Chapter 7-Truth

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"Was that your boyfriend In Hye-ah?" Ilhoon asked as he plopped down onto her bed.

"Mhm." She said as she did her homework.

"I see you've still been drawing, they've gotten better too! And more interesting, like this one!" Ilhoon pointed to the one that was actually of Hongbin on the beach, "It's interesting..." He glanced at his cousin who was studying.

In Hye closed her book and sighed, "Ah I'm done for the day."

"Let's do something In Hye-ah! Do you want to meet my friends?" Ilhoon sat on the desk and poked her head.

"I want to. But I'm really tired Oppa." In Hye looked at her phone and it was a picture of her and Hongbin.

Suddenly she got a text and it was from Hongbin.

'Jagiya...Are you alright?'

In Hye stared at her phone for the longest time, "Oppa? What would you do if someone you love hides something from you?"

Ilhoon sighed and felt a bit guilty, "I-I don't know... Because I'm hiding something from a loved one currently."

In Hye sat up and then fell down next to Ilhoon on the bed, "Really?"

"Mhm. So I can't really answer your question. Mianhae. I'm planning on telling the truth to that person soon." He sighed and closed his eyes.

Suddenly In Hye's phone lit up again. It was Hongbin.

'Yah. I know you read the message. Tell me that you're not with Ilhoon.'

In Hye stood up, "Oppa. Can you go outside with Krystal? I have a call I have to make."

Ilhoon smiled, "If anything is wrong make sure to let me know okay?"

"Arraso." In Hye nodded and then unlocked her phone.

She scrolled down until he found Hongbin's name to call.

"In Hye-ah!" Hongbin's voice was on the other line.

"What are you hiding from me?! Why don't you want me to be with Ilhoon Oppa?!" In Hye walked to her window and looked at the water.

"Jagiya. Please calm down. Tell me. Are you with Ilhoon-ssi right now?" His voice was soft on the other line.

"Yes. I am. Now why don't you want me near Ilhoon Oppa. Or Sungjae-ssi?! Or Sungjae's brother?" In Hye took a deep breath, "What are you hiding?"

Hongbin felt a pang of guilt in his chest, "I-It's...I need to see you in person to tell you this. With my brothers. So we can all tell you."

"Arraso. When? I really want to know Hongbin Oppa. I don't like it when people hide things from me. Especially when it's people that I love." In Hye leaned against the window frame.

On the other side of In Hye's door...Ilhoon was listening in on the conversation and relaying on the information to his brothers. "I'm sorry In Hye-ah.." He said quietly and leaned against the door.

"The Hyungs can go now. Hyuk too. We can meet you at the beach right across from your house. We'll leave now." Hongbin said.

"Arraso. I'll see you." In Hye closed the phone.

She walked over to her closet and put on her sweatshirt and Hongbin's scarf before running out of her room.

"I'm going out! I'll be back for dinner!" She shouted.

Ilhoon then ran down the stairs as he put his hoodie on, "Im gonna meet my friends. I'll be back for dinner too!"

He ran out of their house and stayed a good distance away from In Hye who was running across the street.

She looked around and then ran down the stairs that lead to the beach. Ilhoon ran across and then his behind a rock that was at the top of the beach.

"There's nobody here. Good." In Hye said to herself and then sat down on a rock waiting for the boys.

Soon enough six men with big black wings landed in front of her.

"In Hye-ssi." N smiled warmly.

"In Hye-ah." Hongbin ran up to In Hye and brought her into a hug, "Ilhoon didn't hurt you did he? You're alright."

"Ne. Why would Ilhoon Oppa hurt me?" In Hye pushed Hongbin away slightly.

All the boys wings disappeared and the boys were just in suits.

"Ilhoon isn't exactly who you think he is." Leo said quietly as he sat on a rock that was next to her.

Hyuk sat in the sand, "And neither is that Sungjae."

Hongbin sat next to her and held her hand, "Ilhoon and Sungjae and Sungjae's brother...they're like us."

In Hye's eyes widened a bit, "Ilhoon Oppa is not human? S-so does that mean Ilhoon is not my cousin?"

