Chapter 10- Rescue

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"In Hye-ah you have to eat." Ilhoon sat next to In Hye who was just laying on the bed, "You're getting weaker and sicker if you don't."

In Hye just hugged the pillow and stared blankly into space, "I don't want to feel that pain again. It hurt so much."

"I know I know. It hurt seeing you like that. But the healthier you get, the less it'll hurt." Ilhoon tried to feed In Hye but she just closed her eyes and hugged the pillow even tighter, "Why can't let you me go Oppa."

"As much as I want to...I can't just go against my older brother's word. If I did he would be mad and sad. Hyung is starting to fall in love with you too." Ilhoon placed the blanket on top of In Hye.

"But my heart will belong to Hongbin Oppa...I made a promise with him I will never break." She leaned up against Ilhoon and began to fall asleep.

"I will try my best to help you...But for now just hold on." Ilhoon moved In Hye's hair out of her face and then walked out of the room quietly only to find Eunkwang standing outside the door.

"I heard Everything." Eunkwang crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Hyung it's only been two days and she's hurting so much. What are you going to do? What's she going to do about school?" Ilhoon walked next to him and leaned against the wall.

"Oh she'll go. But Sungjae will keep his eyes on her. And if she interacts one bit with Hyuk or even Hongbin the pain will grow worse for her." Eunkwang smirked and began to walk away to Sungjae who had just gotten home.

"Hyung! I know you're in love with her and I don't think forcing her mark to be removed is a good way for you to win her heart!" Ilhoon followed him, "This isn't right anymore!"

As the two of them walked away a shadow in the window moved away quickly as well.


"Hongbin-ah..." N walked into Hongbin's room. He was just laying on his bed covering his eyes.

"Hm?" Hongbin didn't move from his spot on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" N sat next to him and sighed.

"Why are we just sitting here? In Hye-ah is gone! She's missing because we didn't protect her!" Hongbin sat up and ran his fingers through his hair, "I can't rest until I have her back in my arms."

He rested his face in his hands while N pat his back. "I know Hongbin-ah. We will get her back before Eunkwang erases her mark."

Hongbin opened his phone and looked at a picture of the two of them, "We better. She is the only who made me feel like a human. If we don't move soon I will go there myself."

"We don't even know where she is yet." N sighed and looked at his feet, "We can't be to impulsive."

Hongbin threw the pillow at the wall, "I hate myself for not being able to protect her!"

"Hongbin-ah calm down! It's not your fault for any of this!" N put his hand on Hongbin's shoulder, "She won't give up and we will get her back here. But when we get her back...she can't go home for a while."

"Ah Hyuk-ie is home!" Ravi ran through the hallway, "How was the class meeting?!?!"

N pat Hongbin, "Let's go greet Hyuk. You need to get out of your room too."

N helped Hongbin up and the two of them walked outside to the back porch where all the brother's were sitting and looking at the scenery.

Hongbin sat next to Leo and closed his eyes without saying another word.

"How did your meeting go Hyuk-ie?" N asked as he reached for some bread that was on the table.

"It was the same kind of stuff. But I learned something even more helpful than the simple college exams studying stuff." Hyuk took out his ipad.

"What's on that?" Ken asked.

"Thanks to technology and being able to fly...I found out where In Hye is." Hyuk scrolled through his videos.

"What?!" Hongbin's eyes widened and he ran over to sit next to Hyuk.

Hyuk started to play a video, "I took off from the roof right away and stayed high so Sungjae-ssi wouldn't see me. And I recorded him and followed him to his home."

Hongbin stared at the video and placed his hand on the screen, "My In Hye is in that house."

Hyuk's video had him at a house on the cliff over the beach not to far from In Hye's home.

"I'm going to get her!" Hongbin stood up but Ravi pulled him back down, "That's to impulsive and risky! We have to go at the right time and strategize it!"

"But the longer we wait the more In Hye has to go through that pain!" Hongbin cried.

"We'll get her tomorrow for sure but tonight we have to prepare. We'll have Hyuk-ah see if she's at school first." Ravi sat next to Hongbin and patted his shoulder, "You can't stress yourself out alright?"

