The Dream

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As I lay in my cot a hear the faint noise of CJ snoring in the other room. Rey was also with her because she was bigger. I stared at my poster that had a picture of me using the force on a book that my school made. I had bright blue lettering that spelled out "determination" in all capitals and bold.  I looked incredibly talented holding the book completely still for the picture, but it wasn't that hard for me. I don't know if that makes me talented or not. I mean, I look the part in the picture, but that is the capturing on only one moment in time. Oh well, my life is confusing and that's it. I lay back slowly and fall asleep more quickly than I ever have.

I open my eyes to myself sitting in the cockpit of the Falcon. My hands are coated in gloves and I hear Rey shout "Go!" I don't know how to start the ship so I think back to training. I start it up with a swift movement of my hands, using the force to hold the switches and then we're off. I don't know how I did that, I think to myself. Then CJ walks in and fixes something. She tells me to press that button, and in daze, I do. We go spreading into hyperspace.

I wake up, confused. As I look around I see my poster and the rest of my room. Filled with guns, boards, and lightsaber parts. I shift my eyes to my desk and find my model of The Falcon. It took me a long time to make it, was out metal and includes every single miniature part. It could work if it had a real engine, not one made out of wood. What a weird train or thought.

The slides open and I slip through the opening and walk through the hallway. Hearing laughter, I know CJ and Rey are awake. As I walk into the middle of our pod-like house I see that she has BB-8 with her. I smile because I really love droids. CJ has been working in one recently and I'm hoping we'll be able to keep it, instead of it going to the school again. "Good morning!" I say cheerfully. I sit down on the bench and begin to eat some pop-up muffin. That is definitely my favorite breakfast.

"So, can I come to your school today?" Rey asks. I am 5 years younger than her. CJ is the oldest one, being 18 and all. Just about the same age as her. "Yes. But people may think your my older sister." I cringed at my over use of words. Generally I try no to talk much. "Thanks, I'll talk to the teachers. They may know me, seeing as I'm a rebel." Ray says as I finish my muffin. "Time to go." I say flatly. I walk to my room and quickly get changed. Grabbing my new lightsaber, my leather jacket, and my bag, I walk out to the main room and down the stairs. We have a nice abode, CJ makes a lot of money on her inventions. I grab my board hooked on the wall. My mind goes back to my dream and The Falcon. What could it mean? I sigh, time to go to school. I exit and pop on my helmet, taking off my beanie and shoving in matching gray backpack.

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