The Car Ride

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Natsu's POV
I regret eating those dang 15 pancakes at breakfast. Now I'm riding in a stupid van, praying that those nausea pills will kick in soon. Ersa is driving (probably over the speed limit) and the rest of us are bored out of our brains. I really hope Lucy isn't watching me right now.

"I've got a game!" Mirajane announces loudly, making us all perk up in interest.

"Cool, what is it?" Lucy asks in her smooth voice. I already feel my cheeks heating up. It seems to happen every time I look at her, or heck, even if I just think of her I blush. I pull my sweater over my face hoping she won't notice.

"It's called I ship or You ship, let's play!" She says in an overenthusiastic voice, as if we're a bunch of two year olds.

I'm not playing that. It sounds like an accident waiting to happen. "Not me," I try to say cheerily, but it comes out sounding like I'm a zombie.

"YES YOU WILL!!!!!!!" Mira rages at me, and drags me by my scarf into the middle of the game. "And just for that, you're going first!" She continues, giving me a devilish smile.

"So how the heck do I play," I mumble under my breath, forgetting Mr. Nice Guy. She ignores my tone and smiles at me.

"It's truth or dare with a twist," she says in a misleading voice," I spin a bottle, & whoever it lands on gets to ask, I ship or You ship. I ship means you have to do something with whoever the asker ships you with. You ship means you have to tell an embarrassing truth. So, I'll ask Natsu first. I ship or You ship?"

"I ship?" I say, still confused about the point of this.

"Yay!" Mira claps excitedly. "Umm..." She thought hard, screwing up the pretty little face I'd love to punch.

Suddenly Lucy starts dinging, and she checks her phone with an embarrassed laugh. "Here, I need to take this," she giggles and turns away the phone up to her ear.

"I got it!" Says Mira in a loud whisper, "surprise Lucy with a kiss!"

My face goes red. "No! It's not that Lucy is ugly or I hate her, I just... Can't do it."
"YOU WILL DO IT!!!!!" She shouts in my face, transformed into her epic demon self. "I SHIP IT!"

Well, there isn't much I can do. I lean in to give her a slight kiss on the cheek, when she turns to me.

"Uh, hey guys... Eek! Natsu, what the heck are you doing?!?!" She screeches and slaps me. Now I know how Gray feels. I rub my sore cheek and look at her surprised face. To my own surprise I felt... Disappointed.

"Will you please tell me why he's hitting on me?" Lucy asks, and I see she's as far away from me as possible. "I ship it," I mutter under my breath.

I try to change the topic, "Well, now I get to ask someone," I say and imitate an evil laugh. I spin the bottle, and to my delight, it lands on Gray.

Gray curses under his breath. "What'd ya have in store for me, flame brain?" He asks, casually grinning.
"Oh, I ship."

My grin grows wider. "Well..."

Lucy's POV
He kissed me. I'm so distracted, I can't even pay attention. There's some sort of feeling inside but I just can't put my finger on it. I sigh in frustration and go back to the game.

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