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It felt strange to wake up and know that someone was sleeping next to you with their arms wrapped around you like you could escape at any second. His chest pressed against you. It felt hard like a wall yet enjoyably secure.

With a tired grumble, you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand and turned onto your back.

Protesting, JD growled. His chin rested on your head, making you turn so that your breath caressed his neck. A shiver crept up his spine at the warm feeling.

"(Y/N)...", he murmured and hugged you tighter. "Let me sleep a little longer."

You smuggled against the soft skin of his muscular chest. The softness reminded you of last night as his abs had pressed into your back and his cock into you.

You should have been damned if you would deny that this wasn't the best sex you've ever had. Your past partners have had trouble satisfying you, but JD seemed to be a natural at this. That alone made you want to fuck him a lot more.

As you noticed how terribly dirty minded you were, your face turned a little red.

"What time is it?", you asked, still half asleep.

He shook his head, sighing.

"I don't know... I don't want to know...", he yawned and pulled you closer to him. "Let's sleep a little more."

Closing your eyes, you sighed and agreed, but couldn't bring yourself to fall asleep again. It felt late anyway, and your body hadn't gotten this much rest in a long time.

"JD...", gently you pushed yourself out of bed. "Sleep if you want, but I have to take care of something."

Blinking, he dropped back into the pillows. His hand held onto yours, refusing to let go for a moment before tiredly falling down and releasing you.

"You can't just relax, can you?", he asked with a mild smirk. "Not even after last night? What's burning under your nails this time?"

Chuckling softly, you jumped into the bathroom to put on new clothes.

"The cave.", you said and breathed a kiss to his nose.

"You're going back?"

"No, I'll just check my notes downstairs."

"Ah, your dungeon.", he chuckled. "I'll meet you for breakfast in an hour."

"Is that a promise?", you asked, throwing a glance over your shoulder back at him.

He laughed and rolled to the side to wrap himself up with the blanket. It smelled a lot like you, he noticed, mixed with the faint scent of soap.

"It's a threat.", he said grinning and dozed off again.

As you walked down into the basement again, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

For a moment you let your eyes wander through the lab. Everything seemed unchanged, just the way you had left it. But as soon as your eyes fell onto the crystal that you had taken from the cave, the feeling of restlessness grew.

Holding your breath, you grabbed it to take a closer look.

It wasn't heavy nor light, felt hard yet fragile. It seemed to be very similar to glass and yet totally different.

Somehow, the thought that it could taste like sugar accrued to you. If you wouldn't know it came from a cave with a lake, your brain could have been tricked into thinking it was candy.

With a deep sigh you placed it back on the table and rubbed the back of your neck.

As the light got caught in the reddish-yellow parts, it broke and filled the dark room with rainbows.

"Strange...", you mumbled and grabbed a scalpel to scrap some of it off to put it in a container. "It's not... natural?"

Confusion appeared on your face.

The technology that you had taken from the COG as payments was the most advanced kind that could be found. It gave accurate results and was able to categorise any kind of material or biomass.

But as you out the sample in, the machine refused to answer anything specific.

Frowning, you typed in some codes. But every time the machine denied access.

"What the hell?", you eyed the rest of the crystal again. "If this doesn't work... shit."

Quickly, you grabbed your coat and shoved the crystal into your bag.

There was only one person that could make those machines work. Of course, every single cell inside you was trying to avoid her but this thing gave you worse feelings than she could ever do.

This was urgent. It made you feel nervous and restless.

Sure, almost everything had this effect on you, but this was different. Dangerously different.

But as you reached out to open the gate, you hesitated.

A sigh escaped you.

"JD!", you bit your lips.

You couldn't just leave him at your house after he had told you to have breakfast together.

But as always he appeared before you could put yourself into a mess.

"There's my favourite scientist.", he flashed you a smile, but stopped surprised as he noticed the bag hanging around your shoulder. "You're heading somewhere?"

With an apologetic smile, you placed a kiss on his lips.

"Things came up.", you said, not wanting to tell him you were just being paranoid again. "It's important."

His face darkened.


You sighed.

"Yes. They made an offer that I can't refuse."

"I can't believe you're leaving me for them."

A sarcastic grin appeared on his face but his eyes gave away that he was a little disappointed.

You chuckled, kissing him again.

"I know I'm being an ass. But I might be willing to make it up."

An interested shimmer lit up in his eyes. Tilting his head, he grinned.

"You're willing to meet my friends?", he asked with the excitement of a child.

You nodded.

"I am willing to meet them if you let me go and do my stuff now."

"Oh, I'd be an idiot if I would refuse that kind of offer. You, willing to socialise AND meet people that are important to me? That's a deal.", he gave you a gentle push. "Now get going before I change my mind!"

Grinning, you turned away.

"What else would you want?", you asked.

He shrugged, the grin on his face broadening.

"Oh, you know."


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