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Since I was little, I have had a passion for horses, I have always loved them. My parents have always supported me and my sister Jess with riding, they kept us company to shows and they were the ones that gave me Mandala, my chestnut Hanoverian mare. I had gotten her for my ninth birthday i was so excited when my parents gave her to me, I had always wanted a horse. I have slowly trained her to jump over the three years I have had her. Since I have her, I have started moving up the ranks in jumping, until now a days that I'm a twelve year old girl that loves horse and loves jumping 1.20cm courses on my horse. I rode at a barn called Goldenleaf Stables, there I boarded Mandala and I trained every day with my trainer Elizabeth. Only when I was there, I felt like if I was home.

I soared over an airy vertical and cantered towards an oxer. Mandala snapped her knees under her, clearing the jump, when we landed, I pointed her to the purple vertical as we flew over it. I slightly pulled the right rein asking my mare to face the combination that quickly approached us. I counted the strides I My head before take off 3,2,1, now! We popped over the jump and two strides later we were in the air once more. I checked Mandala before the last jump on the course which we flew over finishing clean.

I slowed my mare and walked over to Elizabeth, leaning over Mandalas neck praising her with pats.
"That was beautiful!" She smiled at me "only one suggestion: be ready to compete in the YENT circuit!" A smile spread through my face.
"Doy you think we will do good? Do you think we are ready?" I asked anxiously. When Mandala and me started doing well in big shows, Elizabeth told me about the Youth Equestrian National Team. She said that there was a show circuit as qualifiers for the YENT, then the YENT scout chose five riders from all America and those riders, go to a prestigious academy called Iron Hooves where they had a trainer and as a team, they made their way to the top. Only the best riders made it, and I wanted to be a part of it. The show circuit started in a couple of months and I wanted to be ready.
"Yes Amber, you are ready. You only have to trust yourself and Mandala. You and your horse have an amazing bond, because of it, Mandala will jump anything for you, you just have to trust her to do what she knows" Elizabeth said before she pat Mandala and dismissed me. I hopped off Mandalas back and lead her to the cross ties where I started to untack her.

I was still debating if I wanted to be a part of the YENT circuit until my best friend Lucy cut through my thoughts. Lucy and I were best friend since we were little, we met here at the stables, both of us shared a passion for horses and we both wanted to get onto the YENT. Lucy didn't have a horse of her own though, so her chances at getting in were slimmer.
"Hey Amber!" She said in her kind bubbly voice.
"Hi!" I said leaning over and hugging my best friend.
"I have a surprise!" Lucy said, I hated surprises so I pressured her to tell me.
"What is it?" I asked impatiently, wanting to know what she had to tell me. Using the Sam trick she used on me, I told her that I also needed to tell her something. Lucy also hated surprises so we agreed to tell each other over at my house.

I asked my mom to come pick us up at the stables and when I opened the door I quickly walked up the stairs to find Jess standing in front of me and Lucy.
"Amber." She said coldly
"Jess" I said mocking her tone. Jess and I always competed to be a better rider than the other, we always had a competitive relationship that didn't let us get along to well. Walking past her, I entered my horse temed room, Lucy following behind. I sat on my bed and Lucy demanded "spill!"
"Okay, So today's lesson went really well and Elizabeth said that if I enter the YENT show circuit, I could actually have a chance. So I have been thinking about it, and I have decided to enter!" I said telling my best friend my piece of the news. "Your turn!"
"I'm getting a horse!" She squealed as she smiled from ear to ear.

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hope you liked the first chapter! The next chapter will be coming up soon, so make sure to check it out!
Don't forget to vote and comment!~Lilaph

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