Chapter 1: The Inquisitor

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Location: Bracca
Year: 14 BBY
Local Time: 1523 hours


Cal is busy working on a piece of scrap next to where he and Prauf are living. He's been on Bracca for the past five years since the Empire rose and destroyed the Jedi Order, but since then, he hasn't been able to tap into the Force for the past five years, and he's forgotten his friendship with.......her.

How could he forget her? Kali Skywalker. The last time he saw her was when they were introduced through their Masters, Aayla Secura, and Jaro Tapal. That was years ago though, they were still younglings back then, Padawans. Of course, everyone knows that attachment is forbidden amongst the Jedi, and that's what his master taught him. But now that he's met the Mirilian, Kaeden, he didn't expect to run into Kali. He thought she had died when the Temple fell all those years ago. He had always wondered what had happened to her. He's actually glad she's still alive, not that he expected it. He sighs softly, thinking about how different things would be if they weren't Jedi, if they weren't Padawans in training to become Jedi Knights. He can only imagine feeling her skin, running his fingers through her silver hair as he kisses her lips, loving the feeling, his hands running through her hair, then down her body, towards..........

By the Force, no! Cal's ears immediately go red at the thought of that. Goodness, he shouldn't have thought of Kali that way. His heart races faster, and he places a hand over his mouth to steady his breathing as he does. Then again, like Kali, he too doesn't have that strong connection to the Force. But they both have a certain skill that is quite rare for Jedi to have: Force Echo. Not everyone has it like Cal and Kali. That's why they're like each other in a lot of ways. How Cal wishes he got to spend more time with Kali and her Master back when he was still a Padawan beside Jaro Tapal, his Master.

"Prauf, let's get that starship you were talking about earlier," he says to his friend. The Abednedo nods his head as he follows him.

"Just remember what I said, Cal," he says to him. The ginger-haired human male nods his head before he climbs up on top of the scrap pile into a certain part of a small place.

This small place is small enough for Cal, and it's got a pretty neat base, a small bed in a corner, some food rations to last him a bit, and some other types of drinks as well. There's even a Blue Kamino stashed away, but Cal has never once touched the Blue Kamino, nor will he ever. If Master Tapal was still alive, he'd probably skin his Padawan alive if he caught him drinking. It may be small, but it's got the necessities for the hiding former Jedi Padawan. Hopefully as long as the Imperial Inquisitors don't find him, he'll be fine, hopefully. Now he's wondering about Kali, and how she's doing. He sighs as he leans back, taking off his poncho and setting it down for him to lay on. He would've meditated, but he's afraid of letting his guard down and having Darth Vader's Inquisitors find him.

No way in hell he's having that. Yet, his mind wanders back to........her. Force, why did it have to be Kali he was thinking of? He lies down on his poncho, and rests his head down, ensuring he has his lightsaber just in case. He then closes his eyes and finally lets sleep take him.

Location: Bracca
Time: 1730, the same day (14 BBY)


Kali blinks her hazel eyes as she tugs slightly on her Padawan braid, trying to figure out where exactly she saw Cal, Prauf's mysterious human friend who seemed to have a connection to her. She has no idea, nor does she really have a clue for that matter. She could've sworn she'd seen him before, but she doesn't know exactly where. Then again, after her former Master's disappearance, she's been on her own until Kaeden found her. She hasn't gotten rid of her Padawan braid either, eager to see if her Master is still alive, and if she is, she'll start looking for her. Hopefully. Kali then turns to Kaeden as she walks up.

"Well, Prauf's running things extremely well," she says. "But you might want to get that looked at." She gestures to a very nasty scar on Kali's forearm, that she likes to keep hidden for a lot of reasons. Kali shakes her head.

"No," she says. "You know why, Kaeden, it's fine." She tugs the end of her sleeve over the scar to hide it from the view of the Mirilian, who shrugs her shoulders.

"Alright," Kaeden says. "Just don't come to me yelling about it." Kali rolls her eyes at her friend.

