Chapter 2- You Look Like The Angel...

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"I'm here back in front if the woods where these recent murders have been happening. Today we have received word that there was a couple found slaughtered brutally. We have now confirmed that someone or some people have been behind all of this. If any of you have any information please call the police right away."

A bowl of cereal was set down next to In Hye who's chin was resting on the counter.

"Yah. Krystal says you haven't eaten anything all day. So I took the liberty in making you some cereal." In Hye and Krystal's best friend friend Park Chanyeol was over.

Chanyeol happened to be their neighbor so he would come over basically whenever he liked.

In Hye played with the spoon inside the milk, "Gomawo Channie Oppa."

"What are you watching?" He fixated his attention to the tv, "Those murders are still happening?"

In Hye nodded and began to eat her cereal, "This seems really interesting. I wanna know who's causing this."

"Yah...come with me to the store later. You need to go out," He chuckled and hit the back of her head, "What have you drawn lately?"

She perked up her head a bit when she was asked about the drawings. "I- I just continued to draw the ocean that's all."

Maybe it was best to keep the secret of the Angel away from others. Besides, she could have been hallucinating we would never know.

"Show me your drawings one day. We've known each other for twelve years yet you've never shown me any of it." He stretched his legs out onto the couch and laid down.

"Channie Oppa!" Krystal came running in and jumped right onto him making him flinch in pain.

In Hye turned around and raised an eyebrow at her sister, "Where are you going?"

"To go see Taeyeon Unnie and Jessica Unnie. Bye!" She waved and than scurried right out of the door leaving Chanyeol and In Hye in there alone.

"Should we go to the store now? Maybe we can find something to eat for lunch." Chanyeol said as he stood up.

In Hye nodded and turned off the television, "Let me get my jacket."

After a bit of shuffling around and everything the two were finally out the door.

A big cold gust of wind greeted them as they began to walk down the streets. In Hye grabbed onto Chanyeol's arm shivering.

"I can't wait for spring! We can play in the water again!!" She said through her chattering teeth.

Chanyeol chuckled and held her close, "Yah! We can play in the water right now if you want!"

Suddenly a man walked around them. He was dressed in black pants, a white button up long sleeve and a trench coat. He had dimples and the same face as the creature before.

That's when the thought occurred to In Hye.

"H-he looks..." She stuttered a bit but not enough for Chanyeol to hear.

The boy turned into the store they were going to rather quickly. He looked like he had an upset look on his face. Not like the creature from yesterday who smiled with his big white wings.

"Ah warmth!" Chanyeol said as the two of you entered the grocery store.

You giggled a bit as you went to get a basket for him, "Want me to find something for lunch while you get what you need?"

Chanyeol nodded and gave a thumbs up, "See you back at the checkouts!"

In Hye wandered off into the bread aisle hoping she would maybe find something for lunch.

"There's nothing good here..." she muttered as she didn't take her eyes off of the bread aisle.

Suddenly she bumped into something. Or more like someone.

"Oh! Mianhae! I wasn't watching where I was going!" In Hye said while rubbing her head.

But when she looked up to see who she hit, her eyes widened. It was the man they saw earlier.

He was even more handsome up close.

The man didn't say a word to her but instead just stared at her with a cold look. In Hye found this really awkward so she bowed and apologized again.

"W-we've met before haven't we?" She asked out of instinct because he looked a lot like the creature from yesterday.

The man than turned his head back to the bread, "No."

That's when In Hye noticed it, he had dimples just exactly like the creature too. Their facial shapes were exactly the same.

"Ahh. Mianhae again. You just look like someone I've seen before." In Hye bowed again. She decided it was probably best to not get onto his bad side.

"I don't acquaint myself with anyone else but my brothers." He said coldly as he closely looked at all the breads.

In Hye backed up a bit frightened, "W-why is that?"

Then the man glared at her, "Listen. I barely know you why would I share this information with someone like you!" But then his gazed softened when he saw how frightened she was.

He felt this strong feeling in his heart. It was a feeling of warmth. Something hybrids only feel when they meet the one.

Yes this was the creature that In Hye did see yesterday.

"Mianhae... I'm done talking." He turned his head back to the assortment of breads still looking at them.

In Hye nodded, "Alright, Annyeong." She bowed and than began to walk away.

As In Hye began to walk out of the aisle, the man lifted his head to look at her one more time.

"We'll be seeing each other again..." he muttered as his phone began to ring.

So what if they're not human? They can still own a cellphone.

However his only had five contacts. The rest of his brother's contacts.

"..." The man answered his phone.

"Yah! Hongbin! Where are you?! You're not supposed to be out this long!" It was the eldest Hybrid brother N not to mention the loudest too. There's times where he's nice and funny, but when it comes to the protection of his brother's secrets, he's strict about it.

Ah, so his name has been revealed as Hongbin.

"Mianhae. I'm paying for the groceries now..." He muttered and placed the last kind of bread they wanted into the basket.

"Mianhae my butt. I knew you were talking to someone. I expect an explanation understood!"

"Ne. Hyung." Hongbin shut down his phone and placed it in his pocket. Once he reached the checkout line he ended up being two people behind In Hye.

Seeing In Hye and Chanyeol together laughing was something Hongbin didn't like. But Hongbin doesn't even know her.

For goodness sakes they don't even know each other's names!

"Channie Oppa! I bought some pork belly! Let's cook it in the backyard!" In Hye said as she peeped over Chanyeol's shoulder watching him pay.

Chanyeol nodded and chuckled, "Okay! But it's kind of cold! Are you sure?"

"You always keep me warm plus we'll be by that fire too!" She said as he grabbed some of the bags.

Hongbin rolled his eyes as the two of then left.

Once he returned home in the woods, N was waiting for him. Yes the woods the recent murders have been happening.

"Where have you been?!" N shouted as he dragged one of his youngest brothers into the house, "You could've been caught!"

Hongbin set down the bag onto the counter, "At the store. Like you told me to."

"That was way to long at the store! You were talking to someone weren't you! You know how strict I am about the protection of our secrets!" N hit him in the back of the head, "Who were you talking to?"

Hongbin remained silent, "A-a girl..."

"A girl?! The only girl you can talk to is the one that you know is the one! The one you placed your seal on!" N shouted causing the other brothers to peep their heads around the corner.

"...." Hongbin continued to unload all the groceries.

That's when N's eyes widened, "Don't tell me you experienced the signs??"

Hongbin nodded, "Ne Hyung I did."

N sighed and leaned onto the counter, "None of us have even gotten to yet..."

"Yah! That's not fair Honbin-ah got to first!" Ken said as he ran around from the corner earning a hit in the head from N.

"Were you listening?!"

Back at In Hye's house, she was cleaning up as Chanyeol was getting ready to leave.

"You'll be fine here alone?" He asked.

In Hye nodded, "I'll see you at school tomorrow okay Channie Oppa?"

Chanyeol nodded and smiled, "Alright. Sleep Well my princess!" He teased and than left.

In Hye went straight to her room and opened her journal.

December 4, 2014
Can a creature take form of a human? Because to me it seems like they can.
Today at the supermarket with Channie Oppa, I saw a man who looked exactly like the creature I saw yesterday. I have this guy feeling that it was him but when I asked he said we never seen each other before.
This man was colder. But he had the same exact drop dead gorgeous looks. Their hair was exactly the same too.
Is it possible that our sighting yesterday was not meant to happen?

In Hye closed her journal and sighed, "Argh!!! Why is he always on my mind!!!"

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