Chapter 4

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Jayfeather dreamed. He was in the ThunderClan camp. Dark ghostly figures attacked his Clanmates. Firestar was struggling to defend the camp.

 "You'll die today, Firestar!" Hawkfrost sneered. Firestar. Lionblaze and Dovewing stood in the shadows, fear glistening in Dovewing's eyes. The Dark Forest warriors leaped at his Clanmates,and the scene changed. He was in StarClan, once again after seasons. A orange Tom with white paws stood before him, his pelt faded but glittering with stars. "Who are you?" Jayfeather asked.

 "I am Thunderstar. Or I would have been Thunderstar. Your decision will affect the Clans forever.. if there will be a Clan to live in." Thunderstar faded. 

"What? What do you mean?" Jayfeather wailed. A small paw prodded Jayfeather. 

"Jay's Wing!" Jayfeather woke up to Lion Blaze's small face. "You were shaking. What happened?" Jayfeather got up and shook himself.

 "Nightmares of the past." He mumbled.

 "About what?" Holly Leaf's eager eyes stared up at him. 

"The Clan- the tunnels." 

"What are tunnels?" Jay's Flight asked. "

A place where you train to become Sharpclaws." Fire Star's green eyes widened. 

"Can I go?" 

"Absolutely not!" Stoneteller scowled. 

"You're too young." Jayfeather nodded. "Maybe when you're older." He mewed. 

"But not now." Suddenly, the stone wall rumbled. Stoneteller  tensed

 "A sharptooth." Fear lit in Jayfeather's eyes. A sharptooth broke through the stone wall, roaring. Quiet Rain screamed as a rock crushed her. 

"No!" Clear Sky's heartbroken cry rang through the cave. 

 "I should've known.. claws of the cave will slice through the peaceful rain. This is a sharptooth's den!" Stoneteller hissed

"You recieved a vision and didn't tell me?" Jayfeather demanded. 

"This is not the time for that!" Stoneteller snapped. 

Gray Wing hissed and launched himself at the sharptooth. As the sharptooth dodged, Stone Song and Tall Shadow attacked it, knocking it over. 

"Chase it towards the cliff then knock it off!" Jayfeather shouted. Stoneteller ran in front of him, her claws unsheathed. 

"Stay safe, Half Moon." He whispered. 

Jayfeather rushed forwards, but there was nothing he could really do. Stone Song clawed at the Sharptooth's nose as Clear Sky pushed the beast off the cliff with a roar. Clear Sly panted, his eyes brimming with grief. Stoneteller ran to Quiet Rain's side. 

"Stoneteller.." she gasped.

 "Stay with us, Quiet Rain." Stoneteller's voice was filled with grief and urgency. Jagged Peak yowled and buried his nose into Quiet Rain's fur. Clear Sky and Gray Wing bowed their heads. Jayfeather could feel their grief even without using his powers. Quiet Rain moaned as her eyes closed. 

 Jagged Peak's eyes glowed with resentment for the sharpclaw. He looked down the cliff, and saw the sharpclaw's body sprawled, its head turned at an awkward angle. "It's dead." He growled. "Good. No death goes without avenging.

They buried Quiet Rain in a spot covered by trees. Jagged Peak somehow managed to carry her body into the hole. The rest of the Tribe covered her body with dirt and rocks. 

"Farewell, Quiet Rain." Jayfeather mewed. "You were a great friend and will be missed." Stoneteller dipped her head, nodding her head in agreement

The Tribe didn't walk anymore for that day. Jayfeather suddenly felt his vision go black. I'm blind again! Jayfeather hissed. 

"Jayfeather!" Dovewing gasped. 

"Dovewing? Are you ok? Where's Lionblaze?" 

"Dovewing and I are one of the few survivors. The Dark Forest completely destroyed the Clans." Lionblaze growled. 

"Firestar.... is he fine?" Jayfeather felt Lionblaze's grief and knew the truth. 

"He's dead." He mewed bitterly. 

"StarClan didn't help you?" Jayfeather felt shocked. Before he left for the mountains, StarClan had promised to help in the battle. Lionblaze laughed bitterly. 

