♣Chapter 12♣

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The month before I had been thinking; Should I talk to my father? How? When? Or not?

That day is the day I decided to talk to him. I was pacing up and down in front of his office. I must have looked really stressed.

Then a girl walked out of his office. "Urgh, I hate him." She muttered. Then she looked at me. "What happened to you?" She asked me. "Nothing much, I just need to talk to professor Snape, but I'm to afraid to go in. I guess the sorting hat made a mistake by putting me in Gryffindor." I replied. "Oh yeah, you're Jenna Weasley, the girl from all of the houses." She said. "You know what, I'm coming in with you." "You would do that for me?" I asked her surprised. "I heard you say you hated him."

"Yeah, I'd do that, that was just anger. I'm Ashley Smith, by the way." She replied. "Okay, let's do this thing then." I smiled. We walked in, Ashley in front of me. My father looked up and spoke. "Miss. Smith.... What do you want now?" He asked in his monotone voice. "Sorry to interrupt you professor, but on my way out I walked into a student who wanted to talk to you, she, however, didn't quite dare to." Ashley said politely. "And who is this referred to student, may I ask?" Snape drawled.

(A/N Is drawling a word? Otherwise, just typical Snape voice should do here.)

"I am Professor." I replied stepping besides Ashley. "I see. Well then, take a seat." He said. "What is it that you wanted to talk about Miss Weasley?" He asked. "About that. My name.. You see, I did a lot of research the last few months and came to a conclusion. I think I know who my parents are." I said confidently. For a split second I thought I saw a hint of shock on his face, but he immediately hid it. "And why is it that you came to me with this instead of, for example, Dumbledore?" He asked. "That is because I think you can tell me more about them." I replied.

"I see, go on then, tell me what you found." He replied. "I found out that my mother is Lily Potter née Evans, my half-brother, Harry Potter, my step-dad, James Potter, and my dad is Severus Snape." I replied. The moment I said his name his eyes were filled with shock and next to me I heard a gasp. "Well then." He said. "Miss Smith, would you be so polite to go to your common room?"


"So... Dad? Why did you give me up?" I asked. He didn't answer, his eyes where going from my wrist, to my neck and back. "You wear them.." He muttered. "What? Oh yeah, those things, I always kept them close hoping it would somehow bring me back to my parents... In some way it did... I would 'child magic' everyone who came close to taking them away from me..." I laughed awkwardly..

"Right. I, hmm, what should we do? I am not really familiar with parenthood and all things..." He answered slightly awkward. "Hmm, how about I tell you about my past? It seems to me you should know." I said.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Okay, so, after you brought me to the orphanage I lived my life there. I wandered around Diagon Alley a lot, at around the age of 5 Amy, the Mother of the orphanage, gave me the letter and all that came with it.

"She explained I was going to Hogwarts and all that stuff. At age 6 I met the Weasleys, they cared for me loads of times, at 11 they adopted me.

"That is the most important stuff." I told my dad. "Oh." Was all he said.

We sat a few minutes in silence.. "So... what do you know about me, your mother, your life before 3 years old...?" He asked me.

"Only the last night, 31st October... I remember everything that happened that night from the moment Voldemort came.." I replied. "And a whole lot of both your lives in big lines."

"You know, I never expected you to find out so early... I... I thought I would have some time to mentally prepare. I could have known, you are growing up just as brilliant as your mother was.... Do you... Want to tell the school... About me? I suppose you don't want to live with me, yet?" He then spoke.

"Actually I do want to tell people and I'm not afraid of anyone finding out, just, let's not make any big announcement or anything. For now, I think I will live at the Burrow, I don't think either of us are ready for me living with you. I do have a question though, was your grandmother a Metamorphmagus?" I said. "She was, I suppose you inherited that?" He replied.

"Yes, along with a Legilimens gift." I answered.

"Well.. I better get going. Dinner will start soon..." I rose and walked away.



"3....2....1!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

It was a few months later and everyone that stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays, the teachers, me, the Weasleys, Mo, a Slitherin 4th year, 3 Ravenclaws from 5th and 6th year and a second year Hufflepuff, was at the Astronomy Tower.

Dumbledore threw a small party.

I talked to my dad a few times, it was going the right direction. I found out my godparents are Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonnagall. Can you imagine?!? One professor as your dad and another as your godmother?



The last day of tests. I had been studying the months before. The last tests were History of Magic theory and Herbology practical.

"You may come in now." I heard the monotone voice of professor Binns. All the first years walk in to the classroom.

We all sat down at different tables. The papers flew to our desks and we began.

1) When was the goblin war?

2) What was fought over in this specific war?

3) Who fought in the war?

It only took me a few seconds to find the answers with all the questions. I was done in thirty minutes.


"How did it go for everyone?" Fred asked once we were sitting by the lake with all of our friends.... Well most of them, some were writing to home, relaxing on their own or other stuff...

A few minutes later Martin came sit next to me. "Hallo." He said. "Hoi, hoe ging het?" I answered. In the months before I had learned a lot, I do still have an English accent, the g's and the h's are quite difficult, but I'm going in the right direction.


And... well a few days later we got our results. I was top of all of my classes, I guess I do take after my mother... And maybe the photographic memory helped... A lot...


"Hereby I now crown Princess Jenna Lucy Snape as Pranking Queen of Hogwarts." Bill proclaimed. Can you believe that? Dumbledore gave permission to do our little 'ceremony' in front of the whole school at dinner the last evening.


So, that was it, this was the first story of my life, soon I will tell you more, but for now, see ya!


So... That's it, this book is finished.. I'll start writing the next one soon. Thank you for reading the book (again). I really appreciate it. A year ago, I'd never think about even writing my own story, now look where I am.


Word count: 1234🌹

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