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Every now and then, I think that it's amazing to learn your mistakes at the past and present. The cycle is incessant which I know will make me stronger.

I think what happened in the first few days of the vacation trip was one of the most imperative moments of my life. I had to choose my lover, but of course it was idiotic to even think of breaking up with Chris when I was having a great relationship with, but hey! Sade and I told each other almost everything we did and our thoughts after his move separating us apart in that restaurant. He seemed trustworthy especially when he tries to give me proof that he isn't lying to me and pretty naïve (in a good way) which makes me feel like we'll be the best friends in the world.

I eavesdropped on Chris and Sade's conversation about bringing him together with one of best friends which I know who it is (That reminds me...a related question in my mind...has Skittales has something going on with her boyfriend? Is that why she was upset?). I totally agree with the future couple I might see now! Just might take time...LOTS of time. She'll understand the true meaning of love. She'll finally be able to see the other side of the world besides having fun and being a free spirit, she have something more dear to her than just a friend, someone she can rely on because I know Sade tied around my back because even so people have love at first sight moments, don't they? Sade though is too honest which a girl can take advantage of and I know she won't, I hope not.

Anyway, our next vacation prize is to go to the Disney cruise ship. Doesn't it sound like fun? The last few days in our first vacation trip was a blast! We started to have a party (with parent's permission and supervision sadly...I knew we should've stayed with my parents longer to do more things independently!), but we played board games that made us laugh, joke, tease, blush,...almost anything you could think of! We watched some popular animes, movies, and online games on the computer. Some of us overdosed (not on drugs, silly!) on the junk food and sugar *cough* Skittales and the sweets overdoser, Philia. They both seem so high, drugged, drunk, and crazy that I saw their opposites, but at the same time, the fimilar girls I knew and loved.

"So, Jefferey...what do you see in our future?" Chris said out of blue.

I saw him look at the ceiling with red all masked in his face. "I'd ask the same to you because you seem to really be thinking about it now. It seems REALLY detailed in that head of yours."

After these few days with Chris, now our relationship got stronger and serious, yet now we were just kiddy couples really when we want to.

"I think it has to involve with food." I joked with a chuckle.

"Very funny, Captain Obvious."

"Ok, fine. I think it's going to be fine. Just wait and see what awesome things could happen in the Disney cruise ship! Like when I eavesdropped on your conversation with Sade, you're going to finally ship them together?"

"Yep, there's no doubt that they were destined to be."

"Yes! Let the romance begin, but with a ton of comedy from now on because I know they're going to fall in love each other as ludicrously as possible!"


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