"I don't think Eunkwang is that careless cause she can easily leave school. But Hyuk will keep an eye out." N leaned back in the couch to close his eyes.

"Hyung. I think I have a plan...but it'll take some explaining!" Ken jumped out of his seat, "It'll take all night!"

"Let's hear it. I don't care how difficult or stupid it would be...but it's worth a shot." Hongbin said and set down In Hye's beanie.

It was going to be a long night.


"In Hye-ah. I brought you breakfast." Ilhoon walked into the bedroom carrying a tray of samgyupsal and rice with kimchi.

In Hye sat up in the bed and looked at Ilhoon, "Oppa it's Monday and I have school... am I allowed to go?"

After setting up the tray for her to eat he took a seat next to her, "Aniyo. Hyung won't allow it since you go to the same school as Hyuk-ssi and Sungjae-ah can't always be by you. I'm sorry. But I'll be home all day today."

"Oh." In Hye picked at the samgyupsal and placed a piece of kimchi in her mouth. She looked at her wrist where Hongbin's mark was...and the mark was starting to become lighter.

"Don't worry. As much as I want to see my Hyung's happy I won't let that mark disappear. You and Hongbin-ssi will see each other again." Ilhoon smiled and stood up, "I'm going to clean the kitchen. While I'm gone make sure you eat okay?"

In Hye nodded and ate the kimchi quietly as Ilhoon left the room. He leaned against the door and took out his phone.

"I'm doing this to see you happy..." Ilhoon began to type.

'Hongbin-ah. I got your number from In-Hye's phone. Let's meet. I have something to show and tell you.'

Immediately a response was sent back to Ilhoon from Hongbin

'How did you get my number? How do I know this isn't a hoax?!'

Immediately Ilhoon replied, 'Just meet me at the cafe by In Hye's school. She isn't there right now but this has to do with In Hye. I'll be there waiting.'

He closed his phone and sighed before he peaked his head into In Hye's room, "In Hye-ah? I actually have to go out for a bit. I won't be gone for long okay?"

In Hye set down her fork and nodded, "Will I be alone?"

Ilhoon looked down, "Eunkwang hyung is home still and the other hyungs too. Only sungjae is gone...If anyone hurts you...I'll know and I'll be back right away okay?"

She looked out he window and sighed, "I'll just stay put in I always do."

"I'll bring you something okay? A treat." Ilhoon smiled and then closed her door before leaving the house.

He made his way over to the cafe that wasn't to far actually and noticed that Hongbin wasn't there, "Go figures. Either he's to suspicious and isn't gonna show up or it's a long drive since they're out in the forest."

Ilhoon walked in and straight to the counter to order, "Can I get two Americanos?" and out of the corner he saw a container with a little fruit cake in it, "And that too? Can you keep it in that box?''

After getting his order he saw Hongbin sitting at a table with his arms crossed and he had an upset look on his face. He didn't look to well and it looked like he hasn't gotten enough rest lately too.

Ilhoon pushed one of the drinks towards Hongbin and then sat down, " I wasn't sure if you were actually going to show up."

"You brought up my In-Hye so I had to come weather it was a hoax or not. So what is it that you wanted to tell me and show me huh?" Hongbin sipped the Americano.

"I can't stand to see how much pain In Hye-ah is in. She doesn't eat as much anymore. She hardly talks. The only one she really talks to is me. She's getting sicker and her mark is beginning to fade away..." Ilhoon looked down and fidgeted with his cup.

"I thought you would be one to not let her go through this pain!" Hongbin raised his voice but luckily the two of them were the only ones in the cafe since all the students were at school and everyone was working.

"Trust me! I am trying so hard to not let her go through this! But she's doing this herself! And I can't fight against my hyungs! So I'm about to do something risky that might cause me to go through lots of torture," Ilhoon took a deep breath and immediately became serious,  " I am going to help you and your brother's get In Hye back. I just want to see her happy again."

Hongbin's eyes widened, "H-how are you going to do that?"

