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Mysterious Person's Sister POV
He was fazed out. Why did he always do that? Well, I know why, but now! In the middle of a conversation with a very important person. He seemed distressed, unlike normal. He would usually fade out to be happy, or when he was bored. Something she said must have caused this then, it must be involuntary. "Stop! I need to tell you all something right now!" He snapped out.

Luka's POV, finally
David seemed distant, as I was taking to Rose, she seemed to be worried. "Stop! I need to tell you all something right now!" David shouted. "What?" Rose asked, annoyed. "Basically, I killed our parents, Rose and I's, and it was because they hunted me. Plus, the rebel base is being attacked." David gasped out. Rose just looked at him, wide eyed. I assume that she didn't know any of this. "We need to go save them." I said calmly, then grabbing my leather jacket, my favorite beanie, a helmet, and my board, I sped away. I probably would never see this planet again, but I need to save Rey.

I couldn't let anything bad happen to her. She was one of my only friends and was really nice too.

"David?" I shouted, the empty corridor filled by my voice. He didn't respond, that worried me. I ran down toward the place he had been a while ago, I ran in all directions, until I found an open balcony door. Rey came up behind me. "Kylo Ren and the the rest of the First Order left." I nodded, sighing slightly in relief, glad that they were gone, but still worried about David. "Hey Rey!" Finn shouted. She followed him away. I walked out onto the balcony, two people were there, Rose and David, who was on the floor. "David!" I yelled, in shock, I knew he wasn't going try to kill anyone, but not let himself die because of it! "He's okay." Rose said. Thank goodness, I thought he was dead. "He won't respond, but he has a pulse." Better than not having a pulse I thought sarcastically. I picked him up. "Let's go." I said.

We took him to the infirmary. He lay there still for hours, then we had to leave, two days passed with nothing happening. "Come quick, David needs to talk to you!" Rose yelled at me. I spit out my water all over CJ. "Go!" She she or me. I sprinted down hallways filled with people to the infirmary. "He-e-ey." He said, weakly stuttering. "Hi. Are you okay?" I asked, happy he was talking again. "Not really. I'm slowly dying because of the wound I got on my stomach." I gasped at him. "No just kidding! I'm perfectly fine!" His voice returning to normal. "You suck!" I shouted. "Right back at ya!" He said, standing up and giving me a hug. "We still have a lot left to do if we want bring Kylo Ren to the light." I said. "Can we just focus on me being alive please?" He replied sarcastically again. I nodded. Hopefully we have plenty of adventures left to go together.

Do you want an epilogue? Comment if you do! I'll try not to be so slow this time. :) Thank you so much for reading this book, I really enjoyed writing it. Give me some ideas in the comments as well for a new book if you'd like.
Sorry for the republish I put the wrong title.

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