The Trip I Don't Need

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    I knew should've stick to my instincts and ask what's wrong! I let them get away with telling me such pessimistic news! I feel sometimes that I bring misfortunes because despite of what happen in this school year, (Read first book) it seems that I would end up in anger because our class driving us insane! I would get in trouble for yelling at the class for being so obnoxious. I don't see why I get in trouble when the class is the one driving me and the teacher barmy! When yell at them, it makes things even worse. 

Why did I even try? I always have to do things in the last minute when realizing it was suppose to be today I have to do something. I even put a reminder in my bookbag, but then it's concealed somewhere and don't recall what I have to do tomorrow. There's so much more than that though, believe me! 

Anyways, I'm riding the Sapphire Dragons to go to "paradise". How could it be paradise when everyone I've been acquainted with isn't here?! It's like eating your food, but you think something's missing to the dish. You'll never know what will be missing until you add that ingredient. I know my missing ingredient is friends, but I'm not ingesting them. 

"Yo, Jefferey is there something wrong?" my mom said. 

By the way have I mentioned she's so cool?! 

I replied "Well, my friends aren't coming, but the show must go on, right? I didn't bring any snacks--" 

I hear a loud snarl from my stomach. I think this is going to be a LONG, STRENUOUS, and ATROCIOUS trip!!! I'm going to need a large meal to actually survive this kind of trip...

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