"It requires some fighting and the plan is plain and guys are just going to walk into our home and I want you to go straught to In Hye while your brother's hold off my Hyungs. Most likely Eunkwang Hyung will follow you but when he sees you and In Hye reunite he'll come to realization..hopefully." Ilhoon explained and looked at the cake, "I'm getting a treat for In Hye because this may be the last thing I can give her for a while. I suggest that I call your Hyungs and tell them the plan...because the sooner the better. You go Pull Hyuk out of school but leave Sungjae-ah."

Hongbin nodded and immediately and gave Ilhoon his phone, "I'm trusting you Ilhoon-ah. I trust that you can get me and In Hye back together. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"You don't have to. Now go. We'll start this now."

Hongbin darted out of the cafe to the school and then Ilhoon began making the calls.

In no time 4 tall good looking guys walked into the cafe with serious looks on their faces.

"You're really going to help huh Ilhoon-ssi?" N took a seat and looked at Ilhoon, "I can tell from your voice and actions that you're serious about this."

"I love my Hyungs but In Hye was the first person to ever make me feel like I was part of a real family. She made me feel human." Ilhoon turned the cup around and around to kill time.

"That's the exact same thing that Hongbin-ah said. She makes everyone feel human in a different way. She makes you feel like you're part of a family. She makes me feel like I can actually smile with ease." Ken said as he leaned against the wall.

"I never knew what having a older sister was like until In Hye was brought into our family. I miss my noona..." Hyuk walked into the cafe carrying his schoolbag.

Hongbin followed behind him, "And she gives me the feeling of love and passion. I have never felt this way towards any women until I have met her."

Ilhoon stood up, "We'll let her go home to where she truly deserves to go. Now let's go!"

The boys began to run out of the cafe. But there was one thing that Ilhoon forgot... it was his last gift to In Hye.


"Oppa will you ever come to rescue me?" In Hye laid down in bed just staring at her mark before closing her eyes for a bit, "My heart is hurting. I really need to see you... my heart hurts. I need you Hongbin Oppa... please I don't want this mark to disappear." 

"In Hye-ssi I'm coming in." It was Eunkwang's voice.

In Hye didn't open an eye for him nor did she move. She just continued to lay in bed with her eyes closed as Eunkwang sat next to her on the bed.

"How is my beautiful doing??" He asked as he set a little present on the night stand.

In Hye didn't answer. She took a deep breath and continued to remain in the position she's in.

"Yah. I know you're awake. Why won't you answer me? If you don't answer, those bruises that are finally starting to fade away will come back." Eunkwang's voice got stern, "I'll speed up the mark removal if I have to."

"Please just let me sleep..." In Hye said quietly.

"All you do is sleep though. Let's do something." He shook her arms but instead she flinched and tensed up.

"Please...just leave me alone." She opened her eyes slowly and turned to Eunkwwang with tears, "Please just let me be! I want to be alone!"

Eunkwang's eyes widened and he backed away slowly as he picked up her breakfast dishes, "A-arraso..." He quietly got up and left the room before In Hye began crying even more. She grabbed the pillow and hugged it tightly and just continued to cry.

Eunkwang leaned against the door holding her tray and just listened to her sobs for at least fifteen minutes before it go quiet. He peaked in her room and noticed that she cried herself to sleep, "I'm so sorry..."

He walked into the kitchen to put some of the dishes in the sink as his brother's did different tasks. Minhyuk was working out in front of the tv while Changsub was taking a nap on the couch. Hyunsik was fiddling with his guitar while Peniel searched through the tv.

"Where's Ilhoon-ah?" Eunkwang asked.

"I'm right here. I brought some people with me." Ilhoon was standing in the front door while Hongbin and the rest of the brother's stood behind them.

Everyone in the house jumped up and Eunkwang growled, "Why are they here?"

"We're here to bring back what's ours." N smirked.

"We'll be quick yes?" Leo said quietly and all of the brothers on both sides began to erupt into a fight. 

"GO HONGBIN-AH !! FIND IN HYE!!" Ilhoon shouted as he held back Eunkwang in the kitchen.

"Ilhoon-ah what is wrong with you?!" All the brothers kept shouting as they fought. Hongbin ran off into the house running into every room.

"In Hye-ah! Jagiya! I'm here where are you?! Say something!" He slammed open every door he came across hoping she would be inside. 

