Family (I am gonna meme with these titles now)

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Hello and welcome again, still here doing them so yay

Anyway enjoy!


When Jay started off his ninja career, he didn't have any plans for a family of his own, only the family he had with his parents.

However when he got with the team, he imagined a new family, one made up of brothers-from-other-mothers, and a parental teacher figure.

But when he met her, he could imagine a different sort of family.

A family to call his, and hers.

Through the years the feeling got stronger, even when they were not seeing each other anymore. He still thought of it.

When they reconciled in that fateful lighthouse, he could almost picture it happening.

When they became Yin and Yang, it seemed almost fate.

However, on top that building, surrounded by water, his dream was crushed. Gone beyond belief.

But he didn't give up hope. Not completely.

The future reflections didn't lie.

She eventually came back, albeit without her powers. They returned later on in life.

But that was all in the past now, they had retired from ninja duties, and although she was the water ninja once again, her powers were mainly for watering plants now, Jay's for keeping the lights on.

They had long since retired to Jay's dad's mansion, previously owned by an old man called Cliff.

However, it was just the two of them, the others all moving onto other things.

And although it was unspoken between the two, they both felt like a few more additions to the family could be possible.

"Like a pet? A dog? We already have Zippy" Jay mentioned, taking a small glance outside at their own dragon, happily playing in the pool.

She mentally facepalmed. "No Jay. I meant children." Nya shifted closer on the couch to him


"Yeah, I think it's time to think about children."

Jay's face went white. Thinking about it, imagining it was one thing, actually committing to it was a different thing.

"C-children? Are you sure?" His voice was full of doubt. Nya noticed a single tear roll down his cheek.

"H-hey" pulling him into a hug, she let his head lay on his chest for a moment before bringing him to eye level. "What's up?"

"It's just that- what if I am not a good father?"

Nya paused for a second, shocked that he would even think such a thing.

Jay didn't even need an audible answer to know what she was thinking.

"I just don't want to end up like my birth father..." lowering his head in shame.

He felt her hands grab his. Looking up, her eyes held a kind expression.

"Jay... you are nothing like your father." She started, reaffirming with a soft squeeze. "Although your father didn't want you, and we still don't know what happened to your mother, I know you, and I know you don't give up on the people you love. You never gave up on me for that year, and I know you wouldn't give up and abandon me, or our future children."

"You're right.." Jay's face returned a smile to her. "Besides. I have always wanted kids of my own, running around here, Zippy giving lifts to them to school, them going to college, getting their own famil-"

"Woah tiger." She interrupted him. "Let's just focus on getting them here first. We can worry about the other bits a day at a time.

And although Jay's doubts were still there, looking down at the ring on his hand, it always gave a reminder that Nya was there for him for anything.

It was them against the world, and they would always win.

No matter how long it took.

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