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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I had case of writers block. That and I was working on a few stories. Enjoy the chapter. Sorry it's terrible and short.

Nya ran to headquarters to tell the others about her encounter with Emily. She ran into the building and knew everyone was there, except Jay. She guessed that he was at home with his parents.

She was about to tell them what happened with Emily, when she noticed that they were all listening to Kai. She decided to listen too.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I think Nya is jealous of Emily." Kai said.

"Welcome to yesterday, Kai. We all already knew Nya was jealous." Cole said.

Nya frowned. They were talking about her behind her back. She was about to stomp in there and give them a piece of her mind, but stopped herself and decided to listen to what they had to say first.

"What I mean is it's getting worse. She took me spying on Jay and Emily. I think we should intervene." Kai told everyone.

"How Kai, she won't listen to any of us?" Lloyd asked.

"I know, but if we don't think of something, then things might get worse." Kai said.

"For Nya, or for Emily?" Zane asked.

"Both, I think." Kai said.

Nya was hurt by this. Yes, maybe she was a little bit jealous, but Emily was evil and up to something, she was sure of it now. Nya decided to make her presents known. She stepped towards the others and said, "Things are going to be worst for you, Kai."

Kai jumped once he saw her and hid behind Lloyd. They all were shocked to see her there and curious on how long she was listening.

"Nya!" Cole said, trying to sound like nothing happened. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough." Nya said, giving them all the "death stare" especially Kai.

There was a long awkward silence for a minute, then Lloyd said, "Nya, I think we all need to talk."

"Yeah, I heard." Nya said angrily to him. They all knew this wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

"We just want to help you." Kai said, coming out from behind Lloyd.

"Guys, how many times do I have to say it? I'm not jealous of Emily! But she's evil and is just using Jay!" She yelled at them.

They all looked at each other, unsure if they could believe her. Then Cole step forwards and said, "It's not that we don't want to believe you, Nya, but maybe the reason you feel that Emily is evil is because she's going out with Jay."

Nya wanted to scream. She had to convince the others that Emily was up to something. She took a deep breath and explained what happened in the alley.

They boys all looked at each other. They weren't sure if Nya was making this up, or if she was telling the truth.

Tired of this, Nya stormed outside and ran home. "I'm going to prove that Emily is evil." She said to herself. "Then they'll have to believe me."

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