"Yeah, yeah." She tells the Mirilian. Kaeden narrows her blue eyes before she walks away. Kali turns her wrist to look at the scrapper tattoo just as she sees something about to fall up ahead. She then leaps, her hands reaching out with the Force as Kaeden's eyes widen. Kali shudders as she then uses the Force to slow down the beam from falling on Kaeden, then turns to her.

"You alright, Kaeden?" She asks. The Mirilian nods frantically then turns to her.

"You just-......" she starts, but Kali cuts her off.

"Don't," she says. "If anyone finds out about this, I'm dead. Forget what you saw." Kaeden blinks her blue eyes rapidly.

"Oh come on," the Mirilian says. "You're a Jedi, you might as well be the last of your kind." Kali hums.

"That's because I probably am," she tells Kaeden. "It doesn't matter. Let's go." Kaeden nods then the two women leave.

Time: 2013, hours later
Location: Bracca

Cal cracks open his eyes as it's now in the middle of the night, and he stretches his arms, throwing on his poncho, then washing his face quickly in the refresher before sighing softly. He also washes his hands as well, to get rid of any soot or grease stains he picked up during the scrapping. He then turns to see his friend Prauf standing there.

"Hey, Cal," he says. "Let's get moving, I want to get this done as soon as possible. Scrapping doesn't pick itself up, you know." Cal chuckles.

"Be right there, Prauf," the scrapper says. "Just finishing up some stuff." He then slides on his glove on his right hand before he starts walking out of the refresher and into the room. Prauf is sitting next to a table with a plate in front of him.

"Here," the Abednedo says. "You'll need all the food you can get, keep your body strong and healthy." Cal chuckles at his friend before thanking him and then taking his plate. But his mind is somewhere else today, entirely. He still can't help but think of Kali again. His face reddens, and he crosses his legs under the table, hoping Prauf doesn't see his now reddened cheeks. He then stands up quickly.

"I'm gonna head out," he says. "I'll see you in a few, Prauf." Prauf's brown eyes widen as he watches the human teen awkwardly walk out of the room, but doesn't say anything. Cal is quick to get out of there, but instead of heading out like he had said he would, he disappears back in the refresher, trying to calm his racing heart and reddened cheekbones. He places his hands on the sink, head bowed, eyes closed, trying to catch his breath. But he can't stop thinking about her, it is very hard to. Gosh, if only his thoughts didn't run rampant right now, which they are right at this very moment, and he's not pleased about it either. He bites his lip hard as he starts breathing heavily, trying not to let his mind wander, but damn, is it hard not to. He places a hand over his mouth while his other works at his belt quickly, making extra sure to turn the lock on the refresher from vacant to occupied before sucking in a breath, then letting his hand slide into his now open pants, past his boxers, and wrapping around his penis, letting out a small sharp gasp as he feels how hard he is. Jeez, he's hard as steel, and he knows it. It's not his fault he let his mind wander this much thinking about Kali. He takes his glove off his dominant hand, and puts it in his mouth, biting down on it as his face flushes more thinking about Kali. He starts to slowly stroke his penis at a slow pace for now, getting gradually faster, then slowing down to prolong his orgasm and let his mind wander. He breathes just a bit heavier, his eyes shutting, his teeth gritting so hard he feels like they'll snap. He bites down harder on his glove, his teeth gnashing against it as he shivers, then he lets a muffled whimper escape him. Cal strokes his penis faster, breathing a bit more heavier behind the glove, letting out little muffled whimpers from behind it as he continues. By the Force, he hates that he's whimpering, but this is what seeing Kali has reduced him to, and honestly, he doesn't mind it one bit. He's always liked Kali, since they were younger, since he was thirteen and she was fourteen. Now, he is eighteen and she's nineteen, a year older than him. Cal clenches his eyes shut as he works his hand faster on his penis, his entire body shivering. He knows he can't keep prolonging. He knows that if he does, it will hurt him like hell. Biting down harder on his glove, he whimpers again-fucking whimpers as his eyes widen, and he releases in his hand, his body trembling and shaking from the aftershocks. He takes his glove out of his mouth, throwing his head back against the door, panting heavily. He puts the glove back on, then tucks himself back into his pants, and does his belt back before letting out a shaky breath. Gosh, he really has to stop thinking about Kali. He's surprised he didn't whimper her name earlier. Force, that'd be so embarrassing. He washes his hand in the sink before adjusting his glove, then walking out of the refresher. He sucks in a breath. It's gonna be a long night and he knows it. He also makes sure his breath is even and steady, and his cheeks aren't as red before he walks out, fiddling with the glove. At least he doesn't have to clean it, since he didn't use it to clean up the mess he made in the refresher; he had used a towel that was in there, so he has to make sure to get that clean so Prauf doesn't become suspicious otherwise. He slips out of the refresher quickly then puts the towel in the washer before walking back to his room. No sooner does he, he senses something cold....something dark. His eyes seem to widen.

