Chapter 1, Episode 1: First Appearance

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 Jedi Knight Deiva Thidur walks around the streets of Coruscant wearing traditional black Jedi Robes. She was patrolling about slightly bored out of her mind. On her back is a black cloak attached that waves as she walks. On her right was her double bladed sabre attached on her waist.

Deiva was patrolling about slightly bored. As she walks, she noticed a black figure lurking in the shadows. In instincts she took notice of it and still walk. Deiva walks into one of the dark alleys of Coruscant before she heard blaster shots coming from...Above!

Deiva hearing this, she backlfips a couple of times before grabbing her double bladed sabre igniting only one end and deflected some blaster shots. A few seconds later, the blaster shots stopped. She looks up to see that it was a mercenary.

The Mercenary gulps before leaping away. Deiva smirks a bit before making her way up to the roof of the Mercenary then sprinted after. A long but not short chase between Deiva and The Mercenary occurred.

Roughly 6 Minutes Later...

Deiva's sabre, which was blue, is near The Mercenary's throat. The Mercenary froze in terror and in fear. "Spill" Deiva stated to The Mercenary. In fear for The Mercenary's life, He began to talk. He told Deiva that a Sith ordered him to kill her and was at the Jedi Temple.

Deiva, after a few seconds later, pulled out deigniting her sabre and retracted it. "Leave" She stated once again before The Mercenary left. As The Mercenary left, Deiva left as well towards the Jedi Temple. 

Deiva, now at the Jedi Temple, walks around the halls facing forward with a blank expression on her face. As she walks towards the halls she noticed a two Jedi Knights. To be specifically Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The two were talking about something so Deiva decided to eavesdrop. 

Obi-Wan talked to Anakin about there might be rumors about a Sith Infiltrator in the Jedi Temple. Anakin retorted back that rumors that the Sith Infiltrator is to assassinate Palpatine. Deiva listened to this. 

"The temple guards have been alerted." Obi-Wan said as he puts his right hand to his chin. "And the 501st is conducting patrols on key positions if this Infiltrator tries to escape from us" Anakin replied to him. Deiva heard this as well. Soon she walked away being high alert on her surroundings.

As Deiva walked around, she got near the Jedi Archives. She walks past it as well as sensing something in it. Darkness. Hatred. Anger. Power. That's what she sensed. Deiva slowly walks back and in the Jedi Archives wary as she looks around.

 She walks around looking about. The Jedi Archives was the Jedi Order's repository of knowledge on Coruscant, rumored to hold the sum total of all galactic knowledge. As Deiva walks around she noticed Jocastu Nu laying on the ground motionless. 

She was shock to see her motionless before going towards her crouching a bit putting two fingers at her neck to see if she was breathing. It was beating slow as she was alive. Deiva sighed in relief before flinching hearing the Holocron Vaults open.

Deiva stood up walking towards the vault. She walks towards the vault as it is open. She reaches for her double bladed sabre gripping on it using her right hand. Deiva walks till she stops her eyes widening on what she saw in front of her.

In front of Deiva, stood there a dark cloaked figure. She sensed the darkness, hatred, anger and power here. The figure is holding a book flipping some pages as he reads. Deiva watches this as she also noticed a blue glowing light on his cloaked pockets. It was a Holocron.

Seeing this she had to take action against this. "I can't let you have that" Deiva stated to the cloaked figure. The figure didn't reply nor react and kept reading the book. "Hey!" She stated once again raising her voice. "I said you can't let you have that" She stated again raising her voice.

The figure closed the book before putting it in his cloaked pockets. The figure faced her before looking at her. "And your the one who will stop me?" The figure, who was male due to the voice, asked cold and dark. Deiva stood ground and nodded once "Yes" She replied facing him. 

The figure cackled a bit before using the force to grab his saber which was double bladed as well. Deiva went into a defensive position holding her sabre with two hands gripping. The figure ignited only one end of the sabre. It was red of course. Deiva ignited her double bladed sabre and pulls it apart now dual wielding it. 

The figure locked eyes to Deiva as she prepared herself. The figure grinned under the cloak putting the free hand out as it generated lightning. Deiva eyes widen getting pushed easily from the force lightning as she screamed in pain. 

Deiva screamed in pain as she was a few meters from the ground getting electrocuted by The Figure. He looks up at her his cloak covering his face which was smirking. Soon he pulled the hand away that was making the electricity. 

Deiva stops screaming landing on the ground with a thud by her knees. Her hands falling down on her sides as she looks up to him weakly. Her eyes blinking trying to stay awake. "Come on Deiva..." She thought to herself. "I can't let him take the holocron...I-I can't...I-I..." She thought again before her eyes go dark falling forward.

The Figure sighed deeply before retracting the sabre. He went towards her crouching down as he is near her. The figure slowly grabs one of her sabre and inspects it before putting it in his pocket cloak "Grievious will like this sabre." He said to himself then pulls out a piece of paper.

The Figure putted in her pockets then stood up. The figure walks out from the Archives with no resistance. Deiva lays there unconscious on the ground motionless.

Approximately 10 Minutes Later...

Deiva slowly wakes up groaning softly as she lifted her head up. This made her wince trying to get up from the ground using her hands. Soon she heard some footsteps so she looks around to see who it was.

