♣Chapter 4♣

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I closed my eyes.

I felt a sort of tingle-ish sensation. I opened my eyes and what I saw is magical, just, magical.

It was a platform full of people saying goodbye. And of course, the bright red train that said Hogwarts Express on the front.

Suddenly some-one bumped into me. "Oh, no. Sorry, sorry. I wasn't looking." She said.

She was a brunette with green eyes like mine.

"It's okay, don't worry." I said. 

"I have to go now, bye!" 


She waved back.


"Make your last year great, Bill." 

"Try to pay attention to another class then Care for Magical Creatures, honey." 

"Be a little more social, keep studying."

"At least give them a good first impression." 

"Keep them on the line, dear." Molly said to all of us.

"We'll try!" We replied laughing.

"See you at Christmas!" She waved, trying her best not to cry. 

"Bye!" We shouted.

I gave Ginny one last hug and ruffled through Ron's hair and the we got onto the train.


"Come on goons, let's find a place to sit." I said to Fred and George.

I slid open a carriage, sitting there was a girl. "Hey, do you mind if we sit here?" I asked her. 

"No, it's fine, take a seat." She answered. "Hey, you're that girl from earlier." She suddenly said. 

"Oh, yeah, I am. I didn't recognise you, I'm sorry." I told her.

"Hey, can I sit here?" A short brown boy asked. 

"Yeah, sure." Me and TTT said.

"Whoa! That's awesome! Are you triplets? My name is Lee Jordan." He said while he sat down.

"I'm George Weasley."

"I'm Jenna Weasley."

"And I'm Fred Weasley."

"And we are not triplets." We said in unison.

"I'm Harmony, Harmony Williams." Harmony said.

"But, how are you all Weasleys in first year when you're not triplets?" Lee asked.

"I'm adopted." I explained.

"Since the 20th of July!" We said in sync again.

"How come you talk in sync, then?" Harmony asked. 

"We've known each other for a long time." Fred said.

"Wait, are you.... GEORGE?" Lee asked. 

"Nope! I'm George!" George said.

"I feel like we are going to be friends," Harmony said to all of us, "it's so much fun with you guys."

"Me too!" Fred, George, Lee and I said.

"So, what house do you want to be in?" Lee asked.

"Gryffindor!" Fred and George said.

"I really don't know, I think I am all houses." I said honest.

"I don't really know about the houses, I'm muggle-born." Harmony said, a bit ashamed.

"Doesn't matter. You have Gryffindor, for the brave, righteaous and sometimes reckless. Then Hufflepuff, the loyal, hard-working and accepting ones. Ravenclaw, wise, creative and eager to learn. Lastly, Slytherin, ambitious, cunning and sly.

"Each house has good and bad qualities, but Slytherin is the most prejudiced against, because the most evil wizards came from that house. But not every Slytherin is like that." I explained her.

"I hope I'm Gryffindor, too!" Lee said.


"Anything from the trolley, dears?" We heard from outside the compartment.

"No, thanks, we're stacked." Fred and George said, while looking longingly at the trolley.

I looked around. And walked to the trolley. "Five trackle tarts, 2 bertie botts and five liquorish wands, please." I said.

"There you go." She said while handing me the candy. I gave her the money, one galleon and five sickles, and sat back down.

Everyone looked at my candy. "Come on, dig in!" I said. They all got some candy.

"Looks like we're almost there!" Harmony said. 

"I can't wait." Lee replied.


We got out of the train and looked around.

"FIRS' YEARS! FIRS' YEARS 'ERE!" a huge man shouted. "I guess we're going there then." Three of us said in sync, can you guess who? *grins slyly*

We walked over to him. "Everyone 'ere?" The man/giant asked. A few people looked around and nod. "Okay, let's go!" We walked for a bit until we came to the side of a lake. There were boats in the water. The water looked like a black, velvet carpet, reflecting the stars and the moon.

"No more'n four in a boat!" The half-giant shouted. Fred, George and Lee went in one boat. Harmony, myself and two other girls went in a different boat.

"Hi, my name is Loïs McLaren!" One said, enthusiastic. "They call me Ariana Livingstone." The other girl said. "I'm Jenna and this is Harmony. Nice to meet you. Which house do you want to be in?" I asked.

