Chapter One: Nightmares

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Lol, I ended up not breaking up the chapter because I couldn't find a good place to. Enjoy!

    He's back on Ryloth. The sun had set, it's few dying rays smothered by the cold darkness. It wasn't how he remembered it; it wasn't a shining, tropically lit landscape; desolate, but brightly cheerful, the sun casting its warm rays over the sand. Even at nighttime, like when he had been to the towers of Tann Province, the moon still had illuminated the landscape, though not as cheerful as the day, it had never been this gloomy.

    An enormous, ugly yellow moon had risen, and no stars could be seen in the midnight sky. In the distance, campfires glowed eerily, casting cold hazy light across the dark sand. He's in his Jedi robes, (thank the Force the dream hadn't changed that), and his bare feet ached from the burning sand. The sun was long gone of course, but the scorching heat of the day had branded the sand and left it flaming.

    Wincing, Caleb gingerly made his way towards the camp fires inhaling the smell of....death. The air reeked, and dark shapes littered the ground. Stomach churning from the vile smell, Caleb proceeded on. Foot brushing something soft, Caleb reached down to feel for it; fingers brushing the silky object, lifting it gingerly to hold it up to where the firelight illuminated it. It was a head, or what was left of it, anyway. Sliced from the base of her neck, he had grasped one of the Twi'lek's lukku. She looked identical to her, lush green skin, glowing eyes.... Choking back a sudden sob, Caleb threw it as far as he could. Pausing to collect himself and sooth his rasping breaths, he continued on, careful not to step on the dark, twisted shapes that protruded from the sand. The smell of burning flesh and death and blood, it was everywhere; thick in the air like the ashy smoke from the fires ahead.

    Coughing forcefully, Caleb held his gut as a title wave of nausea rippled through him; and he quickly buried his face in his sleeve to muffle the strained noise. After his moment of discomfort had ceased, Caleb continued on, reaching out mentally for the comforting aura of Force that surrounded every living being in the galaxy. He was met with a cold wall, slamming his conscience hard enough to bring him to his knees on the fiery sand and double up in pain again.

    Overhead, thunder rumbled ominously, the forecast of an approaching storm if you happened to be oblivious on the shaking ground or the forked tongues of lightning licking the sky. When the seizurous ground had stopped it spamming, Caleb rose from his kneeling position, wincing at sudden burns twisting across his exposed skin that had pressed against the scorching sand.

    He was close enough to see the tents now, tall, dark silhouettes against the cheerless bonfire's flickering flames. The sky lit up again, the cold wind screaming in agony as the sky burned with yellow light, and the heavens broke loose. Frigid drops pelted the sand, marring its smooth surface. The wind had picked up, howling across the small dunes creating small tornadoes of dust and dirt. It subdued the smell thankfully, Caleb could deal with the storm; he'd prefer that over the bodies anyway.

    Wrapping his cloak around him for warmth, Caleb stumbled forward, the whirling sand have obscuring the terrain. Reaching out for the Force wasn't as painful as the first time, but he found nothing, a hollow space that no longer supplied the enhanced senses and confidence he needed.

   Half blinded as the wind picked up, Caleb blundered in the general direction of the camps; relying on instinct alone to guide him where his senses and the Force had failed. By now he was soaked, the cold drops seeping through his robes to numb his skin. The rain had turned to hail, now; and the temperature was dropping by the second.

    Finally, hazy light flickered through the gloom; the hissing and crackling of the fires reaching Caleb's tired ears. Soaked, relieved, and covered in sand, he clinched his jaw, forcing his chattering teeth to silence as he quickened his steps.

    A tall, lone figure stood in front of the towering fire, broad shoulders tense underneath his soaked attire. Slowing his breathing and keeping his eyes on the figure, Caleb inched behind a tent, circling to enter at an angle where the tent obscured the person's sight of him. Quietly, Caleb lifted the tent's Batha-leather flap that barricaded the doorway, suddenly thankful for the ruckus the storm had caused to mask his entrance. Tiptoeing in, he found himself in an almost homely domicile, complete with a comfortable looking mattress, a dark wooden table etched with carvings, and some other lavish furniture and pleasuraties.

    Holding his breath, Caleb crept closer to the desk. He had lost most of his childish curiosity, but a figure so obviously suspect begged investigating. The desk was littered with artifacts, maps, and authoritatively signed papers. Whoever this person was, he was certainly high up on the rank chain. Reaching down, Caleb's fingers brushed against the smooth, polished wood. Feeling a knob, he pulled it open, and numerous nick-nacks rolled out to greet him. There was a nexu tooth necklace, a carved claw from a Clono Claw Fish, a sharp, oblong scale, a data-pad, and a.....a lightsaber, unlike any other he had ever seen. Caleb reached for it, only to have it fly past him.

    Turning around quickly, he came face-to-face with the figure that he had seen by the fire. With a red flash, the blade was activated, the once comfortable room taking on an aura of eerie grimness bathed in its scarlet glow. The figure threw back his hood, reaching a Pua'an boy about his age. Skin as white as chalk, and sharpened teeth bared in a menacing smile, he spoke with a sharp voice accustomed to giving commands. "Greetings, I am the Inquisitor." Without waiting for a reply, the Inquisitor swung his blade. In slow motion, Caleb watched it arc towards him, hand already going to his belt where his lightsaber would be. It wasn't there. The blade struck his face with a brilliant glow, blinding him, and he last color he saw was red; which faded to black as sudden heat flared through his chest, and Caleb knew what it felt like to die....

Thanks for reading everyone! Feel free to like or comment if you enjoyed! :D God bless! <3

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