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Qui Gon jinn POV

I'm on a mission by the jedi counsel to investigate a unknown planet and as soon I step forward on the planet I felt a strong connection to the force and as I explored the planet I felt the connection to be stronger, as I kept exploring I heard something.

Qui Gon: A child?

I keep going until I found a brunt down house but I not only found that connection to the force get extremely stronger but the source of the crying. I then entered the house and as I explored the burnt down home I found the source of the crying coming from the debris. I than removed the burnt planks of wood and found the child.

Qui Gon: A boy.

I saw he had black and red hair and he had silver eyes along with him wrapped up in a white blanket. As I picked up the child I felt where that strong connection of force came from, it was this child.

Qui Gon: This boy, he has a powerful connection to the force, seeing how this boy doesn't have a family the jedi and the force shall be his family.

I took the boy back to my ship and along the way he kept crying.

Qui Gon: It's alright young, I'll take you to the jedi temple, your new home.

The child seem to calm down and started to giggle and I saw on his black it revealed his name.

Qui Gon: Y/N Rose I see

As we made it to the ship Y/N seem to see me as his father.


After I made it to the temple I showed Y/N to the council and saw how strong his connection to the force was.

Mace Windu: What should we do with the boy, most of the jedi are pan out through the galaxy.

Yoda: Indeed, and too little Young Y/N is and master he needs, one we can not provide.

Y/N was sleeping in my arms and he cuddle close to me and seeing how he had a strong fondness for me like as if I was his father I made my decision.

Qui Gon: Yoda, I had made my decision.

They than proceeded to stairs at me.

Qui Gon: I take Y/N Rose as my padwan learner.

The council than talked amongst themselves until they made their decision.

Yoda: The Council has decided Qui Gon Y/N master he shall be.

Qui Gon: Thank you Master Yoda

I took Y/N out of the council room which than he woke up and staired at me and reached out for me.

Qui Gon: Don't worry Y/N, I'll teach in the ways of the force, I promise.

This is the ending them of each chapter and I hoped you enjoyed and I want to clarify that yes you'll use both light and dark sides of the force and not only that with you being a grandmaster you'll teach those in the ways of the force and as the story keeps going I shall introduce your new padwan once and awhile but next time will be your first padwan. But also I want to show you something you'll get along with your normal blue saber

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