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"Care to talk to me now?", JD asked as they arrived. "Or let me at least in on your little secret. Dad! Explain."

With his eyebrows knitted together and the mouth pressed into a thin line, Marcus eyed the estate that he had called home for as long as he wanted to remember.

The bricks of the house were burned black and ashy. Shattered windows adored the paved path and the flowers looked as miserable as possible.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Marcus let out a deep sigh and placed a hand on the entrance door.

The wood creaked, ashes twirled up, dancing like rotten snowflakes.

"Wait a bit longer, James.", he growled and pointed with his eyes into the direction of the greenhouse. "But it won't be pretty."

JD let out a huff, rolling his eyes.

"As if you'd be a man for pretty things.", he hissed and started walking.

"Careful, James. I've had my fair share of misery. But even I'd say this truth might be a bit too much."

"Oh, yeah? I'd hate to tell you, but there is hardly anything left that could disturb me about you.", he raised his scarred arm to show the reddened flesh. "And nothing will be as nerve wracking as this. Physically and mentally."

Now, Marcus had to huff. With a grin of disbelief, he shook his head.

"You don't know what real suffering is.", he mumbled and walked on.

JD swallowed the comment he was about to make, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Only when the desire to strangle the man walking in front of him faded, did he dare to try a second attempt.

"I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into.", he said, calm but tense. "And my partner."

Marcus sighed, fighting back a wave of annoyed anger. He stopped abruptly, right on front of the greenhouse. The expression on his face was darker than usual, tortured by memories and long buried guilt.

Slowly, he turned to his son. There was a shimmer hidden deep down in his eyes. He looked like he regretted everything he had ever done.

"There's a secret bunker underneath the greenhouse.", Marcus started in a low voice, locking eyes with JD. "It was build for an emergency."

Groaning, JD rolled his eyes. With his head falling back, he clenched his teeth and pulled a face.

"Of course.", he hissed and had to rub his eyes. "You're always expecting the worst. You always think nothing can be good."

"James. Let me talk."

"Sure. Whatever. Go on and tell me how terrible the world is."

"It is. (Y/N) could tell you too."

JD froze.

"What the fuck does this have to do with (Y/N)?"

"You two were made the same way."

"The COG birthing program... But... what does creating children have to do with an emergency bunker?"

"It wasn't build for the kind of emergencies that you think of. Nothing war related."

JD shrugged.

"So?", he asked, one eyebrow raised. "Stop beating around the fucking bush and tell me straight."

Marcus pulled a face, creating a facial expression that was something between regret and hesitation. Maybe it would be better to end the conversation here and never tell him. But on the other hand, not telling him would leave JD with questions that could make him seek his own answers.

Wrong answers. Answers worse than the truth.

"Did you ever wonder why (Y/N) never had a mother?", Marcus finally asked.

Struck by surprise, a gasp escaped JD. Quickly, he pressed his lips into a thin line and held his breath before shaking his head.

"No...", he whispered. "I... What?"

"The birthing program of Jinn was frowned upon as it was first introduced. Nobody wanted to be first. The memories of the Birthing Creche were still fresh. It was risky, but not as risky as a natural pregnancy. Your mother volunteered to show that it wasn't as cruel as the birthing farms. (Y/N)'s mother was part of the first group that agreed to do it. She and your mother got pregnant around the same time."

JD frowned.

"But... (Y/N) is older than me.", he mumbled. "A few months even."

Marcus shook his head.

"Yes and no. The due date was supposed to be a few days after yours."

"Then... what happened?"

"Everything that wasn't supposed to happen.", Marcus swallowed hard. "She died due to the risks of the grogram, just like many, many other women. (Y/N) could be saved, but... as you know, didn't reach the COG's expectations to become a Gear anymore."

JD took a deep breath in.

"But... what does this have to do with the bunker?"

"Your mother was the First Minister at the time. Loosing her would have shut the program down faster than anything. But the world needed those children. (Y/N) and you were categorised as the most promising of the badge, genetically. But as one of the two best ones turned out to be a failure, people got nervous. So, after more than half of the women of the first group died, including a woman that had the safest pregnancy till the incident, we build this bunker in secret. For emergencies. In case that..."

With a deep sigh, Marcus squeezed his eyes shut and had to lower his head. He felt terrible. Like a liar and the worst father at the same time.

For a moment, JD eyed his father. His expression was an unsure one, eyebrows knitted together and a dark shimmer lurking inside his blue eyes.

His mothers eyes.

"In case I would kill mom...", he finally said with a weak voice. "In case I'd be a failed project too."

Marcus couldn't do anything but nod slowly.

"Back then, even though Anya would have never agreed to do it, the COG made a decision.", he had to pause for a moment again. "If we would have to decide between the child and the First Minister... we would save her. This... bunker was made to treat her as well as possible in case of this emergency. Away from noisy eyes and ears."

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