"StarClan grew separate, and without a medicine cat, we relied on Leafpool. StarClan wouldn't recognize her as a medicine cat, so she couldn't unite StarClan, and neither could the other medicine cats." 

"Who are the survivors?" Jayfeather asked. "Ivypool, Millie, and Leafpool." Dovewing mewed. Jayfeather felt grief strike him as he pictured Squirellflight's kind face. He couldn't believe she was dead.  "Crowfeather and Heathertail of WindClan also survived. Tigerheart and Applefur from ShadowClan survived the attack, and Mistystar and survived the attack. We plan on recruiting rogues to rebuild the Clans." 

Jayfeather felt his vision start to return, and for once, he saw how his closest Clanmates looked. Lionblaze has amber eyes and a golden pelt, and Dovewing had (idk, erin hunters gave her three ye colors) color of eyes with a gray pelt.

 "My eyesight is returning.. goodbye Lionblaze and Dovewing. I'm leaving now."

 "No!" Lionblaze's wail faded as Jayfeather's vision returned. Rock glared at him. Jayfeather jumped. 

"This is all your fault!" He hissed. "The Clans are gone. There's nothing you can do to rebuild them now, even if you defeat the Dark Forest." Jayfeather cocked his head. 

"What do you mean?" Rock lashed out at him with his stubby claws. Jayfeather leaped back.

"They'll never be born now." Rock walked away from him, lashing his tail. Suddenly, Jayfeather saw fighting cats in a forest. 

"Falling Feather! Jackdaw's Cry! Stop fighting!" Jayfeather gasped as he saw Clear Sky and Rainswept Flower fighting. "Stop! You can't fight!" He gasped as he watched Clear Sky slash Rainswept Flower's throat. Rainswept Flower fell to the ground, dead. A young orange Tom was fighting another group of rogues. "Thunderstar!" He shouted. Thunderstar looked at him in confusion.

 "Who are you? My name is Thunder, not Thunderstar." "What?" Suddenly Thunderstar aged by many seasons. "This battle needed to happen. But now, it never will." Thunderstar and the battle faded as he saw Stoneteller alone in the cave. 

"Stoneteller!" Stoneteller looked at Jayfeather and gasped. "Jay's Wing. You came back. Everyone is gone now. I am only Half Moon. I'm no cat's Stoneteller."

 "What do you mean? You came with us on the journey!" "You never went on the journey with us. You never stayed." Stoneteller looked at Jayfeather with confused eyes. Suddenly, Gray Wing appeared beside him. "Who is this? Where is the Tribe?"Gray Wing asked.

 "The Tribe is gone, Gray Wing." Stoneteller sighed. "No! If I had stayed back to hunt, maybe the Tribe would still be here." Gray Wing wailed. "What are you two talking about? The Tribe is still fine! Why do I have to leave to make the Clans be born?"

"Jay's Wing!" Stoneteller shouted. Jayfeather saw the Tribe standing up and ready to leave. A rumbling sounded. "An avalanche is coming. I received another prophecy. The shadows of the night light will fade away in the pounding snow." 

"That means Moon Shadow will die. Shadows on the night light. The night light is the moon." Jayfeather mewed. 

The Tribe of Endless Hunting gives obvious prophecies. StarClan rocks, Jayfeather thought, laughing at his own childish-ness

 Fear lit in Moon Shadow's eyes. "We should stay in the cave and rebuild the top of the stone wall." Misty Water mewed. "That way when the avalanche happens we have cover." Jayfeather nodded, seeing reason in the old cat's words.

Rumbling shook the earth. Holly Leaf whimpered, burying her nose in Stoneteller's fur. Suddenly, the rumbling increased. Sounds of pounding and roaring entered Jayfeather's ears. StarClan help us! Jayfeather thought. 

StarClan doesn't exist here, young one. Jayfeather gasped. 

Rock! Rock growled, and Jayfeather spun around, seeing the old cat behind him. 

"StarClan doesn't exist yet- it probably won't ever exist. You will soon know what I mean. Then you will have to make the hardest decision yet." Rock faded into the distance, leaving Jayfeather alone and conscious of the rest of the Tribe clearing out the snow. What decision could be harder than leaving the Clans to be with Half Moon? There is no other hard choice for me.

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