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With a grin, JD gave Del a bump to the shoulder.

Surprised, the other man flinched and turned around, ready to have a fistfight. But as he recognised his friend, he laughed and returned the favour.

"About damn time.", Del laughed and pointed at Kait, who was examining the fabricator that they had stolen from the COG a day before. "She was desperately waiting for you. You know? Like a damsel in distress."

JD rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide an amused grin.

"No, no.", he pulled a face as if he was disgusted by the idea. "I'm... perfectly satisfied with my situation right now."

Kait raised her head. As she spotted him a broad smile appeared on her pretty face. Her body wasn't bad either, well build for a world like this, with feminine curves and male strength. She always kept her hair hidden underneath a cap of some sort and the longer, dark strands tightly tied together in a low ponytail.

She wasn't ugly by no means, just not what JD had been looking for.

Wiping strands out of her face, she gifted him a soft expression but didn't notice that he didn't come as close to her as he usually did.

He felt like it would be inappropriate to be all casual, wrap his arms around her and touch shoulders while you were the one that he had chosen to love.

Only thinking about the fact that he had told you he loved you a few hours after starting it date made him realise how dead over heels he actually was for you. He had been quite good at denying it but now that things were serious it was hard to oversee.

"Want to give it a try?", Kait asked and stepped aside so that the boys could take a look at the fabricator. "I fear we'll need it soon."

With one raised eyebrow, JD squatted down.

"Why?", he asked and started working on the things he thought seemed familiar.

She huffed.

"Jinn is up our asses. Del saw some BeeDee's lurking around."

Del shrugged.

"Nothing we can't handle, right JD?", grinning, he hit his friends shoulder.

But JD couldn't help and feel underwhelmed by the possibility of a fight. He knew his bad you were at fighting, especially with a gun. And putting you into unnecessary danger was nothing he wished to do.

"Uh, guys?", JD looked up at his friends. "Can I ask you for a favour?"

"What's up?", Kait threw a glance over her shoulder to check on her mother and uncle.

"I invited someone over today. Could you keep it down?"

Del and Kait exchanged a glance.

"Your scientist friend is coming over?", he asked and grinned.

JD huffed but couldn't help and blush a little.

Kait leaned over the fabricator, armes crossed and glanced down at him.

"You look happy.", she teased and winked. "Got lucky last night?"

JD pulled a face.

"(Y/N) is not a piece of meat, Kait.", he protested. "We're in love."

She rolled her eyes, tired of all the old stories he had told her and Del a thousand times already.

"Since your childhood, we know, we know. Just... you two sound like an odd match."

"So? Opposites attract.", Del gifted her a broad smile and wiggled his eyebrows.

But she just groaned annoyed and pushed him away, laughing.

But before the two had any more time to tease JD, a loud crash ripped the peaceful silence apart.

Their heads snapped around, right to the entrance of the village.

A DeeBee sphere had crashed into the ground. With a hissing sound it bursted open and revealed a communication robot. The face of Jinn lit up on the screen.

"Mom!", Kait shouted.

But her mother, Reyna, did a gesture to tell the three to stay back.

"I'll greet our guest.", she growled.

But despite the command, JD rushed to her side. Just in case.

"First Minister.", Reyna greeted the robot in front of her.

Jinn's expression darkened.

"Reyna.", her tone was calm yet a warning. "I'm here for my people. Stand aside."

"You're out of your jurisdiction, first Minister."

"So, here's what happens next. Anyone, who resists COG justice will be dealt with."

"Like settlement 2?", Reyna tilted her head.

Jinn pulled a face.

"That's your choice.", she said but made it clear that it didn't go against her morals.

Threateningly, Reyna stepped forward.

"You're forgetting one thing.", she announced.

"Oh? What's that?"

Without a warning, Reyna pulled her blades, sliced the DeeBee's head and kicked it so hard that the ground started shaking as it broke down.

"This isn't settlement 2.", Reyna hissed.

With his eyebrows raised, Del took a deep breath in.

"Okay! Good meeting?", he said and grinned.

But Reyna seemed anything but calm.

"Oh it's not over.", she let her blades slide back and turned to the three. "You two, grab the fabricator and follow me."

Behind her, a helicopter hit ripped out of the sky.

Nodding to each other, JD and Del grabbed the fabricator and followed her as quickly as possible.

Kait disappeared too, looking for her uncle.

"We need to secure the hall with the fabricator. Let's go!", Reyna took the lead, guiding the two young men through the village. "You! Make sure we have enough burn gel on the infirmary."

JD exchanged a gaze with Del.

He pulled a face and shrugged as to say he had forgotten to mention what they had found out the day before.

JD rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me, ma'am but burn gel won't help.", he informed her. "The DeeBee's are armed with more than shock riffles now."

She froze.

"Wait... Jinn's using lethal force? Oh, shit...", she twirled around to face a group of people. "Get everyone inside the meeting hall. Now! William! Evacuate the school, make sure jo little ones are left behind."

With heavy breath, Del and JD followed her up some stairs and to the entrance of the meeting hall.

A crowd was already gathering, kids hiding behind their parents. Guns were handed out.

Impatient, Reyna did a gesture to tell them to hurry.

"The COG's almost here.", she shouted. "Deploy the fabricator!"

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