"Ilhoon let go of me!" Eunkwang was almost out of Ilhoon's grasp. He didn't give up. He kept thrashing against Ilhoon, "He's going to take In Hye from me!"

Hongbin neared the last room that the door was closed. He looked back and noticed that nobody was going after him. 

But just as he was about to open the door he was tackled by Eunkwang.

"You're not going to get her!" He tried to punch Hongbin's face but Hongbin was able to push him off of him.

Ilhoon soon appeared behind Eunkwang and grabbed him, "Hongbin-ah she's in that room...go. She's been waiting for you."

"Ilhoon-ah why are you helping him?" Eunkwang struggled against Ilhoon's grasp as Hongbin opened the door.

"I'm sorry Hyung...those two need each other." Ilhoon said quietly.

Hongbin opened the door to find In Hye sleeping on the bed. He ran up to her side and grabbed her hand before he started to cry. "In can wake up now." He stroked her hand gently and then her mark started to glow and regain its color.

In Hye scrunched her eyes and then slowly opened her eyes, "Huh?" But then when she saw Hongbin in front of her, her eyes widened, "A-am I dreaming?" She reached out to place her hand on his cheek, "I'm not dreaming am I?"

Hongbin laughed and smiled as both of their eyes filled with tears, "No Jagi. I'm here for you now. We're going to get you out of here so you can go home."

In Hye wrapped her arms around Hongbin and started crying, "Oppa!! I was so scared! I was scared we weren't going to see each other anymore!!"

"It's alright now." Hongbin held onto her tightly, "I wasn't going to let that happen. I was going to get you back one way or another."

In Hye didn't take her eyes off of Hongbin as Hongbin looked at her arms.

"Did he give you all these bruises? Did Eunkwang do this to you?" He ran his hand over In Hye's bruises as she flinched. He noticed how much thinner she was too. Hongbin pulled In Hye into another tight hug, "We'll bring you home now so that you can fully recover. I'll be by your side the entire time."

In Hye nodded as Hongbin picked her up and held onto her tightly, "Ilhoon-ah is the one who brought us here."

Eunkwang fell against Ilhoon as he saw the couple walking towards them.

"In Hye-ah make sure you take care of yourself and that you take care of your sisters too okay? This won't be the last time we'll see each other alright?" Ilhoon smiled as he held onto Eunkwang who was just staring at the ground.

"Gomawo Oppa. See you again." In Hye leaned against Hongbin's chest and then closed her eyes.

"We'll be forever grateful to you Ilhoon-ah." Hongbin smiled down at in Hye, "I finally have her back in my arms."

Ilhoon nodded and then Hongbin and In Hye began to walk out. When they met up with the rest of the brother's they all smiled.

"Noona!" Hyuk cheered and pushed Hyunsik off of him.

"In Hye-ah!" N walked over with the rest of the brother's, "Let's go now."

Hongbin nodded, "Hopefully this will be the last time we all fight like this. Next time...let's get along with one another.'

The brother's walked out of the house with In Hye.

"Let's go home now my love." Hongbin smiled and then they all took off flying back home.


Not very satisfied with this ending of this chapter but yeah. I feel like this story is going to come to an end soon but I want to make another Vixx story. So give me your opinion on these plots.

The rich boy lives a very pampered life. He goes to a private school (kind of like the school in the heirs) with a bunch of other kids who come from wealthy families. He isn't aware of the world outside his but when he accidentally meets the main girl of the story he wants to know more about her because he thinks she's interesting and BOOM there goes fireworks.

I feel like it shuld be Hyuk or N for that plot but if you have an opinion please tell me.

And here's the other plot.

The main girl is popular musician at the college and she has been chatting with one of the vixx members through social media. She didn't know it was a Vixx member and the vixx member doesn't know who she is but they want to meet each other. But since she is still in college it is difficult and then she's being offered opportunites that cause the two to be separated but they still find ways to meet.

I feel like this should be Ken or Ravi.

So give me your opinion on things!

Or if you want me to write a story for another group here's the one's I'll write for!




Super Junior



Teen Top





So leave your opinions in the comments below! Love you!

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