The Inquisitors are here! Oh shit! Cal then races out to see Kali and her Mirilian friend Kaeden as both girls look slightly terrified of the fact that the Inquisitors are here. One of the Inquisitors, a human in red and black armor with a helmet covering her face walks up, looking around at the scrappers.

"We seek two dangerous fugitives," she says. "They're not common anarchists, but they're devotees of the treasonous Jedi Order. Turn them in, and your lives will be spared." The second Inquisitor, a large Dowutin with one leg that is pure metal and rust, circles the scrappers, Kaeden watching with narrowed eyes. She hasn't moved an inch since the Inquisitors decided to take over the train that Cal and Prauf were about to leave on. Kali's eyes are narrowed as she meets the gazes of the Inquisitors, unamused by their presence. Kaeden gasps softly, luckily, the Second Sister doesn't hear her as she looks at the scrappers. She continues walking, her stride deadly.

"Look, okay, I see what's going on," Prauf says as he walks forward, Cal watching his friend. Kaeden walks up as well, Kali trying to grab her arm but to no avail. "I've been working here for a long time, hell, since before the Empire came along. But now, they're wasting away all our taxes! To the Empire, we're just expendable!" The Second Sister walks up to Prauf. Cal and Kali watch this. To their horror, they watch as the Second Sister ignites one end of her lightsaber, hitting Prauf in the chest and killing him.

"Yes," the Second Sister says behind her helmet, "you are." As her blood-red lightsaber ends Prauf's life, Kaeden gasps out in horror, but Kali and Cal both pull out their lightsabers, igniting them, one blue, the other white, as they clash with the Second Sister.

"What is this?" She asks, turning to Kali and Cal as both young Padawans grit their teeth. "Lightsabers?" She shoves them both back with the Force, and Kali cries out as the Dowutin grabs her and Cal.

"Found the Jedi!" She says with a laugh, as Cal grits his teeth and with all his might, strikes with his lightsaber, nearly cutting off the Ninth Sister's arm as she lets both him and Kali go. They slide down multiple machinery until they land on a moving train, their combined body weight breaking the roof with a slam that sends them both down on their backs against the ground of the train. Kali groans in pain as she sits up, so does Cal. Two stormtroopers go to see what's going on and sees them. Cal doesn't say anything as he lifts himself up to his feet.

"You okay?" He asks Kali. "Need a hand?" Kali groans as she nods, and he holds out his hand for her to take. He feels a spark go through him as soon as their hands touch, but he ignores it, looking at the stormtroopers before he ignites his lightsaber, and Kali does the same, striking down the stormtroopers. They eventually get to a part of the train where a TIE fighter starts raining down bullets from above, and both of them have to take shelter. They then break into runs yet again as they get to the furthest part of the train, as a ship comes flying in, catching the two teens off guard. A dark skinned woman with brown eyes and shorn black hair hangs out on the ship's open ramp.

"Keep going!" She yells to Cal and Kali. "We'll pick you up!" Cal blinks his eyes from the blinding light.

"Who are you?" He yells over the blaster fire. The woman shakes her head.

"There's no time! Hurry!" Kali nods her head before she races ahead, cutting down stormtroopers alongside Cal as they both run across the train, despite it falling apart due to the Empire's forces.

