Chapter 10: Revelations (Part 2)

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(At the cafetería, Wanda and Jaune are seen as the girl takes a sip of her coffee.)

Wanda: Well, Jaune. I'm waiting.

Jaune: Well... I wasn't exactly this smart before.

Wanda: What do you mean?

Jaune: Have you heard of Beacon Academy?

Wanda: You're talking about the very academy composed of big liars led by the worst liar ever?

Jaune: Yeah... Well... I used to be a student in there.

(This causes Wanda to spill coffee.)

Wanda: You used to be one of them?

Jaune: Yes... To be exact, I was not talented or skilled. And my semblance leaves much to be desired as well. Then I used some fake transcripts to enroll in the academy.

Wanda: Fake Transcripts?

Jaune: Yes...

(Flashback of his former team and other Beacon Students are seen)

Jaune: I used to be a happy boy with friends standing by my side. Or at least I thought so...

(Then the scene of Cardin exposing his transcripts is seen)

Jaune: The bully named Cardin Winchester exposed my transcripts and everyone turned their backs on me. And then I got kicked out.

(Flashback ends)

Jaune: If it wasn't for Tony Stark, I would remain as a complete garbage.

Wanda: Do you really know who Stark really is?

Jaune: What do you mean?

????: Maybe we should tell you about Stark's wrongdoings.

Jaune: Wrongdoings?

????: Yes. And by the way, I'm Pietro.

Jaune: Nice to meet you, I guess.

Pietro: Let me tell you about our... hatred towards Stark. Wanda and I were ten years old, having dinner, the four of us. When the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor. It's big. Our parents go in, and the whole building starts coming apart. I grab her, roll under the bed and the second shell hits. But, it doesn't go off. It just... sits there in the rubble, three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted one word...

Wanda: Stark.

Jaune: Wait, what?

Pietro: We were trapped for two days.

Wanda: Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks, I think, "This will set it off." We wait for two days for Tony Stark to kill us.

Jaune: Wait, this means...

Pietro: You better watch your back. Earlier or later, he will backstab you.

(Meanwhile, Robin and Iceman are seen searching for Iron Lad and Spider-Man.)

Robin: Where could they possibly be?

Iceman: Like I knew things...

(Then Hiro comes in)

Hiro: Hey guys. What are you looking for?

Robin: None of your business!

Iceman: We're looking for Spider-Man and Iron Lad.

Robin: (angry) Hey!

Hiro: You mean Peter Parker and Jaune Stark?

Iceman: What the...

Hiro: I installed some identification system on Baymax. It allows him to find out the true identities of either heroes or villains. For example, you are Robert Louis Drake, and this is Damian Wayne, son of the Headmaster of New York Academy, Bruce Wayne.

Iceman: Right, you got us.

Hiro: Come on. I can help you to search for him.

(Back to Jaune, now as Iron Lad, he is seen following a truck alongside Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Then they see it going to a warehouse.)

Iron Lad: So this is the their hideout.

Quicksilver: Who are hiding in there?

Iron Lad: You will find out.

(Then the trio enters the warehouse and see Deathstroke and Iron Monger talking)

Deathstroke: I still can't believe we lost to those kids...

Iron Monger: You should be glad we escaped!

(Then Scarlet Witch tries to use her telekinesis to enter at Deathstrokes's mind. But as she does so, Deathstroke feels a strong headache.)

Deathstroke: (hangs his head) Argh. What's happening to me?

Iron Monger: What? (sees Deathstroke in agony) Slade!

(As Iron Monger tries to help Deathstroke, Quicksilver uses his speed, drags him away and throws him down.)

Quicksilver: Bet you didn't see that coming.

Deathstroke: You're dead, kid!

(Meanwhile Iron Monger is seen fighting Scarlet Witch and Iron Lad. Their combined attacks seem to be enough to bring down the Iron Monger. But then a shot almost hits Jaune, but Wanda defends him. Then Lex Luthor is seen in his battle suit.)

Iron Lad: Lex Luthor?

(Wanda goes to fight Luthor while Iron Lad is face to face with Iron Monger.)

Iron Monger: Stark made a mistake. And he will pay for his mistake once I'm done with you!

