Chapter 1-Part 1: His Final Wish

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When the ninja lost Sensei Wu, or thought that they lost him when The Great Devourer, it was a very difficult to accept his death. But when Wu sacrificed himself to stop Krux and Acronix and he was supposedly trapped in time itself, the ninja were even more depressed than the first time. Even now, after 1 month, the ninja still pray for the return of their Sensei. He had acted like a father to all of them, to even those who had still had parents.

But losing him was too much. Every once in a while, Lloyd would enter Wu's quarters in the Airjitsu Temple and just...meditate on his mat in the middle of the room. And during most of those meditation sessions, Misako would join him.

But today, Lloyd was checking out Sensei's stuff. And he found something VERY important.

(Lloyd's POV)

"Lloyd, do you have my sword?" Kai yells from the training grounds outside. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"No, Kai. I DON'T have them. You took them to your parents shop earlier so that they can replicate it, remember?"

"Oh, yeah! Jeez it's been like what...2 hours?!What's taking them so long?"

"You should know how long it takes to make a sword!"

"Yeah, but the swords I made were-"

"Horrible if you went to quickly. But if you tried to make a good sword, it took you about 4 hours."

"Who told you that?!"



"Like, 2 weeks ago, now can you shut your face holes! I'm trying to meditate!"

"Alright, fearless leader."

"That's it! If you don't shut your pie hole in 11.5 seconds I will march over to your parents shop, take a sword, and shove it up your-"

"Ok ok jeez! Calm down! Why have you been getting so angry recently. Holy cow!"

"Whatever, Kai. Just shut up...please."

Kai doesn't respond, which I guess shows that he is listening to me...for a change.

I actually DON'T know why I've been getting so mad recently. I just have a bunch of anger inside of me and I just...release it.

Maybe it's because of what Sensei asked me to do if he ever passed away. It's stressing me out so much. I've been making so many calls to so many elemental masters and while only one of the 4 that I called declined my proposition, I still have a heck of a lot of calls to make.

My mom has been helping me a lot, with all the new suits and such but...I have this feeling. It's like the earth was holding its breath, waiting for something bad to happen. And it feels like I'm doing that too.

There is one person that Cole knew that isn't an elemental master, and I called her, but she said that she'll get back to me. Her father died a few days ago.

I wonder if she will ever call back?

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