It was Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex and a couple of 501st clone troopers. Deiva sighed in relief before Anakin got to her and held her gently "Are you okay Deiva?" Anakin asked her worried for her. Deiva nodded in response "I'm fine" She replied reassuring.

Deiva slowly stood up with the help of Anakin. She notice her sabre felt lightweight so she looks at it to see that her double bladed sabre became only one. Deiva groaned in annoyance "That B*****d.." She muttered annoyed about this. "When I find him I'm gonna-" Deiva stated before getting cut off

"Obi-Wan is chasing after him" Anakin replied to her. Deiva quickly looks at him "What are we waiting for then." She replied as Anakin chuckled. He and the rest led her out and ran towards the hanger.

Once there Deiva looked around for The Figure. Anakin looked around as well before pointing to one of the transports parked. "Over there!" Anakin stated as Deiva looked at the one he was pointing. 

It was Obi-Wan and The Figure fighting with their sabres as Obi-Wan uses his one bladed one and The Figure using his double bladed sabre but only one end. It was fierce and fast as Obi-Wan slowly is almost at the edge without him noticing it.

Deiva and Anakin looked at each other. Deiva quickly went right to flank and Anakin went left to help Obi Wan. The Figure smirked under the cloak as Obi-Wan attacked left making him deflect as well and enough time to raise his free hand up generating electricity towards Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan flew back screaming a bit in pain due to the electricity. "Obi-Wan!" Anakin shouted quickly jumping towards Obi-Wan catching him using his body. He grunted before catching him and landed on the ground with a thud.

The figure looked down at the two Jedis before turning around to see Deiva. "You're supposed to be dead" He pointed out to her. Deiva rolls her eyes before sprinting to him. The figure faced her as Deiva slashed her one bladed blue sabre to him. 

The Figure easily deflected then parried with his own slash to her. Deiva deflected again and parried. Both of their sabres clashed in a frenzy both sides daring not to give up. As The Figure and Deiva fight, Anakin appeared from behind sneaking up. 

Deiva glanced at him continuing to attack at the cloaked figure. The Figure attacks back before sensing something. Deiva and The Figure locked sabers clashing. Deiva faced him as The Figure was still cloaked but was smirking. 

The Figure side step retracting his saber in the process. Deiva slightly gasp making her stumble forward towards Anakin who caught her as well. The Figure smirked raising the free hand generating Lightning towards them. Anakin deflected this using his saber. 

The Lighting didn't stop until Deiva sprinted towards after she regained balance. Soon the lightning stopped igniting the saber once again only one end of it. Deiva lunged her sabre as The Figure deflected locking sabres.

Deiva smirked at him as The Figure was confused to on why she was smirking. Soon Anakin jumped towards them attempting to do jump slash to his exposed side. Seeing this The Figure activated the other sabre deflecting Anakin's attempt.

Both Jedis were shock but doesnt let up. The Figure, Deiva and Anakin locked sabres. Both gripping onto their sabre. The Figure jumps back retracting his sabre. Deiva and Anakin looked up at him. 501st clones began to enter the hanger shooting at him.

The Figure landed on one of the transports jumping high up again. Soon Deiva and Anakin gave chase towards him. Obi-Wan joined as well chasing after The Figure. Deiva tries to catch up as a ship hovered above them. The three(3) Jedis looked up to see a Scimitar Stealth-Ship. 

The Figure went towards the ramp opening automatically. The Jedis tries to catch up at him but The Figure got in just in time. The ramp closed as it flew away. Deiva groaned in annoyance as she panted. 

Roughly 30 Minutes Later...

Jedi Knight Deiva Thidur along with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Mace Windu gathered around the Jedi Temple Situation Room. 

Located in the four Council spires of the Jedi Temple, the Situation Rooms were large circular chambers that filled an entire level of the Tower. Along the outer walls, large transparisteel windows granted a panoramic view of the cityscape outside. Accessed by turbolift and a set of ancient stairs, the lift car was the designated lift for the Council Chambers at the top of the spire and for the offices of the Council members.

The center of holocom transmissions to Jedi Command, the chamber was located behind a set of blast doors. Equipped with state of the art tactical displays and Holonet feeds, the Situation Rooms were said to rival the comm stations of most flagships. The center of the chamber was comprised of a sunken dais upon which a large holotable rested, surrounded by several comm stations and holocharts. With a direct hook up to the Jedi Archives and the Communication Center, the Jedi Council was always apprised of new information constantly pouring into the Temple.

"This figure...what is his intention?" Mace asked them. "We clearly know that he stole a Holocron as well as a book from the Library." Obi-Wan pointed it out. Anakin nodded in response. Deiva just listened to them.

Soon Deiva felt something in her pockets. She puts her hands in and grabs it pulling out her hand. It was a paper. Deiva confused opens it as there was a note inside. It read "Trust. The Name Is Atlas Node." 

Deiva is confused on why and how she got this note. Anakin side glances at her "What's that note you have there?" Anakin asked her. Deiva looks over to him and gave the note. Anakin read it before going silent. "We know who is our mystery figure" Anakin stated to them as Mace, Obi-Wan and Deiva looks at him.

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