The letter

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Heather changed the day that she could come over to my house, she was coming on Wednesday rather than Friday because her parents were planing on taking her out for a goodby dinner and because they wanted to help her on Friday to get ready to leave. I was talking to Jess about random stuff as I helped her clean out my room.
"Um, Amber? I want to tell you something" my sister said slowly putting her light brown wavy hair back.
"Sure, go ahead" I said as I straightened a picture frame of her and Fury. I had forgotten the day that Wizard came after Fury was sold, Jess let me ride her because she was struggling and I gave her advice, just after that our relationship started to improve, now a days we didn't fight a s much as before.
"I am going to be away for about four months..." she continued " I have decided to go and study in Canada, I want to learn a new language and I want to study in a different way. I am going with Carol, one of my friends, we will be renting an apartment and we will be there for four months. I am sorry, burnt o want something new, and I know it is hard for you, but I thought that you would understand" she finished. I stayed silent.
"How could you do this to me!" I yelled at her " you know that I am not okay with it, I am already loosing my best friend, and now my sister! You hate me, you always have! I thought that we were identical, we both excel at school, we both live for horses, we even look the same, but now I know that I was wrong! If we switched positions, I wouldn't do this to you! I hate you Jessica!" I yelled. Now she stayed quiet, her green eyes were glossy with tears, she looked hurt, but I didn't care.
"I-I am sorry Amber" she apologized softly.
"Whatever, we both know that you aren't" I said as I stormed off and slammed the door of my room behind me. I was laying on my bed feeling sorry for myself, I heard some one open the door and walk on.
"Amber? Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say, it was Heather.
"Oh. Um, yes, I am okay." I said sitting up. "So, how are you doing, are you done packing?" I asked
"Well, almost. I am washing Zeus's and Hazelnuts saddle pads and sheets, but it is kind of hard because the washer is clogged with horse hairs" she said I burst into giggles.
"It happens to all horse lovers!" I said in between giggles.
We gossiped a while and we got ready to go to bed. We had planned to get an early night, but we just stayed talking, it felt good to spend time with Heather.

We finally stopped talking and tried to sleep. Heather fell asleep easily, but not me. I keeps tossing and turning in my bed. The image of me fighting with Jess kept rolling in my mind, I shouldn't have yelled at her, I knew she wanted more, but it still hurt me...
In the end I decided to apologize to her. I tiptoed to her room and crawled into her bed.
"Jess?" I whispered nudging her softly.
"Hmm?" She said sleepily
"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I know that you just want to be the best you can be. I think that you should go, I can handle thing here. I am so sorry!" I ended up sobbing, I had been so rude tho her, I could have had lots of things on my mind back then but it was not an excuse to be rude.
"You really think I should go?" She questioned.
"Yes, you should" I said giving her a small smile she returned it and fell asleep again.
I went back to my room and fell asleep instantly.

I woke up with the smell of just made pancakes, yum! Heather had just woken up as well. We took turns in the shower and we got dressed. I brushed my hair and put it into a Dutch braid and went to have breakfast along with Heather. We stacked our plates with pancakes and we drizzled maple syrup on them, we dug in and we were finished very fast. I was standing up to go to my room when my mother asked me to go get the mail, I groaned, and I went down the stairs and opened the door, I stepped outside and opened the mailbox. Here were two envelopes I tooted them punt and looked to who they were addressed to. One was to my mom and it was from work, I looked at the other one and read:
From: the YENT
To: Amber Fox.
Could this mean?!

Hi! We are officially done! Jealousy is over. I hope you liked the cliff hanger! Jaja. Love you!!! ~Lilaph

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