The Prompts I think

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Right, Hello there! 

I am JamesTheSwagg3r, the man with an uploading schedule as consistent as the last few seasons of Ninjago; nonexistant.

Anyway in this installment of "I show up and then disappear for months at a time" we have Jaya week, Hosted by Jeleegohydroelectricjaya, and Dissmisery! (Under the account jayaweekofficial for convenience)

Starting September the first, for a whole week, there will (hopefully if I can manage) be a different oneshot every day based on the following seven prompts:

Sep 1- Sakura

Sep 2- Family

Sep 3- Text Message

Sep 4- Blanket

Sep 5- Stars

Sep 6- Fever

Sep 7- Blue

I am currently on holiday and have no preservation or future planning but I will try my best, even if I have to do some after.

If you do join in, feel free to tag me and I'll take a read of them. but for now, thats all I have to say,

I will see you then!

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