The Expensive Get-Together?!

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"What do you think you're doing with my daughter?" asked my Dad with a stern look at his face ready to attack Chris using his bare hands, but luckily my mom convinced my dad to leave us alone.

We decided not show any affection until we go to the Disney curse ship which would be in a few days, but at this point, me and Chris felt awkward. Then I realized that I'm going to be late for the dinner date-er, eating dinner with Sade and I left once everyone wasn't looking at me.

I found Sade at the nearest restauraunt around the hotel and he looked really formal which made me relieved because I was wearing a tropical dress and it was a fancy Hawaiian restaurant, but pricey! How could he afford even a meal in this place?! All the food prices in this menu were an average cost of $2,856!

"Um, I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? Is there something in my face?" asked Sade as he looked at a mirror he took out of his pocket out of nowhere and checks himself. I giggled which made him smile "I'm surprised you took me to this restaurant. Isn't this a little too much? I'm fine with fast food restaurants really!"

"It's fine. This is my treat for you!Besides, I love that dress! It makes you look beautiful! Did you know I teach martial arts to kids and adults? If you want to, I could give you a private lesson or you would want to add some friends of yours in the lesson? It's fine to give these lessons for free."
"I'll be fine to take these classes with my friends, but for free?! Thank you!"
Sade and I were talking about most things about ourselves, our friends, and relatives that it seemed we were close friends like old times, inseparable. Finally, our food was done which meant I had to go to the hotel. "Thanks for giving me the best day of my life." he said and I blushed so hard it hurt to do this, but it forced its way out somehow.
"Your welcome, anytime." I replied out of my mouth.
Sade suddenly interwined with his hand with mine, but I knew what was happening right at this moment.....
What does she think she's doing?! What do you think she's doing in the next chapter?!
Sorry for being late to publish this! I had chores, homework, and sleepy times.
Cliffhangers always are getting to me...
-jasables <(°0°)>

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