Amber- the new Elizabeth

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Guys I think that by now you know that I always want the pictures to match what's going on, this picture is not exactly what they do. It is the same concept but at extreme level. Anyways, enjoy!

The days dragged on, and all I did was groom Mandala and clean tack. I desperately wanted to get back in the saddle. Elizabeth had offered riding the lesson horses, but I had refused. I only wanted to ride Mandala, and besides, the lesson horses were too small for me.
I was passing the soft brush over Mandalas light copper coat when Elizabeth peered inside.
"She looks good. She is very shiny if I may say so myself" she said giving Mandala a quick pat on her shoulder."I was thinking, you were doing so well in the YENT, and you don't have anything to do in the stable, so I thought that it would be good for you and the team if you gave them am lesson. What do you think Amber?"

"Sounds good to me. What time?" I asked slipping out of Mandala's stall and giving her a kiss on her muzzle.

" Meet the team in the arena you desire at three." she said walking towards her office.

A cupple of hours later, I was in the indoor arena standing in front of the YENT team. I chased the indoor arena because what we were going to do required attention and I wasn't going to risk it by going out. I asked them to walk on the rail and a few laps later I asked them to trot. I commanded them to take their feet out of their stirrups and post with out them.

" This exercise is a hard one, but you gain balance and strong legs with it." I explained them.

I made the team do a few flatwork exercises and them I told them to get ready to jump.

" We are not going to be jumping like we usually do," I said as they all exchanged glances. " Tie a knot in your reins." I asked them. They looked at me quizzically as they did as they were told.
I have a simple jumping line set up for you. You will guid your horses to the jumps and right before you take off, you will drop your reins. After you make it through you will gather your reins once again." I explained the exercise and with each word I said their faces became paler.
"Um... Amber. You know that Saturn can be a little crazy right? He likes to bolt between jumps, so if I don't have any rains to hold him back what shall I do?" Lucy questioned me.
"The jumps are just over two feet so I don't think you will have a problem. But just in case, have him collected before you drop your rains and during the jumps, use your body to keep him from bolting. I think you will be okay" I said answering her inquiry.
"Okay" She said. I noticed her voice shake and I added.
"I will be there if things get out of control" I reassured her.
"I will go first." Jess said confidently.
She guided Wizard towards the jumps and dropped the rains and Wizard took off. Jess kind of lost her balance but steadied herself. She flew over the next three jump easily and gathered her rains. We all clapped as she trotted over to us.
It was Heathers turn now. She completed the exercise easily. Zeus was completely focused and didn't hesitate at all, neither did Heather.
"Have you done this before?" I asked her.
"Yes" she answered ducking her head.
"You are up Lucy" I told her as she led Saturn towards the jumps.
Saturn moved fluidly. Before the jumps Lucy extended her hands out. when the black horse touched the ground, he started to canter faster.
"Lean back!" I told Lucy. When she did, Saturn slowed down a notch. After that Saturn popped over the jumps with no big deal. Everyone had passed so I asked.
"Why do we do this?" When I finished my sentence heathers hand shot up.
"We do this to gain balance an confidence. After this exercise I saw that al the horses can do this alone, they don't need someone helping them." She answered my question with flying colors!
I dismissed the class and walked out. I went back into Mandalas stall and stroked her blaze.
"Today I thought a class girl, and I think they all enjoyed it." I whispered to her. "You know, tomorrow the vet is coming and she might let me lounge you or walk you around!"
I needed Mandala to get better, not only so they I could go to the YENT, but so that I could ride her, ride my partner and best friend.

Hello! I am so sorry this chapter took so long to get published, I am currently in school so I don't have time to write. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it! Well are sooo close to 500 reads, only 20 to go; so keep your eyes peeled for when my next story comes out!
In the next chapter the problems are coming thanks to a new girl. Are Lucy and Amber going to lose their friendship after all? Keep on reading to find out.
Love you! Bye! ~Lilaph

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