Blankets (yes its that one blanket trope again don't judge me)

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Hello there

as you can see from the title, yes it is that.

Enjoy lol


Let's see.

Coldness? Check.

My girlfriend of two weeks? Check.

No way to contact the others. Also check.

But on the plus side, they found a cabin in the middle of the snow, and they have two blankets with th-.


Oh no.

I lost my bag on the way up here, my fault for trying to show off. We only have Nya's bag now.

With only one blanket.

And even with the roof above their heads, it was freezing.

'Well this sucks.' he thought. 'Now I will freeze for the night.'

"What? What do you mean?" Nya spoke out. "By the way, yes you were thinking out loud again.'

He had a habit of doing that, at least it's not as awkward as that one time Jay thought out loud of how pretty and Nya is, in front of Kai.

He was still alive so overall a good outcome. Plus he got to see Nya getting redder and redder.

It looked cute on her.

"Well I don't have anything for the night except the clothes I am wearing. Besides, there doesn't seem to be anything here." He mentioned, looking around the room for the slightest hope he wouldn't be an icicle in the morn.

"We have a blanket." Her remark was simple and straight to the point.

"Yeah, but that's yours." His voice got nervous.

"Yeah, we'll just share!" Her voice was more enthusiastic than he expected.

"Are you sure? I would be fine with just sleeping without..." his cheeks reddened at the statement, doubting he would be able to go an entire night with her and not die in the process.

"Yeah. I mean it's not like you have any alternative way of keeping you warm." She reaffirmed. "Besides, I would feel terrible if anyone suffered from this night. Especially you.." her voice quietened at the last part, her cheeks nearly matching the same level of red as his.

"Besides, I would love to sleep next to you, cuddling." Her voice was barely a whisper now, but Jay heard it.

And he internally squealed at it.

"I guess we should settle down somewhere. I say the corner over there." Pointing at one of the sides, Nya started moving over to it.

"Yeah, besides, it's always the hottest part of the room." Looking back, he saw Nya giving him questioning looks. "Y'know, because they are always 90 degrees."

It took a second to click in before Nya realised. She groaned at it, hitting her hand against her face.

"I'm seriously reconsidering sharing this blanket with you." She shook her head, "no matter how much I want to snuggle." she quickly mumbled.

Settling down, using the backpack as a makeshift pillow, they quickly realised the scope of the blanket, and how little it covered. Taking a quick glance at each other, their eyes met with a look of a mix of nervousness and confidence, scooting closer until space was no longer a thing between the two. At least it covered both of them now.

Opening his eyes, he was faced directly with hers, looking deep into his soul, almost like analysing. Mesmerising.

"You okay there Nya?" That shook her out of it, startling her. She said nothing, just manoeuvring her arms around his waist, pulling herself closer to him. He decided to repeat the motion, bringing his arms and pulling them somewhat even closer than before.

After a few seconds, Nya decided to be brave and give a small kiss on his cheek before snuggling into his chest.

"Goodnight Jay" was the last thing she said for the night before he felt her soft snores against him.

He took a moment to appreciate it, just enjoying the feeling, before shutting his eyes himself.

"Goodnight Nya.."

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