(Iron Monger tackles Iron Lad.)

Iron Lad: Jonas, divert power to chest RT.

Jonas: Power reduced to 19%.

(Meanwhile Spider-Man is seen looking for Jaune as his spider senses tingle. Then he sees Iron Monger tackling Iron Lad.)

Spider-Man: Oh my god!

(Spider-Man jumps off and then decides to follow the fight. Iron Monger then throws Iron Lad down.)

Iron Monger: For 30 years, I've been holding Stark up! I built that company from nothing! Nothing is going to stand in my way. Least of all... you!

(Then Iron Lad shoots and the shot damages Iron Monger's armor.)

Iron Monger: Impressive. You've upgraded your armor! I've made some upgrades of my own!

(Then Iron Monger flies.)

Jonas: Sir, it appears that his suit can fly.

Iron Lad: Duly noted. Take me to maximum altitude.

Jonas: With only 15% power, the odds of reaching that--

Iron Lad: I know the math! Do it!

(Iron Lad then flies while Iron Monger follows him.)

Spider-Man: Jaune, don't!

(Then Hiro comes in with Baymax, Robin and Iceman.)

Hiro: Hop on.

(Iron Lad is seen still flying as Jonas tries to warn him)

Jonas: Thirteen percent power, sir.

Iron Lad: Climb!

Jonas: Eleven percent.

Iron Lad: Keep going!

Jonas: Seven percent power.

Iron Lad: Just leave it on the screen! Stop telling me!

(Iron Lad keeps flying as Iron Monger keeps following him.)

Iron Monger: You had a great idea, Jaune, but my suit is more advanced in every way!

Iron Lad: How'd you solve the icing problem?

Iron Monger: Icing problem?

Iron Lad: Might want to look into it.

(Then Iron Lad goes down as Iceman comes in and freezes Iron Monger. As Iron Lad goes down, he shoots down Lex Luthor, giving Scarlet Witch a chance to rip his suit, rendering him defenceless. Iron Lad manages to land on his feet, but the armor started to have problems.)

Iron Lad: I gotta admit. That was suicide. I can't believe I made it.

(Then Iron Monger falls down, frozen and with his suit damaged as well.)

Iron Monger: (tries to fly) Why can't I...

(Then Robin, Iceman, Hiro, Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch come in)

Iron Monger: You little brats!

(Iron Monger tries to shoot, but his propulsor is damaged too.)

Iron Monger: Damn it!

Spider-Man: End of the line, Stane.

Iron Monger: Who decided that?

(Then Quicksilver drags the defeated Deathstroke and throws him at Iron Monger.)

Quicksilver: What's wrong? Didn't see that coming?

Iron Monger: NOW I HAD ENOUGH!!!

(Iron Monger tries to tackle the heroes, but Scarlet Witch shoves him off with her telekinesis and he falls down, having his spine broken even though he was inside the suit.)

Spider-Man: We did it.

Iceman: Yeah. We won the battle.

Robin: Yeah, we got them.

(Then the police officers come to arrest Deathstroke and Lex Luthor while Stane is confirmed dead.)

Robin: I gotta admit, these "four" were quite useful. But we must remember to ask for our real friends' help, not someone else.

Iceman: Well, at least we survived, right?

Iron Lad: That's right! Team SWPR is all rage!

(At New York Academy, Bruce receives a message from Hal Jordan, saying "Dark Times are coming.". This causes Bruce to realize one thing.)

Bruce: It looks like things are simply getting started.

(Then credits roll out)

(Post-credit scene)

(At Oscorp, Norman Osborn is seen waiting for someone, then Silver Sablinova comes in)

Sablinova: You called me, Mr. Osborn?

Norman: I'm glad you came. Follow me.

(Then the two are seen walking)

Sablinova: I heard about a new superhero named Iron Lad. And apparently, he is one of Spider-Man's new teammates.

Norman: If Iron Man thinks he will have a successor, he is gravely mistaken.

(Then Norman presses a button and a chamber showing the Iron Patriot Armor is seen)

Norman: With this armor, Stark and his friends will not stop me! Oscorp will prevail!

(Then the screen goes black.)

(Dark Reign is coming)

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