"Cal!" Kali yells, as she climbs up a sturdy side of the train, Cal following right behind her. No sooner do they get to the train, they leap for the ship, Cal clinging on tightly to the ship's ramp, Kali clinging onto Cal by the waist. However, the TIE fighter shoots at them again, resulting in the two Jedi letting go and landing on their backs as they do. Kali then attempts to climb again only for her to scream in pain as a stray blaster bolt hits her in the shoulder. Snarling, Cal ignites his lightsaber and cuts down the stormtrooper before they take off running again. Then they see her: the Inquisitor known as the Second Sister. Cal lifts up his lightsaber to protect Kali, despite her injuries.

"I recognize that stance," the Second Sister says, igniting her blood-red saber in front of the two teens. "Perhaps you had some training after all. Who was your Master, Padawan? Someone I killed, perhaps?" She tilts her head to the side as she stalks the two, Kali lifts herself up to her feet with a groan and ignites her own lightsaber, the Second Sister looking shocked as ever to see that the saber blade isn't blue or green, like normal Jedi would have, or even a Padawan for that matter; it's white.

"A white saber?" The Second Sister questions, smirking behind her helmet even though the teens can't see it. "What fun!" She then strikes with her lightsaber, quick and sharp against Cal's, as Cal brings up his lightsaber to block the upcoming attack from the Second Sister. He parries the attack, then strikes again with his lightsaber, letting it clash with the Second Sister's, only for her to quickly dodge the attack and go for Kali, who brings up her own saber to parry the upcoming attack against her, gritting her teeth. Kali knows she can't use her magick cause she hasn't used it in so long; it's been lying dormant for years since leaving Dathomir, then again, she knows more than anyone about Dathomir, since it's her home. Cal grits his teeth as he uses the Force to push the Second Sister back, then grabs Kali's hand. Kali turns to it as a blaster bolt flies through the air and is close to hitting the Second Sister, but it stops the clash as Cal breaks away, then he and Kali jump for the ship's open ramp, clambering on.

"Now, Greez! Hit it!" The woman yells as the Second Sister jumps on the window towards the front of the ship, then the pilot now known as Greez quickly flips switches and pulls levers as the ship takes off and the Second Sister is thrown off. Cal and Kali still have their lightsabers lit until Greez lifts his hands.

"Put that away," he says to them. "You're safe." Cal is quick to let his lightsaber deactivate, so does Kali.

"Who are you?" Cal asks, confused. The woman walks up.

"I'm Cere Junda," she says. "And this is the pilot, Greez Dritus." Greez says,

"Hey, how you doing?" Cal looks at them.

"I'm Cal. Cal Kestis. This is-..." Kali cuts him off.

"Kali. Kali Skywalker." Both Greez and Cere look at her with shocked eyes. Cal does too, but he doesn't say anything.

"What?" Kali asks. Cere shakes her head.

"Nothing," she says. "Captain, set a course for Bogano." Greez nods before turning to Cal and Kali.

"You can put those away." He says to them, gesturing to their lit blue and white lightsabers. Cal deactivates his first, then Kali does hers, seeming to sigh in relief. Both of them quickly put their lightsabers on their belts before following Cere out of the cockpit.

"You guys are possibly the last Jedi in the world," Cere says. "It's a possibility even." Cal nods.

"We figured that," he says. "Care to elaborate for us?" Cere shakes her head.

"Go rest, you two," she says. "We'll speak later." Kali nods her head before going to rest in the engine room. Cal follows her lead and does the same as well. Both of them go inside their respective places and fall asleep in their respective beds, dozing off.

And this is the end of this chapter. I will post this chapter Monday, since those will be the days I update this story. My schedule will be:

Monday: Jedi: Fallen Angel
Tuesday: Nightsister and Jedi Knight in a Different War
Wednesday: The Future of Hufwe Makto
Thursday: off
Friday: Cal Kestis, The Alien Rizzler
Saturday: TBA
Sunday: TBA

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