"Ravenclaw, how about you?" Loïs asked. "We don't really know." Mo said. "Well, I'm destined to be a Slytherin so..." Ariana told us.


A few minutes later we rounded a corner. "Oh, my, Godric!" Loïs said and Harmony whispered "Wow..."

After that we got out of the boats. By the castle stood a stern looking woman. "The firs' years Proffesor McGonagall." The man said. "Thank you, Hagrid." Aunt Minnie said.

She was looking over the new students, when her eyes landed on me, she gave me a quick nod and started her speech.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. the Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points.At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. I shall return when we are ready for you, please wait quietly." Then she left.


A few minutes later me, Harmony, Ariana and Loïs found Fred, George, Lee and another boy.

After that Professor McGonagall, came to get us.

Then the hat started to sing. I was prepared, but I saw a lot of people getting shocked, some even got scared.

After it was done singing McGonagall stepped forward again. "When I call your name you will come forth and I will place the hat on your head."

"Chase, Amber." In Ravenclaw.

"Clark, Isabelle." Hufflepuff.

"Davies, Roger." Ravenclaw again.

"Diggory, Cedric." The fairly handsome boy went to Hufflepuff.

"Dolan, Ethan." Slytherin.

"Dolan, Grayson." Gryffindor. "Hm, guess you're not the only twins anymore." I whispered to Forge.

"Fae, Evelyn." Hufflepuff.

"Garrix, Martin." Gryffindor.

"Johnson, Angelina." Gryffindor.

"Jordan, Lee."

It took a minute and then the hat said "GRYFFINDOR!" Just like he'd hoped.

"Livingstone, Ariana."

She walked to the front, sat down and then, "SLYTHERIN!" Ari gave us a knowing look and walked to the Slytherin table.

"McLaren, Loïs."

Loïs walked to the front exited. It took a few seconds. "RAVENCLAW!" She smiled and sat down at her table.

"Neese, Alexa." Ravenclaw.

"Patterson, Margary." Ravenclaw, too.

"Pucey, Adrian." Slytherin.

"Smith, Ashley." Gryffindor.

"Spinnet, Alicia." Gryffindor.

"Star, Lysa." Hufflepuff.

"Stimpson, Patricia." Ravenclaw.

"Towler, Kennneth." Gryffindor.

"Warrington, Cassius." Slytherin.

Then I heard another familiar name.

"Weasley, Fred."

The hat didn't even touch his head and shouted.


"Weasley, George."

Again the hat almost didn't touch his head.


Then I got called.

"Weasley, Jenna."

I walked to the stool and sat down. McGonnagall placed the hat onto my head.

Hmmm, brave, smart, creative.... Ambitious, fights for what she believes... Loyal, hardworking... Every house is possible, I don't know.... Where to put you.

Where to put you... Well then...


Everyone was surprised. I looked at all of my friends, not really sure what to think.

I took off the hat and walked to Dumbledore. We discussed the matter for a minute and then I stepped forward, everyone was silent wondering what was happening. Then I spoke, "After some discussion with Professor Dumbledore we decided the following:

"At least for this first year this will be the planning,

"I sleep with Hufflepuff, and with official banquets I sit with Hufflepuff too, but other than that I can choose where I sit.

"And for the lessons
Monday with Hufflepuff
Tuesday with Slytherin
Wednesday with Ravenclaw
Thursday with Gryffindor
Friday with Hufflepuff.

"Everyone okay with that? Fine, I will go to the Gryffindor table now. Please, proceed."


Now, I know what you're thinking, how did you have the guts to stand in front of the school and say that? Truth is I didn't, my heart was beating in my chest and I was slowly dying on the inside, but I did it.


"Williams, Harmony."

The hat didn't need long to think, though I felt some doubt coming from it.


"Now everyone," Dumbledore said. "The Forbidden forest is, as it states in the name, Forbidden. Also our caretaker Mr. Filch, who is standing in the back, wanted me to remind you there is no casting spells allowed in the corridors or in between lessons.

"Now, let's eat!"


Why do you think she got this house? Also, don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and please comment if you have tips or just questions.


Word count: 1612🌹

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