Chapter Three

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There will be flashbacks, but not now...Got the COVID vaccine on my left arm and it's still sore. Also this will have graphic imagery 


I wasn't drinking any alcohol as I listened into Ozpin assign us an important mission. Numerous huntsman have gone missing and this was no time for me to get a drink. Despite how badly I craved it. Besides I had to keep an eye on Ruby and Yang who are still dealing with the consequences of their own actions against one of their former friends. His name was Jaune and just like me...he used fake transcripts. The only difference between us is that my friends and family stuck by my side while his abandoned him without a second thought. 

I hated how they determined that transcripts were more important that friendship or familial bonds. It got even worse once he committed suicide for what his former friends, classmates and family put him through. Sighing...I wondered how my nieces turned against their friend for some papers. I was so invested in my thoughts that I hardly noticed that Winter was glaring at me before I felt her pinch me.

"Ow. What is your problem?" I hissed at her which only made her roll her eyes at me. 

"I wanted to see if you were paying attention. This is a serious mission and we need to..." Winter started to say which only irked me more. Winter and I were frenemies and would often get on each other's nerves due to my habits. 

"For your information, I was paying attention. If anyone needs your focus than it's your sister and her friends." I said which made her freeze before glaring at me harshly.  

"Weiss isn't my sister anymore." Winter said. When the news broke out that her sister caused the death of an innocent boy... Winter was beyond furious. Which only worsened when her father announced that Weiss was replaced as his heir. She disowned her own sister and even said that she should burn in the pits of hell. 

"Did I open some wounds?" I asked. Winter never answered me which almost made me glad. However, we should really focus on the mission on hand. Those huntsman are still missing and it's our duty to get them back. The only question is....

Whether or not they're still alive?


I was enjoying the sound of those pathetic humans  begging and pleading for the sweet release of death. I wish that one of them could be my former husband, but he was already dead by my own hands. Not like I miss him since he only cared for his good looks, fame and numerous other women that were not his wife. I even was apart of those demon hunters who wanted to rid the world of them.

How ironic that I ended up as one of them after Jaune took pity on me. Besides he was a much better lover than Raphie ever was. But enough about my ex, I was wondering when the next batch of victims were and when they will fall into our trap. 

"Martha. Enjoying the screams?" A voice said behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Lucifer. She was the queen of hell and would often torture anyone who would threaten the kingdom or her daughter, Charlie. Not to mention any of her fellow harem sisters and Jaune.

"Yes. It almost makes me wish that Raphie was among them so I can tear him limb by limb once more." I said.

"Sadly, we only got one shot at him. No matter, we can easily do that to one of those humans down there." Lucifer said. 

"That would be good. Maybe we can invite Alastor to join in." I stated.

"Sure, but she'll probably want to spend time with Jaune. Not like we can exactly blame her seeing that he treats all of us like queens." Lucifer said.

"Speaking of which, I have a theory that these humans came from the same place that Jaune did." I said which didn't really shock her. It wasn't surprising since Lucifer always hid her true emotions unless she was confronted by her family or Jaune.

"I had a feeling as much. They had the same smell that Jaune had when he first arrived here. However, unlike Jaune....they didn't know when to pick their battles and keep their mouths shut." Lucifer said. Many of these humans always tried to show some fake bravo when they stepped foot into this place. They even tried to fight many of us....with disastrous results. I can still remember the screams as many of them lost their limbs and were tore apart by many of the residents here. One of the most rememberable ones was when a woman tried to fight one of the most dangerous residents here and got her face ripped in two. (Can you guess the reference. Here's a hint....It was the last movie in the DC animated comics lineup)

"Do you think that they will also step foot in here?" I asked. All of the girls knew about what happened to Jaune before he ended up in hell. How his former friends and family minus a few abandoned him without reason and tormented him. 

"Probably. Which means that preparations are in order." Lucifer said with a grin. I couldn't help myself from getting excited to show those traitors just how badly they messed up. And the best news about that....

We wouldn't have to wait long.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter....Bye 👋

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