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"Goodbye Luka."  Silently tears poured down my face. I picked up his lightsaber. It was still warm from his touch. I looked out into the hall, and teachers rushed in, asking me if I was alright. "Enough! Duke is who you need to concentrate on!" I yelled., maybe a little too loudly. Everyone turned to stare at me. In synchronization everyone said "He tried to kill you!" I didn't listen. "Seriously we need to help him." I said. "Well you passed, you can go. We'll handle this." I began to cry again. I grabbed my things and left, tears still streaming down. I left to the Galaxy Bus station. I arrived in time and I tucked my beanie until it was almost over my eyes. "What happened to you?" An unfamiliar voice said. I looked up, a girl with black hair and a boy with black hair stood. "Sit down, you'll want to." They sat down in the same seat. "One of my best friends named Duke turned to the Dark Side and battled me. I had to kill him." By the end of the short story I was crying again. "I'm so sorry! I would never want that to happen to me and my brother." He smiled at the girl. "My name is Davis, and my sister is Rose. We are both Jedi." I sighed in relief, someone who could understand my problems. "I just graduated, that was my test. It was originally going to be me fighting with the teachers, but Duke burst in to fight me." I said, less tears now. "That would have been to much pressure for me." Davis said, smiling. "You must be really good." Rose complimented. "Thanks." An involuntary smiled spread across my face. I was genuinely happy. I couldn't have imagined being happy after a moment like this, but I was. "Do you want to come over to my house?" I asked. "I'm moving soon, so I might not see you again." Explaining to them very briefly why. "Sure. I can trust you, you are a Jedi, and I can tell when people are lying to me. Or being fishy." Rose laughed. "If Rose is in, I'm in too." The bus arrived at my stop. "I get off here." I hopped up, and the siblings followed me. "I've never been to this planet before." Rose said. "Neither have I!" David agreed. "Well it's small, but I love it here." I said forgetting that we were moving for a second. "Why are you moving then?" He asked. "I am going to work with the Resistance, or the Rebels." I said. "That is so cool!" Rose shouted, clearly excited. "Lucky!" David said. "Well you can come anyway. I am going to ride my board, but I'll go slow." I opened my backpack, grabbed my board and my helmet. I shoved my beanie inside, sipped it up and started to cruise down the road. Maybe today won't turn out so bad. I made new friends, graduated, and I am moving to a base. What could be cooler?

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