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The mood was already grim as JD and Marcus returned to the settlement.

Ever since the conversation inside the hunker, JD couldn't help but feel a deep seated guilt growing in his chest. It tied his throat shut, making it hard to breath.

Marcus had not said a single word after that. Even when his son had tried to work him up with his usual nonsense, he had kept his lips sealed and his eyes hard.

Needlessly to say that things only seemed to get rougher and rougher, making it hard for JD to believe in that little silver lining that Baird had promised him.

As the old man, dressed in his lab coat, appeared from around a corner, the mood only worsened. Quickly, he looked around, advices Jack, who was following through the air, to keep quite and called the other two to his side.

With a grim expression, he lowered his head.

"I don't want to kill the last spark, but Jinn is getting onto us.", he whispered and glanced over his shoulder to check on a group of Gears patrolling the halls. "If she finds out what we're planning, the entire thing will go down the river."

JD pulled a face.

"Shit.", he huffed. "How much time do you think we have?"

"Hopefully or realistically?"


"Fine, shit. I'd say not more than a few hours.", Baird eyed Marcus. "Please tell me we don't have to fix anything."

With a shadow in his eyes, Marcus shook his head.

"Still the same as back then.", he growled and threw a quickly glance over to JD. "Update is installed too."

Baird didn't have to hear what had happened. He was friends with Marcus for long enough to be able to tell the difference between his usual harsh exterior and actual emotions.

A sign left his lips.

"I'm glad you told him, but hopefully that didn't change your mind, kid?"

For a moment, JD hesitated.

"No.", he said. "But I'd like to know if I'll have time to say goodbye. In case the worst happens."

Unsure, Baird shrugged.

"If my final calculations are right, we have about fifteen minutes max after cracking the cool room open.", he looked at Marcus again, to make sure he was listening. "One incident and it's game over. If you need to say goodbye, say it before the door opens. Anything after that is without guarantee."

JD sighed.

Letting his head hang low, he had to squeeze his eyes shut and think for a moment. The burning under his skin seemed to worsen in that moment, as if the fire was feasting on his despair, trying to overpower him until nothing was left it ashes and the burned, hollow shell of the man he wanted to be again.

"James.", Marcus placed a hand on his sons shoulder. "You should sleep over it. At least a few hours."

With a soft huff and the hint of a smile, JD grabbed his fathers hand and squeezed it as much as his damaged arm was allowing it.

"I have to do this.", he whispered, his eyes turning as sad as they have never been before. "I might do the biggest mistake of my life. But... I'll live with the consequences. And if (Y/N) dies... at least I'll be able to keep the promise we gave each other."

Baird frowned.

"Promise?", he asked. "What promise?"

"When I became a Gear we joked that if one of us dies the other will take care of the funeral. We both know exactly how the other wants to go... And I promised. Even thought I hoped it would never come to this..."

He sighed again. Something inside his chest pulled together, so hard that he thought for a moment that his arm tried to kill him. Pulling a face, he grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it as tightly as he could to fight the pain back with another stabbing, bone-crushing pain.

"James.", Marcus grabbed him to make sure he was still part of the conversation. "If you can't do it, we can't take the risk."

"No.", JD gasped. "I can. I... I have to."

"Listen kid, this is a serious thing.", Baird eyed him from top to bottom. "We need you one hundred thousand percent. Your mind must be focused and your body ready. But you look kind of..."

"Like extra weight that'll pull you down?", JD snarled, pulling a face.

He knew that he wasn't the man he used to be, not physically and even less mentally. But he was far from calling himself a burden. He just needed to put a bit more effort in than he used to.

"I have to do this. I want to do this.", he looked up to meet Baird's eyes. "I won't be a problem."

"Hm...", Baird nodded. "Fine. We'll start in an hour. I still need to gather some shit. You two make amends or whatever and get ready. We'll meet at the lab."

JD frowned.

"Won't we drive there together?", he asked confused.

Baird huffed amused.

"Did you even listen to what I said, kid? Jinn is onto us. If we all disappear the same time, she'll jump."

Marcus nodded.

"Right.", he hummed. "We need to separate to spread some confusion. James, you'll be the last to leave. Baird and I will go first to prepare everything."

With a protecting shimmer in his eyes, JD tilted his head and frowned.

"Why me last?", he asked. "I should be there when it happens. (Y/N)'s my..."

"Your little lover, we know.", Baird rolled his eyes. "But you're also Jinn's favourite pet these days. If you disappear, it'll be obvious. You need to get around her eyes and ears. And if you can't make it, we'll do the dirty work for you."


"James!", Marcus grabbed him by the shoulders. "Don't be a fool. This isn't about what you want. It's about what (Y/N) needs. And if you must okay the goddamn decoy, you'll fucking do it. Not for yourself. But for the one you love."

Biting his lips, JD let his shoulders sink.

"Fine.", he sighed. "But don't come back to me with bad news."

"I'll try."


"I can't. And we both know that."

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