Chapter 1, Episode 3: Betrayal...For A Good Cause?

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Previously On Star Wars: Jedi and Sith: The Odd Duo

"Former Jedi Knight Now Turned To The Dark Side." Anakin stated once more as the three(3) looks at it. "Master In Ataru(Form 4), Niman(Form 6), and Juyo(Form 7)" Mace added to the information. Deiva listened to this. 'Forms 4, 6, and 7? So that's why he uses force lighting that much' Deiva thought to herself

Deiva nodded in response "Very well." She replied to her. Jocasta smiled at her. "How are you doing Jocasta?" Deiva added and ask her. "I'm doing well Deiva. Apart from Atlas stealing one of the holocrons" Jocasta pointed out and replied.

"Before he got here..I was fixing up some books putting some to their arrangements. When I was done, I sensed him so I looked at him. Pleading a look I saw him. He returned a smile at me before apologizing sincerely and truthfully. Then the next thing I know I was laying down in the medical ward" Jocasta story told to Deiva

As she got in she sighed deeply before going to her bed and sat on it. "Former Knight..Now a Sith.." She muttered before pinching the bridge of her nose. "I need answers." She stated to herself before getting up. "And what's the better way to get those answers is from the source" She stated once again.

Deiva piloted to one of the Hyperdrive Docking Ring and connects her Interceptor in. She puts in the coordinates before hyperspace towards the planet where Atlas is. She waited and waited. She rested a bit in her seat of the 7B Interceptor. Soon she got out of hyperspace as a brown and asteroid field planet awaits her. 


Deiva watched this as the planet that was upon her was Geonosis. Soon she taps into the force to sense if Atlas was here. She soon found out that he is there. Soon she began her descent to the planet taking a low profile.

Deiva flew down and soon landed in a rock formation in between two rocks to hide her 7B Interceptor. She got out and puts on her cloak that covers her head. Deiva began to explore and walk around.

Soon she noticed a Scimitar(Sith Infiltrator), "Atlas..." She muttered before walking towards sneaking her way to it. Once near, the ramp was open at the back. Inside was none other than Atlas standing inside behind his back not seeing Deiva.

Deiva sneaks before pinning him to the wall of the Scimitar making him flinch and grunt. Deiva ignited her sabre and points it to his neck. "Tell me one reason to not kill you" She stated with a cold face. 

Atlas smirks under the hood before going into a blank face "I stole one of your holocron to gain the trust of Count Dooku. I'm just a dark acolyte of Ventress" He replied to her. "So I can kill both Dooku and Grievous making me the leader of the CIS and the Sith. I will immediately pull out of the war" He added stating as he said

Deiva growled at him "How Can I Assure You Will Do That?" She stated ask him still not believing him. "Like I said, I will pull out of the war and only concentrate in fixing what Dooku did" He replied looking at her.

"I only wanted this to end" He stated to her and added. Both were silent for a few seconds before Deiva pulled out. "I can't believe I'm trusting a Sith" She muttered before retracting her sabre. Atlas sighed in relief before using the force grabbing Deiva's sabre.

Before Deiva can snatch it, Atlas puts it in his pocket. "Uh uh uh" He stated before smirking. For Grievous' collection" He added winking. Deiva rolled her eyes and puts on her cloak "Let's just do this." She replied coldly before walking out. 

Atlas follwed suite before going beside her. "The place will be crawling of droids. Use Vents and sneak through" He stated to her. Deiva listened before nodding slightly. Soon Atlas and Deiva walked towards the place. 

As the two got near, Atlas stops her. "This is where we will part ways. Make sure you follow me through the vents" He stated to her. Deiva again listened and just nodded. Soon Atlas walks towards the place. Deiva began to go in one of the air vents.

As Atlas made his way towards Dooku, Deiva was crouch walking towards using pipe lines. She went silent and still follows her. Atlas glances up every now and then seeing Deiva at the pipes. He smirks continuing to walk.

A Few Minutes Later...

At The Command Post, Dooku and General Grievous were talking plans on invading the Planet Coruscant. Atlas walks in taking the attention of Dooku from the General towards Atlas. "Master" Atlas stated before pulling out the holocron.

"And General" He added pulling out Deiva's sabre on the other hand. "A fine lightsabre to my collection" Grievous replied before walking towards him. Dooku watched him before suspecting something. 

"How is the trip?" Dooku ask him silently reaching for his sabre. Deiva was now at the top of the Command Post Vents seeing a perfect view of Dooku. "Oh no..." She thought to herself. Atlas looks at Dooku "Very Well Master. I managed to kill a Jedi taking the sabre for General Grievous' Collection" He replied coldly as usual.

Grievous soon grabs Deiva's sabre and holstered it in his cloak. Atlas looks over to Grievous "Fit for a General" He commented about him. "Indeed" Grievous replied chuckling dryly. He went back to his post before Atlas looks at Dooku. He walks towards him before giving him the holocron.

Dooku receives it in one hand inspecting it if this is true. "You proven yourself useful Atlas Node.." Dooku commented before placing it in his pocket. "To bad Ventress chose wrong of you" He stated smirking sadistically. Atlas shot up looking at him. 

"Too bad" Dooku repeated drawing his sabre igniting it in the process. Atlas faked fear looking at him "Ma-master..?" He faked reply before Dooku raised his sabre high. "Don't Master Me Traitor" He stated as he was about to strike him.

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