Ken nodded, "He's been lying to you and your family..."

"I-I can't believe this. I've known Oppa since I was a kid." In Hye began to tremble a bit.

Hongbin put an arm around her and then pulled her close as she hugged him, "He manipulated your memories..."

"Ahh. I see you finally told her the truth about us."

In Hye and the brother's stood up and turned around to see Ilhoon and six other men with him.

"O-Oppa... Sungjae-ssi...." In Hye held onto Hongbin tighter.

"Annyeong In Hye-ah. You're even prettier in person." A man with orange hair walked to In Hye an placed a finger under her chin to look at her eyes.

"Eunkwang Hyung don't get to close to her please." Ilhoon spoke up.

Hongbin pushed the man away, "For once I agree with that boy."

In Hye hid behind Hongbin and Hyuk stood behind her too, "I-I'm scared."

"In Hye-ah. We have no intentions of hurting you at all." Ilhoon spoke to her softly.

Eunkwang just laughed, "Ah. So that's what your Hyungs have put in your mind?"

In Hye held onto Hongbin's arm even tighter and Hyuk placed a hand on her shoulder.

Ilhoon growled, "You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

"You're the one who was hiding something from her! You already hurt her!" Eunkwang said.

N walked up, "What is it that you want Eunkwang?"

"I told you earlier. We want her. The clan that she marries into becomes even more powerful. It's always possible to erase a contract and create a new one. And it's always possible to erase a hybrids mark on her. She'll just be in a lot of pain."

"You idiot. Like I would ever hand over In Hye to you!" Hongbin ran up and clawed at Eunkwang's face.

In Hye got scared and backed up behind Hyuk. Another boy came out who had eye smiles and punched Hongbim back. Eunkwang went straight to punch N and Ravi went for Peniel.

"Hyuk-ah. I'm scared..." In Hye held onto Hyuk's arm trembling.

"Don't worry Noona. I'm here to protect you." Hyuk said but was suddenly punched by Sungjae.

"Sungjae-ssi!" In Hye screamed and then ran over to Hyuk.

"In Hye-ssi!" Ken ran over to her and pulled her away from the two who were now in a fight.

Ilhoon just stood there with a hurt look on his face when he saw how terrified she was.

"Ilhoon-ah! Don't just stand there! Do something!" One of the older ones shouted.

"I-I can't Minhyuk Hyung. I-I just can't hurt her." Ilhoon fell down to his knees.

Minhyuk charged towards In Hye and Ken, "How hard is it to do this?!" He punched Ken and then got a hold of In Hye.

In Hye screamed and suddenly everybody stopped fighting.

Eunkwang smiled, "Ahh. Our Minhyuk did good. As expected from one of the strongest brothers."

"O-Oppa's help me please!" In Hye was trembling.

"Minhyuk let her go!" Hongbin shouted.

"Words won't convince me to do that." He just laughed and tightened the grip on her neck making it hard to breathe.

"H-help me please!" In Hye was crying and trembling.

"If you step anywhere near me I will hurt her!" Minhyuk started to step back away from the crowd.

Suddenly someone hit Minhyuk in the back causing him to let go of In Hye.

"Go In Hye-ah!" It was Ilhoon who was holding Minhyuk back.

In Hye ran straight to Hongbin and into his arms, "Oppa!" She cried.

Hongbin hugged her tightly and caressed the back of her head, "Shh. It's alright."

"Eunkwang. I think you should take your brother's and go." N walked up, "Before things get worse."

Ilhoon's eyes were filled with sadness as he stood with his brothers.

"Fine. But this is not the last time we will meet. We'll see you again In Hye-ssi." Eunkwang smiled and walked away with his brothers. Ilhoon looked at her sadly and then caught up with his brothers.

"It's alright. They're gone my love." Hongbin sat down on the ground with In Hye.

In Hye cried into Hongbin's chest, "I-I'm scared..."

"Hey. I'm here to protect you. I won't let anything happen to you. That's what the contract is. Plus you're my mark which means you're my love. If anything happens to you I'll be devastated. So I won't let that happen" Hongbin kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry for hiding this from you."

