Not A Demon

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Lucy's POV

I'm trying to summon any sort of magic from my body, but I'm failing terribly. I've been trying for two hours, and barely felt anything except exhaustion. I finally groan in frustration and flop down on my bed. That's when I hear a slight rap on my door. I shove my sweaty hair out of my face and stroll towards the door, expecting the twins. Instead I get a huge surprise.

"Gray2?!?!" I scream, staring at him. He smirks and steps into my room.

"Hello, S-class. Do you know?" He asks in a scary soft voice. I back away from him.

"Know what?" I inquire, wondering what information he's trying to pry out of me.

"See Yukio, she doesn't even know yet," he says gesturing to me as he speaks to the gun wielding boy.

"Here, I'll spill the beans," Gray2 continues, "In short, you're a very powerful demon, and you're capable of amazing things."

I stare, wanting to believe his words, but instead I shake my head in disagreement. "I can't be," I say, willing my tears not to fall, " I'm a useless celestial Mage who can't even defend herself."

"I don't think so, because that's what I thought too. Is there anything special you keep with you always?" He asked, gesturing to Natsu's present hanging around my neck, "how about that scarf?"

I clutch the plaid scarf in fright. This is Natsu's final gift to me. I'm not giving it away anytime soon.
"Not the scarf," I growl, preparing to defend the gift. Gray2 just shrugs and backs off to my relief.

"Ok then, how about this?" He questions, and grabs at my key ring, and I don't resist.

"It's fine, you can have it. It's got no value to me anymore." I sigh sadly. I want my keys back, I feel lost without them.

He suddenly grabs them and rips it apart. I flinch. It feels like something inside me snapped, and I fall over, groaning.

"Yep, she's a demon," the one in glasses answers-Yukio. "Here, I'll scan her." He moves the gadget up & down, and a light shines over me. Then it disappears, and a robotic voice begins to speak.

"Gender: Female, Strength: S+, Type: Angelic," they gasp at the last word. I frown. Did they say angelic?

They turn to each other in awe. " I haven't ever seen an angelic, let alone an S+," Gray- I mean Rin said.

"Guess what," Yukio continued, "that makes you our half sister.
"HIT IT AGAIN!!!" Yukio yells, pointing at the target set at the end of the hall. I gather up my white flames and the target explodes into pieces. The oddest thing is that I can see energy in one eye, and regularly in the other. I tried looking in the mirror at first, and screamed whenever I saw my energy eye was glowing. It's actually kind of cool, because I can see blue energy flowing from the boys.

Then I wonder, will I ever see FairyTail again. But if I'm too weak to defend myself I won't go. My dream was a wake up call to show I was a weak idiot word I can't say, and I'm going to change. I will change. I refocus and destroy another target, getting closer to FairyTail with every shot.
Rigger's POV

I stand rigid as Ersa begins to read the note.
"Dear FairyTail,
I'm sorry I didn't leave without saying goodbye, but I realized what a weak idiot I was and I've found a way to get stronger. Please don't cry or try to go after me, it's pointless. I am fine and will get back to you when I can protect you guys and myself. Please keep Natsu from going after me, Ersa, just don't beat the crap out of him.
💗Lucy 💋
I hate Lucy. She's a little - word I'm not supposed to say- . I don't want to see her ugly face ever again, but I can see the guild feels differently. Despite that daughter of a biscuit's note, people are still bawling their eyes out over her. I roll my eyes.

Day, Night, Gray & Natsu had all gone after her, and I was ticked.

Suddenly a figure bursts through the doors and looks around the room. At first I think it's Gray, but then I notice he's actually wearing a shirt. It's definitely not him.

"Hello, I can help you for a price," the Gray twin says, bowing.

"Zerif, what brings you here?" Ersa says, practically spitting the words at him.

"The prize," he says, smiling casually at her.

"And what would that be, bad boy?" I pop up, a smile on my face. I can't resist a bad boy.

"A bad girl like her, to train," he says gesturing to me. Ersa almost stops him when I cut in front of her.

"Deal," I say, shaking his hand.

He smiles back, making my heart flutter. "Deal."

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