Chapter 1. The real kindness comes within you

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I, Jeffrey the (finally) unicorn banana am going to have the best summer vacation with Skittales and Phillia! I've already packed everything and ready to go! I just hope the others didn't have to pack too much "resources" because I might have packed a tiny bit more than I'm supposed to.
I see optimism everywhere if I'm going with my best friends and new boyfriend, Chris. "So, what's happening to your luggage bag?" asked Chris "It looks like it's about to detonate!" I replied to Chris "I know, but there was a variety of 'resources' I wanted to bring to our vacation." Chris shook his head with doubt "Such as?" he asked "Like clothes, makeup, food, and food, food and--" I said, but Chris interrupted me saying "You can't bring an immense amount of food! It's not as if we were going on a stranded island!"
I sighed aware that he was precise so, I packed only one meal for me...I sobbed in agony (mentally) about putting back away a vast of food! Chris comforts me because he's my sweetheart... which gave me the perfect moment to cuddle into his "pillow" arms. Chris said softly as if he were my guardian angel "There, there it's going to be alright...I'm still here, right? The food is trying to manipulate and lure you, but I'll fight for you, ok?"
He knows the reason I'm crying is wack, but he doesn't care because he's with me. I stand up determined and tell him that my actions were wack and he says "Good, can we leave now? Your parents are waiting for us in the car."

I hope you like the story and to think that isn't too stupid or not is not your fault. Honestly, I agree with both side of opinions about having a comforting romantic moment additions. Anyways, I was trying to make it funny, yet romantic (I know you already know that), but I wanted you to know that because I'm trying so hard to write as great as I can. Sorry if it was too short and I will update a new story in the weekend. I promise. Thanks for reading my dorky books! :)
The credit of the drawing in the cover of this story is Meueim!
Love, jasadorables

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