In Hye looked up at Hongbin and ran her hand gently over a bruise that started to form on his cheek, "I-It's alright. I figured that was gonna happen sometime soon. But all of you are hurt now."

"This is nothing Noona." Hyuk came over to all of you and sat on the floor next to them.

All the brother's sat down together while she was in Hongbin's lap.

"Yeah. We've had worse wounds it's alright." Leo said softly.

"Come to my home and get cleaned up. I will feed you all too." In Hye leaned her head on Hongbin's chest.

Ravi smiled, "It's alright In Hye-ah. Hongbinie can go with you though."

In Hye looked up at Hongbin as the rest of the brothers stood up. Their wings came back out and then they smiled at In Hye.

"We won't hide anything from you anymore. We promise. Come to our house whenever you want and we'll always be here when you need us okay?" N smiled, "And I like the fact that you called us Oppa. Makes me feel so proud."

In Hye looked up at them and gave them a small smile, "Thank you for everything. I'll see you again sometime soon."

The five brothers took off and it was just In Hye and Hongbin left together on the beach.

It was still difficult for In Hye to breath and it started to get cold.

"O-Oppa... I don't feel good." In Hye leaned against Hongbin's chest breathing heavily.

Hongbin placed his hand on her forehead, "You're getting a fever." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her before picking her up.

In Hye closed her eyes, "Whenever big things happen...I always get sick ."

Hongbin sighed and kissed her forehead as they got to the top of the stairs, "It's still winter and it's cold out. It's not good for you."

They crossed the street and walked to In Hye's front door.

Hongbin knocked and waited, "I'll bring you up to your room okay?"

In Hye just nodded and kept her eyes shut.

"Omo! In Hye-ah boyfriend! What happened to our sister? Is she okay?" Krystal and Jessica stood at the door.

"She just had a scare that's all and she's starting to get a fever. Is it alright if I bring her up to her room?" Hongbin asked.

The two sisters moved out of the way and let Hongbin upstairs, "It's the second room on the right."

"Alright." Hongbin smiled and started to walk up the stairs.

"Wow. In Hye and him fell in love? I'm so proud." Jessica whispered to Krystal.

"I know right! He's so handsome!"

Hongbin opened the door to In Hye's bedroom and set her gently down on the bed. He ran his hand over her forehead and then placed the blanket on top of her. "You need to rest my love." He kissed her forehead gently.

In Hye opened her eyes slightly, "Oppa...can you stay with me please."

Hongbin smiled and sat next to her on the bed and held her hand, "Of course."

She held onto his hand and started to cry, "Please don't leave me. Please don't be a fake and leave me like Ilhoon."

Hongbin laid down next to In Hye and pulled her close into his chest as she cried, "Hey. I wouldn't leave you. I am not a fake because I love you."

"She called me a fake..." Ilhoon was on the other side of the door listening to the conversation, "I'm so sorry..."

In Hye laid in Hongbin's arms quietly as her eyes started to get heavier.

"Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I'll stay with you all night. Just let me call N Hyung okay?" Hongbin kissed In Hye softly and then walked over to the window.

When he turned around he already noticed that In Hye was asleep.

He took out the phone to text N that he'll be staying the entire night with In Hye. Once he finished he looked around In Hye's room and noticed all her pictures and drawings.

The one that caught his eye was the one of him standing on the beach with his wings. He noticed the date down on the corner.

"This is when we first met." Hongbin smiled and then noticed In Hye's journal on her desk.

He decided to write a little note.

December 19, 2014

My beautiful In Hye. My love. My everything. I want you to know that from here on out I will not hide anything from you anymore. I will be completely honest with you and tell you everything you want to know.
If it's about what's happening in the world I'll tell you. If it's about my kind I'll tell you.
I'll protect you and love you forever. Nothing will change that fact. I'm not a fake. I'm real. I'm real and I'm in love with you.
I don't like to see you hurt like this. I like to see your smile on your face and I like to see you laugh.
I love you In Hye-ah.


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