adam: I'll be leaving you to command the White Fang in my place when i will be away for a few days. There's something important I must tell you first: Whatever you do, don't let the Albain brothers and those three take over my lead when I'm away, for I fear that they'll be a greater threat to our kind and image...

WF Lieutenant: Why do you not trust them?

Adam: If I could, then I would tell you, but there's someone I would have to meet first to explain everything.

Adam then put on the mask, before he somehow disappear out of the Lieutenant's sight and a strong gust of wind blew the window open with ease. This left the Lieutenant stunned, but decided to take Adam's word and lead the Fang in it's place.

POV Switch: Vale City Square

Back at the Square, the entire Crimson Squad was solemnly defeated at the hands of the mysterious Shinobi, with Homura being held up by the neck by the mysterious shinobi.

???#1: And I ask this again: What are you doing here, Crimson Squad? Why flee here?

Homura: Like hell we would tell you.

???#1: Fine by me... I'll kill you if you're not going to talk...

He proceeded to tighten his grip around her, which forced her to choke as he did. However, he sensed Haruka's robot sneaking up on him and tried to attack, but was blocked as the shinobi threw Homura at it, sending her crashing through Mirai and Haruka.

Haruka: Homura, are you okay?

Homura: Yeah, but this annoying bastard is much more powerful that we thought...

She looked at the unconscious Yomi and Hikage, who've been knocked out cold and lying on the ground form the sudden flurry of attacks from the mysterious shinobi.

However, during the fight, the three left could sense that the person under the armor felt familiar, and also recognized his fighting style matched a certain blonde that they knew.

Haruka: Who even are you, shinobi?

???#1: One that lives within the shadows, hunting down those that goes against the natural order of nature... I am the Wolf of Mistral, ad the descendant of the first Shinobi, Sekiro the Wolf...

The three suddenly came to the realization as to who was under the armor, but before they could say a word, a samurai clad in red suddenly charged at the grey shinobi, who immediately jumped upwards to dodged his charge attacks. However, the samurai drew his blade and hit the shinobi in the shin as he tried to land. The force of the attack sent the shinobi flying towards the trio and crashing into a tree.

The shinobi got up and took a good look at the samurai, recognizing the armor and the sword he wielded.

???#1: Adam... It seems that you've finally shown your face. Ready to face your crimes?

Adam/Red samurai: No, not yet... Jaune. 

Jaune/Grey Shinobi: Very well... Prepare yourself, Adam... I will not go easy on you...

Jaune then gripped onto the handle of his katana, while Adam did the same for his red katana as well. 

In a blink of an eye, the two charged at each other, with their blades drawn out and locked at each other with green and red fury, while the three rogue shinobis tried to not be blown away from the wind caused by the fight.

The two then broke out of their lock and backed away from each other, while Adam drew out his Wakizashi from his belt and ready to charge but was disoriented by Jaune's shurikens. Jaune immediately closed the gap and delivered two punches to the head, knocking him out cold.

He proceeded to tie up Adam by his hands and feet, before he turned to the three remaining shinobi, with his blade drawn at the ready.

Jaune: Now, you three must give me a good reason as to why you're all here, of all places...

Homura: We can explain everything, Sensei Jaune but can we bring it somewhere else?

Jaune: Very well.

Jaune proceeded to put his katana back into his sheath, with Homura and Mirai following suit while Haruka's robot then picked up the unconscious Yomi and Hikage.

Timeskip: Vale Hotel

Inside the Vale Hotel, the four had settle down, while Haruka were patching up Yomi and Hikage from their fight with Jaune.

Speaking of Jaune, he had took off his mask, allowing the three shinobis to see his almost scarred face. However, the last time they saw him, they clearly remembered that he still had his four limbs and an entire body with him instead of a prosthetic body.

Homura: Sensei, what happened to your body?

Jaune: Well, to answer that, I was assigned to hunt down a Yōma before I came here wandering in the open, which I successfully killed but resulted in my loss of my limbs and majority of my body. 

Homura and Mirai could only feel sorry and worry for him, as their team and their friends also cared for him as well.

Jaune: Fortunately, my family were well-versed with this sort of thing, and were able to rebuild my body and get me back on my two feet. And for this, the Elders had assigned me to hunt him down.

He pointed at Adam, who was writhing around to get the ropes loose at the corner of the room.

Homura: Oh... I see...

Jaune: And I think it's my turn to ask you two this: Why have you and your squad declared yourselves rogue Shinobi? 

Homura and Mirai looked at him, unsure as to how to explain everything to him.

Homura: Well... How do we say this...

Timeskip (If you know the story, then you know. If you don't then watch the anime or go to the wiki)

Homura: And that's why we defected. Sorry if you have to hear this, sensei...

They both finished, while Jaune could only only show a stoic face, but deep down, they could sense a feeling of hatred and anger, since he knew who Dōgen was. 

He let out a breath of air, which helped him to calm down partially from his anger.

Jaune: I see... I'll contact the Elders about this to get him removed from his position as headmaster of Hebijo and convince them to remove the bounties on your head...

Homura: Oh, I see... So what now?

Jaune: There are some things I have to deal with before returning to Mistral... Mainly about my resignation from an Academy that I was attending while undercover.

POV Switch: Ozpin's Office

Inside Ozpin's office, he was looking through news reports of White fang activities increasing in Vale at a concerning rate. However, the beep of a notification from his desk distracted him from looking any further. 

He opened up to see a resignation letter sent by Jaune, which was written as the following: 

Hello, Headmaster Ozpin,

I've written this letter to inform you that I've decided to resign from Beacon Academy due to personal reasons that involves in a world that is beyond your understanding and I have taken all my personal items. However, if my team and team RWBY inquires about this sudden withdrawal form Beacon, inform them that it was due to personal reasons. However, if they insist on finding me, tell them to find me in Mistral. Anything else is up to you.


Jaune Arc

Ozpin knew what this meant, so he knew he had to break the news to both Team RWBY and (J)NPR the next day.


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