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Confused, you frowned and looked around, letting your eyes wander over the ruins that once had been a safe fort of your childhood. A cold wind stroked over your cheek, but it felt like a touch, neither cold nor warm.

It felt like your body was numb, empty and nothing but a hollow puppet of your former self.

You couldn't even feel your feet.

JD had carried you upstairs.

"What the fuck..?", you gasped. "Mar- JD... what happened?"

With a sad expression, he shook his head. His hand rested on your shoulder, soft and patient. The touch felt strange, so unknown yet familiar. He knew that it was his new look that confused you, made you feel like he was someone who only pretended to be your friend.

"Jinn wasn't thrilled to know about the Swarm.", he said and gifted you a sad grin. "She... thought that we were stealing her people."

Even more confused, you tried to get up. But your legs were so weak, they slipped under your weight. With a gasp, you stumbled.

Quickly, JD caught you, let his arms slide underneath your legs and picked you up.

While he did so, you noticed the reddened skin of his scarred arm. With trembling fingers you dared to touch it.

He smiled. His forehead fell against yours.

It still felt the same, making you breath out in relief. Your hand rose to touch his cheek. Thanks to his beard it felt hairy, almost a little itchy.

"You're so strange...", you whispered and closed your eyes to rub your forehead gently against his. "You've changed."

He hummed, closing his eyes as well.

"A lot changed.", he said. "Everything."

"How? What happened?"

"The Swarm."

"What is that?"

"I'm... not sure. I don't know anything... But dad said they are like the Locust?"

"The Locust? Like the monsters your dad fought?"

"Yeah...", JD let out a deep sigh. "It was... a lot."

He breathed a kiss to your cheek.

You smiled, leaning into his scent. Despite all these months of separation, he still smelled the same. It felt like breathing in a piece of home, a bit of the old world that you used to live in.

"So, we're at war now?", you asked carefully.

JD pulled a face.

"We're... close...", he admitted and pressed a kiss to your temple.

The touch of his lips still felt soft.

Sighing, you turned your head and kissed him.

It was a shy kiss, so tender and fragile.

He gladly took that little sign of affection and pressed into it, without pushing too hard.

"I missed you.", he whispered.

Still a little tired, you nodded and eyed his arm. Your fingers stroked over the scarred skin, taking in the feeling of every blemish and every single bump. It felt so rough, like chopped leather.

"How did it happen?", you asked.

As your fingers reached a particular spot at the lower half of his arm, his fingers twitched. You tapped the spot again, carefully, and again, the fingers reacted.

"I was trying to be a hero.", he said and moved his hand to show you that there was nothing to worry about. "The Hammer of Dawn is back. Was back. It wasn't very useful though. Blew everything up. Part of me included."

He huffed, grinning.

Pressing deeper into his warmth, you smiled as well and sighed.

"So, I'll have to help.", you mumbled, glancing up to the ruins of the house. "How will I be able to help? I'm not fit enough to be a Gear."

"No, (Y/N). You'll lay down and rest."

"How? Where? As much as I appreciate this bunker for saving my life, I'd rather go back to the cool room."

He frowned.

"Don't say that.", his voice was shaking. "Please it... hell, it broke me to find you in there."

With a sorry expression on your face, you grabbed his with both hands and gave his cheeks a gentle rub with both thumbs.

"Forgive me, James.", you breathed another kiss to his lips, feeling the hair of his beard tickle your nose. "You look so much like your dad... Holy shit, so much changed... I was gone for so long... I'm so sorry."

"No. No, don't be. You survived. For me. That's all I wished for."

A deep sigh made your chest shiver. The vibration was enough to make a cough shake you. The pain was enough to fill your eyes with tears.

Carefully, JD let his hand slide into the back of your neck and pushed it up a bit, to support your lungs.

"Look at you...", he whispered and massaged the pain away. "You're coughing to death and want to work again already?"

Feeling a little attacked, you frowned and eyed him through the veil of water.

"Don't pity me.", you demanded and had to cough again. "I need to be of use."

"You are. But not know."

"JD, I-!"

"(Y/N).", his voice sounded so soft yet strong without allowing any objections. "A few hours ago, you almost died. You can help us when you're ready. Just not know."

You make me feel useless.

"I know. And I know how you feel right now.", he moved his arm to show you better. "I've been there. But even I had to accept that time heals all wounds. Or at least a lot of them."

Chuckling, you grabbed his hand and locked fingers with him.

"You've changed so much.", you chuckled and rubbed your forehead against his and stole another kiss. "You look so much like your dad..."

He smiled, broad and cheerful and had to chuckle himself. It was such a strong movement of his chest, that his entire body moved. He couldn't remember the last time he's had felt this relieved. It felt like something fell of his shoulders, stones and an entire mountain.

"You did call me his name a few times.", he teased.

Blushing in shame, you turned your gaze away.

"You did look a lot like him when I could barely see.", you admitted.

"Oh? And now? Do I still look like him?"

For a moment, you eyed him.

"You two do look quite alike.", you stroked his cheek. "But... it suits you. You're handsome."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Handsome?", he leaned forward.

You chuckled and kissed him.

"Shut up, JD."

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